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Comment Re:good riddance (Score 3, Insightful) 146

How could that possibly be within any legitimate government's domain? Using the same rational they could shut down wikipedia or rxlist.

They sure would shut down Wikipedia or RXList if those services allowed you to make an appointment to consult them for medical advice. Even campus health nurses have to be licensed.

What Wikipedia offers now is pretty much the same thing as reading information out of a book. You can't stop people from doing that, and there's no law against it.

What 23andMe does is market a product that you use to extract unique information about your own body, which is then presented to you in the form of suggestions about what health measures you should take -- in other words, medical advice. Very different.

Comment Re:stop the sensationalist crap (Score 1) 462

Bottom line, normally 60 cases a year, but spike was 175 cases. so what, that is nothing. measles therefore is not a concern in this country.

Don't be dense. It's not a case of "if some people get vaccines we get no cases and if nobody gets vaccinated we get 175 cases." In France, where the instance of non-vaccination is much higher than it is in the US, there were five thousand cases of measles reported in the first three months of 2011 alone. You want the US to go that way, keep thinking measles vaccination is "not a concern."

Comment Re:Duh (Score 1) 462

I had chicken pox as a kid and got it pretty bad. I just hope I don't end up with shingles which is quite miserable for those I know who suffer from it. Anyone who thinks two weeks of hell and a high probability of getting shingles is better than a couple quick jabs is an idiot.

You've just crossed the divide where my perspective is different than yours. When I was a kid, there was no chicken pox vaccine and everybody got it. If you knew a kid who had it, your parents sometimes sent you over to "say hi" to that kid, in hopes that you would catch it, because generally the younger you caught it, the milder the effects. (It's not much fun coming down with full-blown chicken pox as an adult, like my friend Dave eventually did -- picture trying to shave.)

Anyway, "two weeks of hell" is hardly how I'd describe the chicken pox. Two weeks of skipping school, getting to sit in front of the TV and watch anything I wanted, eating whatever I wanted (though to be honest, my sense of taste went funny while I was sick so not everything was enjoyable) and generally having a nice bed-rest vacation is how I remember it. When I heard that they were handing out chicken pox vaccines to kids, my first thought was "pussies."

But, I guess times change.

Comment Re:good riddance (Score 5, Insightful) 146

Perhaps this is why the FDA put the kabosh on it

The FDA was very clear about why they stopped it. It wasn't necessarily that the information was misleading, but that it would lead patients to make decisions about their own care without necessarily consulting a doctor, which the FDA thinks is not a good idea -- and I totally see their point, frankly.

For example, one of the things that 23andMe can tell you is how well you might respond to one drug versus another, because of your specific genetic makeup. If you take that advice and change the dosage of your medication or switch to a different medication without discussing the issue with your doctor, you could cause yourself serious harm.

On the far end of the scale, "false positives" for some diseases could be catastrophic -- say, if a woman was erroneously told she had a high chance of contracting a certain type of breast cancer and decided to have a double mastectomy, like Angelina Jolie had done.

23andMe claimed that all it was doing was giving people information. But really, the way the information was structured and presented to the customer made it clear that it was designed to be diagnostically relevant and that they should use it to make decisions about how to proceed with health care. Any service that performs that function clearly falls under the jurisdiction of the FDA, IMHO.

Comment Re:The really sad thing is vaccines improving (Score 1) 462

I could eventually find out. But I won't. You just want an excuse not to do what you know you should do.

And there you have it, folks ... the man who, quite without irony, spreads misinformation about vaccines in a /. post specifically about how people are getting sick because of misinformation being spread about vaccines.

Get your tetanus boosters, folks. You need one every ten years.

Comment Re:The really sad thing is vaccines improving (Score 1) 462

I never said YOU could get the shot. I said I got the shot. For all I know it may be years before they roll it out to the general public. It was new, so that's quite possible.

"For all you know"... and you don't even know what it is or what company manufactures it, in fact you can't provide a single link to any source of information about it and who might have access to it. Well, I'm convinced.

Comment Re:Thanks, Jenny McCarthy (Score 3, Informative) 462

Actually, it's not eradicated, and it's actually making a comeback (thanks to the anti-vaxxers).

You're mistaken. No known human has contracted any form of naturally-occurring smallpox (i.e. not laboratory grown) since 1977 -- and we actually know the first and last name of the last person who ever did.

You're probably thinking of some other disease. There are lots of them; smallpox is the only one we've ever gotten rid of.

Comment Re:The really sad thing is vaccines improving (Score 1) 462

new formulation - maybe you civilians don't get it yet

I've never heard of a permanent tetanus shot. It's possible you may have misunderstood what you were being told.

TDAP is a shot that includes a tetanus booster plus a small amount of pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine -- that's the P in TDAP. You were probably vaccinated against pertussis as a child, but these days doctors recommend that people get a booster once during their adult lives. So yes, it's technically true that you only ever need one TDAP shot once you become an adult, for the P. But that doesn't mean you don't need to keep getting the tetanus boosters (the T) every ten years. That part still wears off, unless they've really come up with something brand new.

What's more, even if you've been vaccinated within the last ten years, if you step on a nail or something and the puncture wound is deep, your doctor will probably recommend you get a tetanus booster anyway, just to be on the safe side.

Comment Re:Movie idea (Score 1) 127

You could make a film about a pile of dead body parts assembled into the form of a man being shocked by lightning and being given the will to live. You could even add some wanton violence and philosophical questions of existence to make the story interesting.

And don't forget the enormous schwanzstucker.

Comment Up front permissions bad plan (Score 1) 187

It's a pain, but the average user needs to start actually paying attention to app permissions.

Except the "average user" literally CANNOT understand the permissions being asked for.

That's why an up-front model for permissions is inherently broken. If an app sneaks in location in the set of permissions an "average user" will never see it. If it asks them if the flashlight app can have their location when they run it, or access to contacts - there's few people that would agree to that.

Comment Furthermore (Score 1) 506

I find it offensive that you claim only someone living on six figures would like Texas more. When I lived there I was a student, paying my own way through college on part time jobs at $10/hour. I had a cheap apartment that was BETTER than the crappy apartments my friends who moved later to California had to endure, even when they had "real" jobs.

How can you sit there with a straight face and claim you are only better off in Texas being poor, when EVERYTHING is so much cheaper in Texas?? You are a monster who is going to lead someone to their doom through your ignorance.

I am done listening to your totally uninformed bullshit not based on any way in reality. You can respond how you like but I can't contaminate my brain reading your scrawlings any longer.

Comment Re:All untrue (Score 1) 506

He's going by actual statistics.

Which you and he provide zero links for #dubious.

Since I've actually driven around the rural areas of both states I can say that hands down California is in worse shape than Texas.

You sound like the one who spends all their time in cities - and not traveling. Have you even lived in either place? Or are you just going by some bullshit you read on the interwebs somewhere?

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