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Comment Re:Got caught off guard (Score 0) 100

When I received one of these, I (carefully) clicked it on purpose because it looked like an email trying to pretend it was phishing and not a genuine phishing email. I wanted to investigate it and see what it really was. I've seen tons of phishing emails, but nothing that looked quite like this. When I was told I failed a test, I explained my case and cried to my boss and got out of training lol.

Comment just last week a thru a red light (Score 1) 287

Just last week, where I live at the intersection, a car from the right side turned into a street while the light was red, and went through the Zebra just before I was going to go thru (I had a green walk light). And I can't even begin to COUNT the number of time somebody went out of parking and nearly collided with me 'cause looking for incoming traffic is difficult (/s)... Even when you respect the rule, as a person walking or as a biker, hearing the cars can be life saving. Because there are waaaaay too many idiot in car not paying attention.

Comment Windows search is the worst. (Score 1) 102

Windows 10 search really is the worst. It doesn't find programs that are installed, and when it does it won't show it you in a consistent way. It's insane to me that you can install a program, see it in the start menu, and the search doesn't know it's there. I've literally installed a program and had it show up in a search less than 3 seconds after installing it in KDE on Linux.

Comment Re:snap? (Score 1) 118

I had the same issue with Firefox, it really left a bad taste in my mouth. The UI says to restart Firefox to upgrade, so I close it and see nothing. Wait a little bit and start it again and the update isn't done. That and I didn't like my mount output being blown up and the new snap Firefox didn't use the correct file portal. Like the other guy that replied said, de-snapping is actually really easy. I was really happy with my system after doing it and easily switched to the Firefox and Chromium apt repo, it really made it better.

That being said, I don't run Kubuntu anymore. They're trying to push .deb out of their system and they pushed me right out instead.

Comment But arguably not a security risk (Score 2) 169

Getting metadata on normal citizen is not covered under "security risk" and the government can forbid its actor (military and otherwise) to not use tiktok, like they forbid stuff like peloton on military basis. But forbidding it to everybody is clearly not a matter of national security. If it was, they would forbid ALL actors (e.g. facebook, google etc...) to gather data and sell it to everybody which, they do. You can't allow one, but not the other , and call it national security. Forbid it to admin work, government and military phone. Yes. Forbid it to everybody ? They have other goal than national security : otherwise everybody would be forbidden to gather & sell the same data.

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