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Comment Re:I'll tell you what they're saying (Score 1) 41

It could be whales are far more intelligent than humans; they do have a much larger brain after all. They definitely don't use their brains like we do though, to create technology. Probably they waste their intelligence on things like remembering/predicting where food is, whether prediction as done via whale senses, and of course processing the much larger sensory input from their body, plus controlling it. Without hands, a lot of the more useful things we can do with intelligence just wouldn't be available to whales anyways, and even if they had the motivation to do things, stuff like smelting steel and building cities might be a bit harder for them.

Comment Sadly incompatible (Score 2) 34

Traditionally libraries could get many books for cheap, due to secondhand resale; and books being in a library wouldn't eat into sales because a lot of people would buy their own for the convenience, nor was there anything publishers could do to stop it. Libraries can grant access to ebooks very efficiently and conveniently, so I can see why publishers would hate that.

Comment Re:Isn't life grand? (Score 1) 104

I checked on the last post about automated braking, and found that AEB is available as part of a $500 driver assist add-on, and at least one insurance company offers a 10% discount for it. So for that specific case, it pays for itself in 3ish years. Unless you don't have one, in which case you might get no discount but your insurance covers repairing other people's doodads.

I bet OP thinks that he can get a discount on insurance by not having fairly cheap safety features.

Comment Re:Perfect is not wanted (Score 2) 80

The reverse is true in the performance arts. It is quite expensive to see live talent because audio/visual recordings are so inexpensive and actually more than "good enough". All but the top-tier performance venues have been driven out of business. I started playing professionally several decades ago when it was expected that every neighborhood watering hole would feature a live band on the weekends, if not a live show. No more. Now you don't even need a DJ to draw a crowd.

The upshot of all this contraction is that the remaining few performance spaces are dominate by the very best talent. Even in classical/sacred performance spaces, it is not usual to be playing with people who have doctorates in their field, and if musicians, sometimes playing with instruments that cost as much as a small home.

Comment Re:Sue him for damages (Score 1) 59

What will get it to stop is if such games don't use a map their users can edit and feel a need to . Alternatively, there's 100x more Pokemon Go players as Open Street Maps contributors, and this could be an opportunity to start mapping "micro beaches" or other such features, if people on the verification team don't flee in horror.

Comment Re:Carbon Credits (Score 1) 78

It's not: we have harmfully high levels of carbon dioxide but in smaller amounts it not only not bad, but necessary. Carbon credits would be the "perfect" solution to that, were it not details such as granting too many, and giving them to cheating frauds.

The approximation to sin might seem absolute, but that is because we are already exceeding the limit, and in particular everyone you know is outputting 10x their fair share thanks to living in one of the industrialized countries. Whereas sin has no level where it is beneficial, and indulgences themselves are an additional sin (greed, fraud, blasphemy, and encouraging others to sin). Maybe you could compare it to a government program approving your CO2 output by additionally burning several tons of coal "on behalf of the people who couldn't burn any, so now it's fair".

Comment Re:Core Bargain? (Score 1) 41

The website & search engine symbiosis is that the website generates content and the search engine links to a relevant website. If not linked to, the website gets nothing out of it (unless it's propaganda). If AI as shitty as today replaces search engines with unreferenced hallucinations/summaries, it will be very bad for humanity. I could see AI mostly replacing search, but only if it cites its sources.

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One of the most overlooked advantages to computers is... If they do foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little. -- Joe Martin
