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Comment Re:An uncomfortable topic but still needed (Score 1) 294

They can't force anyone into any sort of treatment without a huge legal circus. Just look at the Jehovah Witnesses who refuse blood transfusions even if they will obviously die without one. The closest we get to this right now is vaccinations and even then, people who refuse to have their children get them generally don't receive the vaccination - but it doesn't mean everyone else has to accept their decision and have their children in the same school.

I'm quite confident that genetic analysis will only reveal a link to some generic mental disorder, but environmental factors plus nurturing during childhood are the real reasons for violent personality types. However this will always be a topic of speculation if we as a society refuse to explore certain topics because of our fear of the unknown and the political fallout.

It's like not even trying to cure diseases related to aging because humans have always had a finite existence and must die at some point. How can we tolerate watching loved ones go through a system that inevitably has them frail and in pain, carted around in a wheel chair so they can die high as fuck on morphine without even being in their own home?

Comment Re:Once in a Hundred-Year storm... (Score 1) 148

That depends on where you were and what you consider damage. Irene was much worse here in Connecticut in terms of wind effects (downed trees on roads/houses/etc) than Sandy. Several hours later as the storm moved north, flooding in southern Vermont was horrible and the effects still being felt 2 years later.

The wind effects were exacerbated by the fact that Irene hit in August - late summer - when trees and plants had full foliage. Lots of trees came down as a result - if you were lucky they didn't fall on anything important (I just lost a section of fence). Even more crowns and major limbs came down as well. It was pretty bad in terms of the magnitude of the destruction over a wide area. It didn't make big news because we're not New York/New Jersey and the population density here is pretty low. For what it's worth, power was out for 5-7 days for most people, which wasn't much fun either.

Sandy, on the other hand, hit in late October when the leaves had fallen, so despite somewhat higher winds, there was nowhere near as much damage. A few twigs fell on my roof and that was about it. I was out on the deck grilling dinner during the peak winds (to use up some frozen food in anticipation of the inevitable week-long power loss) and it was nowhere near as scary or dangerous as Irene. A few trees came down here and there in the region, but not nearly as many as the previous year. As a storm to be caught outside in, Irene was much scarier.

The flooding caused by Sandy was much worse, though limited mostly to the coastal towns here. The fact that the storm was larger in area and impacted regions with higher population density and correspondingly greater economic devastation was what made it newsworthy. Irene was the more damaging storm in terms of broad effect on the countryside from my observation.

Comment An uncomfortable topic but still needed (Score 1) 294

If we never bother to explore the question we just don't really know. There very well could be many biomarkers for violence. How we act on that knowledge is the real moral dilemma. I personally think they are too close to the subject and really if they want to help others they would just fund the research. However, we already have one linked biomarker, and that's lead exposure - but we can't just start rounding up everyone with higher blood-lead concentrations and force them into chelation therapy. Obviously the benign solution is to remove lead sources, such as paints and leaded gasoline. If the culprit turns out to be DNA, then obviously this becomes a much larger issue.

Comment Re:Humans evolved over time (Score 1) 814

Adam and Eve is a cute story but from a biology standpoint it is quite impossible.

Well, when the alien YHWH created them, they had nanotechnological mechanisms to prevent the inbreeding from becoming a problem. They were passed down generationally until eventually there was a break in the process. This led to the tradition of consuming corpses, to gain their remaining nanobots...

BECAUSE... ALIENS. No, I don't believe any of this stuff, but it would make a cool story. It's more creative than nine tenths of what's coming out of hollywood anyway :p

Comment Re:Its just a dumb idea (Score 1) 814

I agree with you on all points, but a delay is not a reasonable concern because we're just talking about additional safeties at this point. Either the gun fires or it doesn't. That's not going to be a concern until we go to caseless, and even then the gun can still be designed in the same basic way, but with electronic safeties rather than mechanical ones. By the same token, though, I don't want to involve even electricity with anything on my gun except additional targeting systems or other tacticool gadgetry because it's not necessary. It doesn't make any sense until you need a battery in the gun just to fire it.

Comment Re:UN is not the governmemt, its the planet. (Score 1) 275

You have got it precisely. Indeed, there is in fact no need whatsoever for centralized control of anything save perhaps IP address allocation. Each nation ought to be solely responsible for the details of implementation within their borders, and each nation can decide whether it wants to accept traffic directly from each other nation, or whether their citizens will have to do some tunneling (and perhaps break some laws) in order to access those addresses. It's nobody else's business.

Comment Re:Power to the people (Score 1) 56

Actually yes.

if you know of a NSA or Govt operation going on, get an operative to place a unit near them and start intercepting their cellphone traffic so you can spy on the guys spying.

Now imagine making hundreds of these things all placed at specific locations but with a backend system that lets you enable or disable at will. Now you have a cellular snoopnet covering a very wide area.

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