Australian Censorship-client side filters 363
mikecheng writes "The Internet Industry Association in Australia has decided how it will implement the new censorship laws in this country - mandatory cliet-side filtering. Read here how you must use net-filtering software (NetNanny and the like) and you must supply to your ISP a "a guarantee [you] are using client-side filtering". Of course you have to be using one of the "approved" filtering programs, or else the ISP charges you $5 and filters for you. (Now all I need is an approved open source filter!) "
It will be a fiasco anyway (Score:1)
And here is a quote from this site [ualberta.ca]
In reality, the new technologies do not live up to their promises at all. In a recent small-scale study conducted by Consumer Reports of 22 easy-to-find websites that had been judged by investigators to be inappropriate for young children, not one of the four most common software blockers--CyberPatrol, CyberSitter, NetNanny, and SurfWatch--blocked all of the sites. NetNanny failed to block any of the 22 sites, while 14 were blocked by CyberSitter, 16 by CyberPatrol, and 18 by SurfWatch; and only 3 sites were blocked by Internet Explorer (Is your kid 1997, 30). These rates are far below the levels that parents and other consumers have been led to expect. Another small-scale study by PC World found marginally better performance: two of the five products tested were effective in blocking all ten of the adult-oriented sites in the evaluation (Internet filters 1997).
The thing is ludicrous on several levels.
John Lapeyre
Re:So, I can be censored or be a Liar ? (Score:1)
Installed and has operational. Doesn't exactly say much about having to advise their ISP that they are actually going through the filter, does it?
Cheap shot, I know -- it's not that I like the law, more that if I don't laugh, I'm sure as hell going to cry. Oh, well, I was always thinking that Canada.. or maybe New Zealand.. sounded like a nice place to live. Maybe I'll migrate from Melbourne someday.
Earth's High Tech Paradox (Score:1)
Buncha Schizos (Score:1)
patents awhile ago?
Anyway to get the bunch who did that to overturn
this pile of crap?
Not that I live in Australia or anything, but they
seem to have a more liberal legislative history than this.
Complaint email blasts (Score:1)
You bastard! (Score:1)
Actually, thanks. Just got through the first few of `Satan' and it was a laugh. Highly recommended.
Re:Hey, I did all I could... (Score:1)
EH? (Score:1)
Oh well, in democracy people get the government they deserve.
Re:I am an Australian ISP. (Score:1)
A total of 3 posts to /., and that was about it.
As far as what the IIA have done, I thank them. They've turned this legislation around, from something that would have totally destroyed the internet in australia, to something we're barely going to notice.
So what are you bitter about again? It sounds like you're quite happy with your censorship. Maybe the lack of response in the US of A has been because people like yourself have said "Well, its not going to be that bad". Make your bed, and sleep in it mate.
Perhaps if you yourself were a bit more upset about it, then maybe the rest of us would be. Personally, I think you're a fool for even going along with this law. I would happily break it and suffer the consequences for doing my moral duty of not obeying an unjust law. You should do the same.
Australia is on a slippery slope of its own making with this one. Liberty is rarely something that is taken away all at once. Its almost always chipped away a bit at a time. By the time you realize whats happened, it will be too late. Australia is slidding towards that cliff right now. Its your country mate, do something about it now before its too late! Protest this affront to your rights now!
The best forms of censorship are.
Re:Just to set the record straight: (Score:1)
You're tilting at straw men here with bald assertions about just having to advise your ISP that you are using a content filtering software package on Schedule I. The issue is that content filtering is wrong. The mechanism is not relevant to that argument. Censorship is wrong. You're caving in to that argument and accepting censorship with this law. Its that simple.
Re:I am an Australian ISP. (Score:1)
I am a small ( 1000 user) Australian ISP, but I don't consider myself a 'shonk' or 'cowboy'. I find censorship distasteful, and am not at all pleased with this decision.
It could have been much, much, worse, for that I am thankful.
Re:I am an Australian ISP. (Score:1)
M&D Eaton
Re:open source filtering software? (Score:1)
why not just get a shell account on a machine outside AU and ssh into it
so you bypass the filters
what if ???? (Score:1)
say your running some old machine with an obsolete OS and you so happen to connect to the inet with. does this stop you from using this machine??? what if there is noooo LINUX clients???
our governement sux!
