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Comment Re: Lack of regulation, that is how (Score 1) 58

>> The story you linked to does not support your claim that GM sold the data of customers who didn't opt in to Smart Driver.

Even assuming a giant corporation would ignore their legal responsibilities to their shareholders and not automatically capitalize on effectively free money, I for one wouldn't even want GM having that data.

Comment Re:And there's the little footnote (Score 1) 229

>> All your logic does, is push the "origin" of the universe back further.

I can play exactly the same game with your "god exists" hypothesis. If god exists there must have been a creator of god. Who or what was that? And if it exists, doesn't that also mean that god can't actually be omnipotent because god's creator would be, except there would need to be a creator of the creator..... and so on...

Basically this line of "but what created the first thing" reasoning is interesting but ultimately useless in the search for truth.

Comment Re:And there's the little footnote (Score 1) 229

It's basically the same argument that the government are making for a ban on guns.
If there were no such thing as religion, people wouldn't be able to be manipulated into killing or doing other bad things in god's name. It would also bring society out of the dark ages mentally, as we'd finally have to rely on facts and evidence to base decisions, not fairy stories.
It scares the hell out of me that the person with their finger on the nuclear button also claims that they hear the voice of some other being in their head, and that they personally believe in sky fairies.

Comment Re:And there's the little footnote (Score 1) 229

> The evidence is all around you.

No it's all around just you, because you personally choose to interpret it that way.,
The difference between actual evidence and what you incorrectly call evidence is that you are allowing subjectivity and interpretation. Science does not. It only looks for provable facts.

>> Just because the truth is hard to find (you know, the one religion that got it right), doesn't mean it can't be found, or that it doesn't exist.

The truth is hard to find but science is doing a great job every day. of continuing to expand our actual knowledge into areas previously occupied only by ridiculous 2000 yr old fairy stories.

The real problem is there's a human tendency towards irrationality and fantasy to also consider. Otherwise religious people wouldn't keep right on believing despite the provable irrationality of religion.

> Therefore, there is a Creator.
You already know I disagree with this reasoning but for the sake of argument let's for a moment assume something did in fact create everything. How do you know that thing isn't just a non-sentient force, such as energy or gravity or all the others that wh can prove exist and do such things? why do you necessarily assume that in this case it must have been some intelligent being? Then why do you assume that being's intelligence looks anything like ours, then that it must be benevolent, then that it knows about each of our lives? (There are ants at the bottom of the garden I created, I don' care about them, much less know them individually). Surely even you can see that a whole lot of unlikely assumptions have to perfectly line up for god to even exist in the first place, then to be intelligent, then to be benevolent, then to be involved with our lives. Then once we get past god, there's still much less of a chance that any religion has anything accurate to say about what god actually thinks or does, then there's the whole "which religion is the actually correct one" argument, (incorrectly assuming even one is, given all the science that has actively disproved large parts of religion). Even Ignoring all that, basically the odds that your chosen religion is factually correct (especially around what god actually thinks/wants/does) is infinitely small.
This is why it's called faith. Faith is maintaining belief despite the complete absence of evidence. It's basically a polite way of saying "living according to fantasy rather than evidence".

Comment Re: Lack of regulation, that is how (Score 1) 58

Sorry but I wouldn't believe what LexisNexis claims for a moment. Even if they just know your car's GPS location, (which is always enabled, not just with Smart Driver) they also can extrapolate a whole lot about you, such as where you live, where you go, who you see, what your purchasing habits are, and how you drive.
It's a fact that GM at least have been selling all your data.right up until this year.

Comment Re:And there's the little footnote (Score 1) 229

>> Things don't create themselves.
YES THEY DO. Why do you keep forcing this argument despite all the actual evidence that it's clearly wrong? Go look at what actually happens in a vacuum.

>> Therefore there must be a creator.
Nope this is a complete non-sequitur. There are countless actual examples of things that form from other things, or even form from nothingness, without any intelligent involvement at all. It's therefore nonsense to maintain that just because something exists means it must have been created by an divinely intelligent being. That is following exactly the same ignorant "we cant explain it so we make something up then wholly believe it" approach as how the ancient Greeks used to believe that Helios literally pulled the sun across the sky every day in a chariot, and sailed it around the northerly ocean each night in a huge cup.
In the face of actual and provable contrary evidence, it's time to put childish, fantastical reasoning away. It's really OK to say "We don't know" it's not OK to say "therefore it must be magic/god/flying horses".

