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Comment Anger fueling clickbait article (Score 1) 20

This is a run of the mill sentence reduction for good behavior. It was fully expected. She'd have gotten the same treatment no matter what, it's completely normal.

This is the "Velma Season 2" of clickbait. Something to get your blood boiling so you're get angry and click and comment and engage with all these "fun" advertisements!

Learn to spot these things. Find some good articles and/or videos on media literacy if you haven't already. You're being made into a fool.

Comment Re: It's Apple (Score 1) 54

Sorry but that is a load of crap. You can look beyond kids these days to any generation, including old arse geriatrics. Bluetooth is the overwhelming winner. It has dominated every portable music device across all generations, be it young or old. The only place wired still has any kind of a market share is in high end audiophile stuff. By the way phones with headphone jacks still do exist, especially cheaper phones more likely to be owned by "kids these days". Also it may shock you that mp3 players still exist. They also have bluetooth now along side their headphone jacks though.

I love my wired headphones, you can take it from my cold dead hands. But you won't ever see me plugging it into my phone (which does have a headphone jack). As much as I like my wired headphones I like not getting them tangled and ripped from my ears while jogging, or moving through the metro far more. Hell a few years ago I actively got mocked by a 67 year old for wearing wired headphones. It was only a few weeks later that at the same gym I nearly ripped my ear off when they got caught in my arm while jogging.

The only place out of the home I still use the things is on a plane, and if in flight entertainment systems had Bluetooth I wouldn't use them there either.

Greetings from an old person.

Comment Re:This is a common trick mega corps use (Score 1) 84

The reason the English have no car industry is their unions spent more time striking than building the alleged cars Leyland was building in the 70s

You're comparing a country with labour laws with a country that doesn't. I'm not a union person. I think they are pointless waste of resources who promote protection of the slack deadweight and a drain on a company in general. I say that with the qualification that I live in a country with very strict labour laws that prevent my employer from fucking me over.

America is not that. America needs unions.

Comment Re:It's very telling that the iPad is first in lin (Score 1) 15

The M4 is not just the fastest and most capable, it's simply the most recent launch of a new generation. The baseline M models were always destined for iPads Pros.

Whatever point you think you were making is lost given the existence of the "Pro" "Max" and "Ultra" versions of the M series CPUs which are designed exclusively for use in laptops, and the fact that no iPads got an M3 chip.

What alternative do you suggest, Apple sit around with their thumbs up their asses delaying a product simply so they can launch a laptop first? The iPad is the oldest product they have and the one most in need of a hardware refresh having not had an update missing an entire generation of CPU releases.

Comment This is a common trick mega corps use (Score 3, Insightful) 84

Set impossible standards, fire anyone that doesn't meet them, pretend you care about safety and blame the workers when the shit hits the fan.

Wells Fargo did the same thing and got nailed to the wall for it. They set impossible sales targets and cut back on monitoring the employees and then when the employees cheated to keep their jobs (it was 2008, everyone was pretty desperate) they said "oh, we follow all the rules, it's those dastardly employees!".

We didn't buy it when Wells Fargo pulled it and we're not buying it now.

This is why you need Unions. Unions call management on this bullshit all the time. Boeing has a union, but it's too weak to stand up to management after decades of Ergonomics.

Comment Re:I've a better idea (Score 1) 111

Drop the adolescent juvenile comic book trash altogether and come up with some original sci-fi for a change

Why? Marvel clearly sells and were up until recently good at pleasing the audience. If you don't like it then simply go watch something else. It may shock you to know there's more than one piece of IP and more than one company making movies.

What other great ideas have you got, telling Cocacola company to stop selling Coke? Telling Microsoft to stop selling Office? Maybe you think Tesla should get out of the car industry and do something else as well?

Comment Re:Limiting product is a start, but... (Score 1) 111

... they still have to stop making dreck with secondary characters no one cares about.

Ironically for your comment one of their best performers turned out to be one of the lesser known series of characters: Guardians of the Galaxy. They were a huge hit. If you're only watching a movie for the fame of the character then you are the worst kind of cinema viewer.

Comment Re:I thought this was an Onion article when I read (Score 1) 111

3 super hero movies a year seems crazy and on top of 2 shows? I don't follow them (obviously) but what were they like before?
Also they must be a lot cheaper than I realized if they can pump them out like that.

No that's not how it works. Throughout the entire Phase 3 of the MCU they were doing 3 movies a year along side multiple TV shows. There was nothing cheap about them. They all have budgets >$250million. For the movies anyway, not sure about the TV shows. As long as they were making silly money they could afford to crank movies out. They literally saturated the CGI industry in their peak though.

But in any case you raise a point. Marvel has only once released more than 3 MCU movies in a given year, and that was 2021. Otherwise this announcement is: "We're going to crank out movies the same rate we have for the past 6 years. "

Comment Re:New processor line introduced on a tablet! (Score 2) 70

The headline here is the (for me) unexpected M4 launch, and it's in a tablet.

Why unexpected? The M series processors are simply direct successors to A series, and they were *ALL* launched in tablets. This isn't the Pro, Max or Ultra variants of the processor. It's literally the processor designed for flexible use cases.

Comment Re:Is China covered by the US constitution? (Score 1) 134

At any rate, it's laughable that they think the 1st amended protects them from being a national security risk.

Forget the national security risk. Their understanding of the 1st amendment is lacking in general. The fact that a user can voice an opinion on a platform does not protect the platform under 1st amendment rights.

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