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Comment Re:The fallout from Halo Infinite continues (Score 2) 25

They did the same thing with the Forza series as well. They promised this amazing new graphics engine for Forza Motorsport for Xbox Series X, but when it came out it was bug-ridden and only looked marginally better than it's predecessor. It really felt like they were resting on their laurels and just re-released the same game as before with a spotty new coat of paint on it.

Comment Re:Key words (Score 2) 155

I don't really consider myself to be an early adopter in smart home tech, because I bought my Google home stuff when they discounted the price of it around 2018.

By then, the 2nd generation products were already out and they should have been relatively bug free. Little did I know that Google had no real plans to continue supporting the platform after 2020, leading to the slow enshittification of the service. We're getting to the point now where the devices fail to properly respond to the simplest of voice commands, like turning the lights on and off correctly.

Comment Re:These Laws Don't Prevent Parents From Parenting (Score 1) 159

Limiting screen time doesn't really work all that well. If I limit my daughter's screen time on her tablet, she'll just switch over to her school's Chromebook and watch her favorite brain rotting YouTube Shorts content on that. I won't let her watch TikTok, but it doesn't matter because all of the popular content gets migrated over to the other video platforms anyway. Hell, most of them don't even bother removing the TikTok logos from it.

I have no control over the settings on her Chromebook (the school does), and I can't really just block YouTube at the firewall level without impacting her ability to do actual school work.

So... the score card on this one is Kid=1, Parent=0. The parental controls don't always work, you have to do actual parenting instead and physically take the devices away.

Comment Re:most contracts and policies are cut and pasted (Score 1) 28

It makes you think, though. If their legal and compliance team produced those terms of service that were completely bogus, it makes you wonder if things like their SOC 2 and HI-TRUST compliance statements are believable as well.

If I was in a highly regulated industry, this wouldn't be a place where I would want to stick my data.

Comment Re:Walmart (Score 1) 49

Sure... but it cars worked like smart phones you would really only have two types of cars to buy: The Apple car (which has 60% marketshare and it's own dedicated road system), or one of the other manufacturers who makes Android cars. Oh, and by the way, the Android cars are restricted from driving on any of Apple roadways, requiring you to take dirt roads through the woods to get to your destination.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 2) 237

That's a terrible analogy. A better one would requiring you to wear Nike sneakers to walk on the pretty Nike branded footpaths in your neighborhood. Still rocking Converse? You're stuck using the old unmaintained footpath with mud puddles and potholes in it. Sure, you might trip and fall, but that's your damn fault for being poor and not being able to buy the "new" and "cool" shoes.

Meanwhile, Nike would also be trying to block any town legislation to fix the old footpaths because child rapists might use them or something. Whatever it takes to protect their monopoly.

Comment Re:nice to live in a dictatorship (Score 2) 282

I still don't think that it was a good idea to politicize EV ownership like this. EV's used to be the "new and cool" thing to buy, but now that the Democrats are basically trying to force people to switch to EV's over the next ten years you're going to have tens of millions of Trump supporters refusing to buy them just for political reasons.

Congratulations, you just made owning something like a 1987 Ford F-150 with a leaky exhaust and a Trump bumper sticker on the back the "cool" vehicle of choice in Republican strongholds like Texas in Utah. You tried to help the environment, and now it backfired... literally.

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