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Comment tough choice (Score 1) 9

Pretty difficult to find a worse choice, I'd say.

Zynga. A name that makes everyone who knows what it means turn around and run the other way. An exploitative evil empire.

If after Unity got extensive flak for trying to push through a hostile pricing model someone asked what kind of person to choose as the next CEO to remove that stain from your reputation - I think "CEO of Zynga" came dead last by a wide margin and then some intern sorted the list the wrong way around.

My confidence that Unity is going to do the right thing just dropped from zero to absolute zero.

Comment Trying to help. (Score 1) 73

I am not trolling, I am trying to share some wisdom.

That link you posted kept talking about people making minimum wage. About 15 k per year. But here is a list of 25 jobs that pay 50k per year and do not require a degree.

Not everybody is in a position to get one of these jobs. Everybody's story is different. But certainly SOME working adults who are only making minimum wage could instead be working one of these jobs. For them, their lack of income is a poor choice that they are making.

Absolutely nobody wants to hear "it's your own fault you are poor." And for some people, it simply isn't their fault. But for a lot of people, their attitude of victimhood and/or hostility is preventing them from getting jobs that would pay, and give them upward social mobility. It is a million times easier to blame everyone but themselves, so they rage at anyone who tries to help, as I am doing right now.

There are countries where it is much worse. Poor people are economically trapped with literally no means of upward social mobility. But in the USA, a high school education is free and it is sufficient to open the door to jobs like those listed above, and pave the way for obtaining a college education to unlock an even more lucrative career (so long as one don't make another poor choice and pick a worthless degree that leaves them unemployable).

Where there is a will, at least most of the time, there is a way. Refusing to try, and instead just hating those who succeed, is a poor choice that keeps one trapped in poverty.

Comment So what? (Score 1) 77

it would be terrible for society

That may be true, but it is no reason to reject research into anti-aging technology. Longer life is still a good thing from the individual's perspective, and individuals matter. These problems you are talking about aren't unsolvable. Longer life would not arise in a vacuum. Humans will adapt to the new landscape and alter their behavior accordingly, and find ways of addressing the problems you are talking about.

Comment Re:Ignoring the personal issues... (Score 2) 287

It took a lot of scrolling to find a post that was not full of vitriol. I understand that a lot of people take philosophical exception to systemd but the ferocity of the hatred has a religious flavor to it.

It's not like systemd doesn't work. It's not like it's a propriety, closed-source trap. There are reasons why all the major Linux distros adopted it. And there are still distros that don't use it, so people still have choice. Why must there be such rage?

I wonder if its another situation where the haters are not in the majority, but they make a whole lot of noise to compensate.

Anyway, I am not going to join in on the hate. Ubuntu has set me free from windows and I love it. I love it every day I use it, systemd and all. There is plenty I still don't know about it, and maybe more learning will change some of my opinions. But for all my purposes Ubuntu works great so I am sticking with it.

Comment Re:improvement? (Score -1) 287

Presumably since systemd runs as uid 0 run0 is just some glue code to tell systemd to run a process as uid0.

So on a systemd machine you get to throw out almost the entire sudo codebase which is redundant in that sense and has been a recurring attack vector.

But the bellyaching greybeard retards here will continue to get pwned because they refused to ever learn anything new after their brain got old and now they're hopelessly behind.

It sounds like if you need LDAP etc you just keep using sudo.

Comment Re:I suspect this law isn't really about porn (Score 1, Insightful) 138

Americans love to take freedom away from each other. They also like to go on about how free America is and how great that is, not even realizing the hypocrisy. Each person has some justification in their mind as to why the thing they want to deny to others (or force on others) is a special case that makes it ok.

Conservatives are not the only guilty party. Of course, they are guilty, and are keen to legislate their view of morality on to everyone else. But liberals do the same, wanting to deny citizens the freedom to own firearms, for example. And people on both sides of the political spectrum still think it is ok to force men to go die in combat whenever a threat emerges.

There is really no escaping it: people want to be free but also want to boss each other around.

Comment Goldmine (Score 1) 70

It might be "worth it" for a criminal to allow the backups and harvest private data.

Now skulduggerous types will be executing github searches for default bucket names and putting filters in for .bitcoin directories, browser password files, and similar nuggets of gold.

I'm glad I pay for vm's by the data rate available!

Comment Re:Healthcare should not be a profit center (Score 1) 224

I agree with most of what you posted. However, this statement sounds innocuous but is really very dangerous: "Healthcare should be a human right, not a privilege few can afford"

On the one hand, yes, absolutely everyone needs healthcare. It is essential for survival, and therefore, everyone has an incentive to build a society where it is readily available.

On the other hand, healthcare comes at a cost of labor. Many, many, MANY people across many different industries must labor at full time jobs in order for there to be health care of any acceptable quality level. And, those people are not anyone's slaves.

This is why one must pay for healthcare. One must "give back" to those who provide it, because those providers are not slaves; they do not and cannot work for free.

That is my issue with the phrase "should be a human right," as it implies entitlement. It implies that one is entitled to the labor of others, for free, which is never true.

Of course, you didn't advocate for slavery. I am just calling out the slippery slope there in your phrasing. I think it is fine for people to decide (via democratic process) that they would like to pay for healthcare through taxation instead of paying it directly on an as-needed basis. I also think that having some governmental regulation over the industry is an outright necessity, whether or not it is paid for via taxation. But the reason why healthcare should be paid for by taxation is because the country's free voters have chosen that funding model over the alternatives, not because of some sense of entitlement to the labor that others provide.

Comment Re:but it filters viruses same as the others (Score 0) 74

The definition of reasonable person has been revised downwards.

I suspect most people bought these to flip the bird to the worthless mask culture.

At least now we know forever that paper masks don't do a damn thing for viruses and N95's only work a little for trained wearers.

I'm still seeing mask litter in ditches everywhere. Mass hysteria.

Comment $199? (Score 3, Insightful) 64

Sounds like they're about to do a massive price hike.

They've started reminding me that I've "saved $11 in shipping costs" when I order a 6-pack of pencils like I'm a drunken fool who has no idea how costs are structured.

No better way to garner good customer will than to end every single transaction with a bald-faced lie!

Comment Re:All IP was transferred to RISC-V International (Score 1) 130

> There are no trade secrets or anything special in RISC-V.

It's not what's in it that matters, it's what's not in it.

If the Chinese people use chips without backdoors then they will have a global competitive advantage.

Of course Americans could also do that but domestic spying is too important to the fat unearned paychecks of the DC intelligentsia.

Comment Re:Worst Case Possible Security Flaws (Score -1, Troll) 47

Worse case is the complex total back door hidden in the A5+ gpu silicon that Kaspersky responsibly disclosed.

100% deliberate and not engineering code. Apple was able to patch in a block - for this one that we know about.

It's believed NSA used this backdoor to spy on Tucker Carlson's Signal messages. If they will spy on an American journalist they will spy on SK military generals any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

SK knows what's up and if anyone at Samsung betrays them they have means and methods.

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