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Comment Re:War is peace, if you want it. (Score 0, Flamebait) 35

I would call people who actively - violently in some cases - support a LITERAL terror organization that cheerfully murders women and children in their homes (and called their mother to celebrate that fact) are indeed an infection.

As much as those motherfuckers are entitled to freedom of speech to spew their vile filth, others are just as entitled to call them an infection.

Comment Re:missing the point (Score 1) 214

"The money invested in nuclear energy would save far more carbon dioxide if it were instead invested in renewables"

"I don't like facts, fire the person who told them to me."
Which facts would those be, then, sunshine?
Pls - look up life-cycle cumulative CO2 emissions for nuclear vs solar vs wind. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Even setting aside critical issues like base load and stability, the simple "facts" you won't like is that nuclear emits about as much CO2 as wind power, and about 1/3 of solar. Further, nuclear is far better able to supply the 2x-3x load we need for widespread EV adoption. See if your little brain can determine which is less CO2 in total: a low-CO2 energy producer that can scale almost immediately, vs wind, a low CO2 energy source that it will take decades to scale that far, leaving millions and millions of ICE cars on the road in the meanwhiile?
We those the facts you didn't want to face?

The OP was a comment from the Royal Institution of Australia - purportedly a national non-profit hub for science communication. Not for renewables advocacy. I'm old fashioned that I believe that science organizations should be about presenting objective facts, not lobbying for the cause of the day.

"Australia already has both air conditioning and banking."
Yeah, and not even half of Australia's power comes from renewables. And Australia - of any country in the world - has the most vast reaches of terrain for generating solar and wind while having a tiny population. Yet, even YOU have only managed to adapt 40%.

I don't think that proves what you think it proves?

Comment Re:From the first link (Score 1) 96

Probably code bloat as well. Iirc monkey island 2 was what 10+ floppies? And some you had to have in-hand because the game would suddenly demand "insert disk 8" or whatever.

When you'd pirated that from your friends copy of a copy of a copy and then found out disk 8 was corrupted, that sucked enough to be sure you got a CD on the next computer.

Comment missing the point (Score -1, Troll) 214

First, basic English: if these are more expensive per unit as they get smaller, this is not a "dis" economy of scale. This is a basic economy of scale, just going the other direction. No need to invent another word when the word we have already is right. A diseconomy of scale would be the ACTUAL opposite, something where the unit cost goes UP as it gets larger.

Second, "The money invested in nuclear energy would save far more carbon dioxide if it were instead invested in renewables" reveals the speaker's motivations and unless they're a lobbyist for a renewable energy group, should probably get them fired. Electricity today is not a luxury, it's a necessity. Use all the renewables you can get away with, for sure, but unless you're willing to tell your populace "sorry, no air conditioning when it's cloudy" or "no banking today, there's no wind" a modern economy needs a persistent base load backup that is quick starting and reliable regardless of weather.

Comment Re:burning coal vs nuclear (Score 2) 265

Oh, so when a Republican is president, leftists don't like the idea of a president governing by fiat?

Complain to Mr Obama who, utterly unwilling to compromise on legislation with Republicans (well, th he offered to compromise as long as the "compromise" was completely agreeing with him) chose instead to legislate through rule making, and fuck that inconvenient constitution.

Well, Republicans can do it too, I guess. I think it's equally reprehensible, mind you, but let's be clear who started this back and forth executive branch bullshit when the power to legislate is clearly constitutionally vested in the Congress.

Yes, sometimes that means you have to offer "those other guys" something they want and value to get them to support what you value. That's how it's SUPPOSED to work.

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