Get lynx-ssl (Score:1)
damn - no lynx support.
Probably due to stupid export restrictions, the default lynx installation does not include SSL. You'll need to get a SSL enabled lynx.
A way to get around it.... (Score:1)
A group of ISPs could then put a tender out for a "working" filtering program, but have a penalty clause if the program gets it wrong. If noone bids, then that proves that its unfeasable. If someone does bid, then someone makes lot of money....
Also, the article I read in Tuesday's Australian seemed to imply that the $5 charge was what they thought it would cost the user if an ISP bought the software in bulk. It still has to run on the subscriber's computer, which leads to the question of Linux, and other OSs...
PS Why is this shown in the wrong day by slashdot? I didn't see this yesterday, and only 4 comments so far...
Re:what if ???? (Score:1)
Why doesn't the Australian Government just do what the People's Republic of China did and declare Microsoft Windows to be the national operating system? It'd save them a lot of problems controlling everyone.
What is it with America? (Score:1)
Seriously, it's the same deal. The censorship law was pushed through by the conservative Liberal Party to appease a religious-rightist senator from a small, highly conservative state best known from jokes about inbreeding. You can bet that most of the people in Melbourne and Sydney who are aware of the issues believe that this law is an ass; but in the name of political expediency, it got passed.
-- acb [who won't be voting for the Liberals anytime soon... sod them...]
Censorship: Australia's New High-Tech Export (Score:1)
Criminal offense (Score:1)
Granted, being prosecuted is about as likely as being jailed for having private homosexual sex in Tasmania (also a crime, or at least it was until recently). Unless they have some technical means of checking machines.
Re:Feasability (Score:1)
Linux users may still be able to use hardware filters, akin to the situation with hardware DVD decoders.
Checking up on filters: possible (Score:1)
The Broadcast Services bill mandates that overseas sites banned by the ABA be blocked. Which would require the approved censorware to regularly download an encrypted list of banned sites to block from an ABA server.
What happens when they go over the logs and find that very few users have been downloading it? They send in auditors, subpoena ISP dialin logs, and determine who hasn't been complying. Then they find a few deviants and make an example of them. Expect heavy fines and possibly jail terms.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
When injustice becomes law... (Score:1)
Re:The whole world is pathetic (Score:1)
Remember that *everyone*, even you, is amazingly stupid. So before doing that (or buy your next piece of meat, or most other things too), please sit down and think through your prejudices. And/or read a good book on ethics. Thanks.
Crypto (Score:1)
I thought the purpose of the law was to prevent strong crypto to make it as a standard feature in normal user apps. Of course the current Bad Guy(TM) has all crypto it needs.
This is funny as hell (Score:1)
Mom: Johnny are you looking at porn in their?
Johnny: No mom.
ha ha ha ha....This raises government stupidity to a new level. Everyone who wants to look at porn continues to look at porn and everyone who doesn't want to look at porn gets to pretened no one else is.
Re:A complete cave-in. (Score:1)
I, personally, am -violently- anti-censorship, and I was actually the guy who had the 'Australia - Global Village Idiot' sign made for the Sydney protest (seen in numerous shots). I don't want to make money from this. I just want it to go away. It's a stupid concept, from the ground up.
And yes, this never made it to the front page. Yet another reason for my anti-US rant above.. They don't realise that their government is going to come out and say 'Look, it worked in Australia', and foist the same thing on them...
We've got to protect the children!
Sluggy.com [sluggy.com] - Poing!
Re:Dangerous precedent (Score:1)
This is the same prime minister who -refuses- to apologise (that's it, apologise) to a generation of Aboriginals who were stolen from their families by the government of the time (with, I should point out, assistance from the catholic church).
If they hadn't taken all our guns away, revolution would be on the cards.
Red Stars, anyone?
Sluggy.com [sluggy.com] - Poing!
Re:I am an Australian ISP. (Score:1)
by Python (python@freedom.gmsociety.org.NOSPAM-) on Wednesday September 01, @11:10PM EDT (#)
(User Info) http://freedom.gmsociety.org
I, personally, am reasonably bitter towards the US in this. Whilst you were having grief with your CDA, people -all around the world- were turning their pages black, and protesting quite vocally. Yet, when our moronic government brought this legislation up, which is -much much- worse than the CDA, you quite happily ignored us.
