Comment Re:AGI is not "superhuman" Intelligence (Score 1) 62
Ah ok that is a good point, though it is tangential to my point. I was talking about the kinds of data processing that would uniquely qualify as "intelligent." You know, the very high level things we do like write computer software, debate law and philosophy, create works of art, and so on.
The kinds of processes you are talking about happen in things that generally don't fall into the category of "intelligent" as we are using it in this context. Like micro-animals, and even plants.
Generally speaking, the higher reasoning functions of the human brain are not involved in the task of healing minor injuries...the body just does that independently. And the parts of the body that manage that sort of thing are generally not involved when humans ARE engaging in higher reasoning functions. So, the vast differences we see here are not evidence that some organ other than the brain is the place where these higher level functions take place.
Chop off someones legs, arms, lower torso, and they can still converse. Take out their vocal chords, and they could still converse with sign language or whatever. But take out the brain, or even the higher-level parts of the brain, and all conversation stops.
It would be a really strange challenge to say "the brain is not the part of the body that performs higher reasoning functions."