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Comment Re:Quit complaining (Score 1) 130

A few years ago I was working for one of the local cell companies. Unlimited data has just started rolling out. We where about to deploy a system to sniff packets, included encrypted ones looking for bittorrent streams. When legal found out that we where going to try to break encrypted data we where told under no circumstance where we to attempt to do that.

Comment Re:Cameras? (Score 1) 58

What I find funny is a little sack of shit like you has the gaul to post then when you are posting shit like this in your blog.


You are all for democracy when it applies to your ideas and policies. When someone has different idea that different from your option then you want to lock them up and teach them the right ones, yours.

You call republicans a theocratic dictaorship then post in your blog about wanting one of your own. You know what that makes you Rick Schumann? A god damn fucking hypocrite. Democracy is only democracy when it applies to you and your narrow minded ideas.

From your little fanboy you are also a fucking racist. Reading some of your other posts I tend to agree with him. Do us all a favor, and keep your racist narrow minded views to yourself and shut the fuck up.

Comment This is not being paranoid... (Score 2, Interesting) 82

As somebody who has done AI for a very long time this is scary and not being paranoid. Let me explain, and I will use a programming example.

Imagine I am writing code, and there is some AI that follows me. I write a loop, and some conditions, and the AI learns about those loops and conditions. Then the AI in some other context creates a loop and a condition, but entirely different, is it copying me?

The simplistic argument is no it is not. I argue yes it is because of a major difference in how we and AI learn. Even though that new loop and condition can be written by myself I don't actually copy, even if it is similar or copy and pasted. I learned how to program using the basic steps of the programming language. Meaning I learned what loops are, I learned what conditions are. I learned how to apply each of them. The AI on the other hand only learned my end result. Meaning if I was to tell the AI that a loop is a condition and vice versa then the AI would follow that, even though I would not be fooled.

And therein lies the problem, the AI is not learning, it is a grand scheme copying machine hidden in supposedly learning abilities. And yes that is wrong and infringes on copyright.

In the context of the artist it is extremely scary because the end result is the only thing the AI learns. It does not understand how to apply strokes, it just sees a stroke and copies it. Meaning if somebody did X technique of doing a stroke, then the AI will copy it and use it for something else.

Comment Yeah not surprised... (Score 4, Interesting) 67

So who was surprised by this? Apple is in the Ballmer years where innovation and design don't matter. Cook is a number cruncher and has zero vision ability. Not saying it is a bad thing. It is a bad thing when you are CEO of the company. Cook needs to take a hands off attitude and begin to take a risk. Steve Jobs was quite ruthless in that if the design cannibalized the existing products and is a better design so be it. Cook is not able to do that and that is why Apple is not getting anywhere anymore.

Comment Re: Been Headed This Way (Score 1) 196

This is where I like to call BS. Right now there is less wear and tear. Just like when the Model T came out there was not much wear and tear as well. However, as time progresses there will be more wear and tear because of the way that we will be using the vehicle. And there will be more wear and tear on the vehicle because more efficient and cheaper parts will be used. That is only natural.

Today cars are nearly indestructible, if they build it to be... Otherwise it is there to make money.


Comment It is like eating chips... (Score 4, Insightful) 223

This is simple to understand... It is why people like chips, sundaes and things that are bad for us. We like it because it rubs us the right way. There is no deep meaning, or some bigger than life understanding. It is simple enjoyment in its simplest form. Critics don't like that because it would mean that they can't dissect the plot, or give some in depth meaning to things. Not surprising.

Comment Re:Google Voice not included (Score 1) 43

Hi Tokolosh, I think I've gotten to the bottom of it. It appears that I can transfer to number to a gmail account, but only if it doesn't already have a google voice number associated with it. So, the solution appears to be, use a temporary gmail.com account, then merge from there, or if that's not possible, once it's in a regular gmail account, port out to a 3rd party mobile and then bring it back in to the account you want. Obviously the history won't transfer that way. The only consideration is that in the legacy version, there's no way to bring a number back, once it's been ported out. A bit annoying, but less concerning than I initially thought.

Comment Re:Google Voice not included (Score 1) 43

I think it used to work, but when they stopped allowing transfers into legacy accounts, it stopped working. I think the only solution is probably to check with a couple of friends at Google and see if I can get around customer support. Appreciate you going back and forth with me on it.

Comment Re:Google Voice not included (Score 1) 43

Hi Tokolosh - I had tried that, but unfortunately it doesn't work (at least as far as I can tell). The response is: "Your request didn't work." Then it links to this: https://support.google.com/voi... So I think it's a bit of a catch-22. Google Workspace (including legacy gsuite) can't transfer numbers between accounts, or at least not to a gmail.com account. And legacy gsuite doesn't have the ability to manage accounts. My preference would be to move it to a gmail.com account, but at this point, I'm worried if Google changes their minds again, I won't even be able to port it to a mobile carrier. That, as far as I can tell is against number portability rules, but this is probably such an edge case that no one has flagged it.

Comment Re:Google Voice not included (Score 1) 43

Hi Tokolosh, I'm struggling with this as well, but I can't actually figure out how to move a number out from the legacy to a free gmail.com account. I even paid the $3 to unlock my number. I posted about it here: https://support.google.com/a/t... Am I missing something obvious?

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