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Comment Re:MAGAs will rebel (Score 1) 76

is one person being able to provide for a family with one job and one paycheck, like back in the 1960's.

Is not that progressives broke the USA, it's that overseas competition made factory jobs pay much less. US workers have to move up the "skills ladder" to be competitive in the world. With enough education or training, yes, one person CAN support a house, 2 kids, and a car still.

Comment Re:who cares about debt? (Score 1) 250

The rest of the world won't, because their own currencies are currently inflating more than the USD.

The U.S. is squarely in the middle of the list of world inflation (you can sort by tapping on column headers).

But the bigger problem is inflation ahead, which is illuminated quite well by the debt to GDP ratio map, where only a handful of countries are worse off... the interest payments for the U.S. debt are nearing exponential increase.

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Comment Tests rarely go better than expected (Score 2) 30

Finding unexpected problems is just part of testing, both software and hardware. Russia kept tuning existing Soyuz design and got prices and down and reliability up. US capitalism is addicted to throw-out-and-start-over because investors don't get excited by incremental improvements; they pay for buzz.

It would have been cheaper to send 2 time-tested Apollo missions to have a crew of 5 than reinventing one big Orion. And 2nd would be an emergency backup: crowded but survivable.

Comment MAGAs will rebel (Score 4, Interesting) 76

According to The Tinted One, windmills cause cancer, insomnia inducing hums, kill whales, reduce real-estate values*, and fly apart under heavy winds with the blades slicing shit up.

Some troll(s) posted bunches of fake videos showing windmills exploding under heavy wind, killing horses etc. The gullible fall for it because it fits their preconceived notions.

* Okay, maybe he has point there, but that's ALL he actually cares about because it affects him him and him.

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