Comment Re:Lack of regulation, that is how (Score 3, Insightful) 58

Welcome to the so-called "land of the free (TM)".
Big businesses in the US can get away with just about anything because the politicians are blatantly for sale to the highest bidder here.
You should see the shit they still allow in our food, and how much we have to pay for medicine and medical care compared to the EU.

Comment Re:And Baron_Yam smiles (Score 1) 58

I've seen many posts from people saying that they did that too, then their vehicles started experiencing all sorts of different faults, including some that you would think logically couldn't possibly have anything to do with the lack of OnStar, such as engine warning lights and even the vehicle not starting, Did you experience anything like that?

Comment Re:And there's the little footnote (Score 1) 229

>> If science doesn't deny the possibility of a creator, why are you insisting that there is no creator

I'm really not, I'm just saying there's no scientific evidence for it, and a lot of contradictory scientific evidence against it. In that situation it makes no logical sense to insist on believing something contrary (i.e. creationism) to all the well-researched evidence, especially when there's also no actual evidence that the thing itself (i.e. a creator) even exists.

>> And how are you so certain that, in contrast to every observation of science ever, that the universe had no initial cause?

Please quote your sources. As far as I am aware, there is not even one (credible) scientific observation, let alone your claimed "every observation ever", that shows that the universe must have had a creator.

"Initial cause" is a pretty vague statement. Firstly we have no proof of what caused the big bang, Some quantum or other effect could easily be an initial cause of the big bang, without any sense of a creator or other intelligence behind it.

Comment Re:And there's the little footnote (Score 1) 229

>> Those hijackers did *NOT* represent Islam. They represented terrorists who dressed themselves in an Islamic mantle. ..yet if you ask them, they totally believe they represent Islam, and the others not waging religious war are not true muslims. You can't deny there are hadiths and edicts in the quran that direct muslims to kill unbelievers, and that the quran itself says to take all passages in the quran literally.

This is one of the most dangerous problems with religion, beleivers can do anything in the name of faith, no matter how barbaric, and feel justified and guilt-free because they believe they are doing the "right" thing by god.

Comment Re:And there's the little footnote (Score 1) 229

>> If God does indeed exist, you don't get to pick what he expects of Humanity, if anything. You don't get to pick whether He is relevant or not.

I'm not picking what he expects. I said if one exists it's making itself irrelvant to humanity (by its own choice) as there's not even any actual evidence that he exists, let alone any clearly attributable actions.

>> You can't both say that "you don't know" if God exists, and that "religion is a fairy tale."
Sure you can. Religion and God are two entirely different things. Religion is created by humans, but god (assuming you believe in both god and creationism) literally couldn't have been, as if we created him that would mean he couldn't have created us. There are over 4000 different religions in the world, even assuming one is actually right, that means 3999 are fairy tales.
It's only religion that claims to have some link to god. I'm not seeing any evidence for god at all, let alone one directly claiming that any human religion happens to have got it right.

Comment Re:And there's the little footnote (Score 1) 229

>> When people initiate wars in the name of God, they are lying. It's that simple.

Good! glad you agree! That immediately invalidates at least all major religions then, as at some point in time all religions through their leaders have instigated or supported one or more wars.

I guess we need to decouple God from religion. I am quite happy to believe in the possibility that a God exists, however without actual evidence the question remains open. If one does exist at all then it's so remote/ineffective as to leave no actual evidence of itself, so is making itself effectively irrelevant.

Religion is man-made, there is no more proof that it's messages came from one or more gods than there is that it was all made up by someone wanting power and control. In fact there is a lot of historical evidence that aspects of at least Christianity, Islam and Judaism have been created for exactly that reason.

So there really is strong evidence for how evil religion at least can and has been, yet despite that, it's sheep-like adherents still turn a blind eye.

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