A total of 3 posts to
As far as what the IIA have done, I thank them. They've turned this legislation around, from something that would have totally destroyed the internet in australia, to something we're barely going to notice.
So what are you bitter about again? It sounds like you're quite happy with your censorship. Maybe the lack of response in the US of A has been because people like yourself have said "Well, its not going to be that bad". Make your bed, and sleep in it mate.
I do apologise if I've come across as liking it. If you read more of my posts further down, I was one of the most vocal people in sydney about this, I was intervied for 'Time' magazine, was quoted in several IT magazines, and did 2 radio interviews.
I hate it. But no matter how much I hate it, I'm not going to put myself up for AU$25,000 fines per day. Sorry, if I make that much in a YEAR, I'll be amazed.
The tone of my post was that 'Well, it's not as bad as it could have been.' I do agree with another post (I haven't been watching names, apologies 8-) who pointed out that email isn't explicitly excluded. That's definatley wrong, and should be fixed for Version 6. Hopefully.
When I say 'something we're barely going to notice' I mean it's going to be a matter of, when you ring me up, my staff are going to ask (something along the lines of -- I'm making this up now):
'The Australian government requires me to ask if you have filtering technology installed on the PC you are going to be using to access the net. We do not need to verify that you are, we just need you to tell us you are'
Something, basically, that makes them aware that they are -lying- because of the stupid laws our government has enacted. I don't -want- my customers to have censorware on their PC's. The internet is far too valuable a resource to censor.
[And, to the other poster, yeah, sluggy is -very- cool 8-)]
Sluggy.com [sluggy.com] - Poing!
So why don't you organize something instead? (Score:1)
The "black page" movement didn't start spontaneously; it isn't some conspiracy against Austrailians that nothing happened.
The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
Censorship downunder, a rant... (Score:1)
Second, we didn't do nothing about this, we did as
much as we could, we had rallies, I personally visited my local polititions, and emailed the Idiots in Chief, and got no where.
The Government had made up thier mind, they wanted to use this to buy the vote of a senile independant senator, and trying to get them to change it was about as futile as convincing an American to shutup and listen for a minute.
The bribe didn't work, the senator didn't vote for thier new TAX system, so they snuck it in a different way. Unfortunatly they're going to let this thing drop, they're going to go through with it. But that's alright, we'll just ignore it, or go round it as is our way, and if they try to take
us to court over it, we'll prove just how totally unfeasible it is, and they'll be forced to drop it.
Meanwhile, I'll be submitting all
Necro-"Make the world a better place today, shoot your local politition and journalist"-Kyle
No I belive... (Score:1)
(bad spelling is one thing but you just use the wrong birds.)
LINUX stands for: Linux Inux Nux Ux X
God damn wierdo!! (Score:1)
LINUX stands for: Linux Inux Nux Ux X
Well... (Score:1)
LINUX stands for: Linux Inux Nux Ux X
Still bad. (Score:1)
LINUX stands for: Linux Inux Nux Ux X
EU TOO! (Score:1)
LINUX stands for: Linux Inux Nux Ux X
Re:I am an Australian ISP. (Score:1)
As it stands now you have a law on the books that gives the Aussie gov't the power to do very distasteful things. Theoretically they could just impliment it piecemeal so no one will notice just how bad it is; the age requirements and the requirement for isp's to tell subscribers to use filters being step #1.
Your sig... (Score:1)
Whenever anyone says, "theoretically", they actually mean, "not really".
That's true, theoretically.
David Gould
And I thought the US gov. was dumb/evil (Score:1)
This legislation is like requireing you to avert your eyes while watching an R rated movie. It's very un-enforcable (though make note that it's something they can use as an excuse to lock people up... 'He didn't have NetNanny! He's a HARD CORE CRIMINAL!!'), and a major infringement on basic human rites.
Such a sad day and age we live in where governments can pass this kind of crap.
what will happen next (Score:1)
there's worse (Score:1)
Re:Hallucinations (Score:1)
Run for your lives! (Score:1)
Re:Hallucinations (Score:1)
Posted by Hemos on Wednesday September 01, @10:10PM EDT
What chance do we mere mortals stand against the Slashdot Time Lords?
What filtering software must you use? (Score:1)
So you have to use filtering software - but what's to stop you from turning it onto 'filter nothing'?
