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Comment Re:Microsoft enters the lucrative fat shaming mark (Score 1) 299

Maybe the psychopathic fuckers should not push lifestyles at all, they push you to achieve happiness through consumerism, something that doesn't work.

Happiness is ephemeral, The media portray it as some kind of constant state, that is achieved by having a stable job, wife, kids, car, dog and consuming all the crap they sell.

But hey, if you like that they push all the crap that makes you ill and then try to sell you snake oil to fix it then you must be pretty happy right now.

Comment Eh? (Score 2) 466

The wind industry is just making itself look bad by attempting to indemnify itself, but considering the completely nuts figures jurys come up with in America, not entirely surprising.

Bald eagle pop' est 200,000, conservation status is 'least concern'.
Golden eagle pop' est 170,000 to 250,000 conservation status is 'least concern'.

Farmers, game keepers, egg collectors and tourists disturbing feeding areas are the biggest causes of bird death or nest failure.

'the Obama administration's reluctance to prosecute' Perhaps because without intent, there is actually little to prosecute for?

Submission + - Amazon plans to use Drones for delivering Packages 2

rtoz writes: Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos unveiled a new service, named as “Prime Air.” According to this program “Prime Air”, the octocopter drones will pick up packages in small buckets at Amazon’s fulfillment centers and fly directly to customers’ nearby within 30 minutes after they click the “buy” button. The package is pulled off the lines by the octocopter, and then using GPS it is directed to the delivery address. When it arrives it releases the package on the doorstep. Because the octocopter has eight blades, Bezos said, if one broke the drone would still be able to safely drop off a package.

It may take few years for Prime Air drones to take to the skies, as the program is still subject to safety and regulatory rules by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration(FAA).

Amazon Prime Air FAQ says, “We hope the FAA’s rules will be in place as early as sometime in 2015. We will be ready at that time”

Few months back an Australian Startup “Flitery” had announced their plan about using Drones to deliver Books.

Comment Re:And how utterly pointless it is... (Score 1) 195

Perhaps they are blocking with DNS which I set up manually, if so then I hope they keep it that way. What worries me is that the cost of other blocking methods will fall to near zero and the likelihood that they will block VPN services increases. I can't see them blocking all VPN's though, as others mentioned they are a business necessity.

As for 'trading identity', my understanding is that when BT bought Plusnet, they left them running as a separate entity rather than amalgamate them. Plusnet

Comment Re:And then? And then? (Score 0) 101

The main by-product of enrichment is depleted uranium (DU), principally the U-238 isotope, with a U-235 content of ~0.3%. It is stored, either as UF6 or as U3O8

Half-life 4.468 billion years

Comment Re:Reprocessing (Score 4, Insightful) 101

disallowed in the United States for purely political reasons.

From that which you linked:

In March 1999, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) reversed its policy and signed a contract with a consortium of Duke Energy, COGEMA, and Stone & Webster (DCS) to design and operate a mixed oxide (MOX) fuel fabrication facility. Site preparation at the Savannah River Site (South Carolina) began in October 2005.[11] In 2011 the New York Times reported "...11 years after the government awarded a construction contract, the cost of the project has soared to nearly $5 billion. The vast concrete and steel structure is a half-finished hulk, and the government has yet to find a single customer, despite offers of lucrative subsidies." TVA (currently the most likely customer) said in April 2011 that it would delay a decision until it could see how MOX fuel performed in the nuclear accident at Fukushima Daiichi.[12]

Sounds like no-one's interested because it's prohibitively expensive even with big subsidies from the Gov't.

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