Furthermore, no filtering software is perfect, whether it be based on manual blocking of web pages, or automatic detection of naughty words. You could simply do all your browsing through a 'web anonymizer' or gateway, and if that gets blocked, create another. Or you could run a web proxy like DeleGate [etl.go.jp] on your own machine, and do all your browsing through that. I doubt that filtering software has any blocking rules for 'localhost' :-)
Re:I am an Australian ISP. (Score:1)
shonk Sonk, sb. slang.
Etymology: Shortened form of shonicker.
An offensive name for a Jew. Hence 'shonky a.[1] (see quot. 1951).
1938 W. Matthews Cockney Past & Present v. 153, - I diffidently suggest the following words as the most familiar slang terms rarely used except by cockneys..shonk, nose, Jew.
1940 R. Postgate Verdict of Twelve i. v. 75 - Let's have a bit of fun with the shonks.
1951 Partridge Dict. Slang (ed. 4) Add. 1168/1 - Shonky, adj., mean; money-grubbing: late C. 19-20.
1981 W. Haggard Money Men xv. 174 - `Brighton?.. It's full of shonks.'.. `Which means there are hotels with night clerks.'
Of course this may mean something completely different in Australia. Well, I'd hope so at least, or the IIA just offended a fairly large number of people.
Re:What about other platforms (Score:1)
In other words, I wouldn't rely on it for anything.
So does the gov tell you what to censor? (Score:1)
The questions is: *DO* they require to you censor what they want? I haven't followed the issue but if that's so then, well, that's *S C A R Y*.
Harradine didn't suppotr the tax legislation (Score:1)
Not going to happen (Score:1)
This is just crap! (Score:1)
What about Linux??? (Score:1)
Maybe I'll just install junkbuster - yep, I've got client-side filtering software, it filters content I don't want to see . . .
The whole sorry issue is just another reason I hdespise the current Australian Federal government - our current PM combines the bad qualities of John Major, Al Gore and Dan Quayle. . .
Re:This sucks... (Score:1)
Re:The whole world is pathetic (Score:1)
For those of you who think this is loopy, consider one thing, it's very comforting to know that I probably won't *need* Big Brother holding my hand to survive in this world. If it gets bad enough, I can take my toys and go home.
mandatory cliet-side filtering (Score:1)
Here's a hint to the goverment officials "down under", form the clay like substance, insert that weird looking miniture aaa device and power up. POOF!
Re:Liberal != Liberal (Score:1)
The conservatives got in (Score:1)
Re:Dangerous precedent (Score:1)
Is it just me ... (Score:1)
This just seems like a high-profile "blue law" to me. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Re:Govt has no business (Score:1)
- cults
do.To remain a Scientologist in good standing, one had to install the Scientology net-nanny program, which blocks access to all sites critical of Scientology, or contain names of Scientology critics (like me). Check out this great Salon article [salon.com]
It's amazing that this can be held up to redicule when it's a cult, but accepted when it's a government.
But... (Score:1)
Govt has no business (Score:1)
A law like this could never be passed in the US.
Re:Easy filter (Score:1)
This sounds like a good way to justify JunkBusters (Score:1)
JunkBusters is filtering software, does it count?
Or what about installing NetNanny with the filtering turned off. Or installing it badly, so people can just walk 'round it. Or only installing it on one PC that people don't use.
Like I said the last time
(All it will take is some managing directors being blocked from their stock portfolio pages and this will soon come to and end)
Better if it were worse (Score:1)
Who watches the watchmen/filters the filters? (Score:1)
"The latest version of NetNanny now filters away misogynistic macho bravado, beer ads and incorrect English. As a result, all Australian sites are blocked."
Re:Austrailia is a real winner. (Score:1)
Seriously, why is it that anyone mentions that they don't like guns on Slashdot, some NRA fanatic jumps all over them? I mean, are you taking turns on monitoring or what?
Re:Austrailia is a real winner. (Score:1)
Or something to that effect.
Re:While We Are At It . . . (Score:1)
For what it's worth, the Canadian system is a lot nicer than the US system. I spent most of my life in Canada, and that's one of the things I miss most.
Re:While We Are At It . . . (Score:1)
No, nowhere near 90% of Canadians work for the government. As for taxes, they are certainly higher in Canada, but not by all that much, as far as I can tell. (I'm not paying significantly less in taxes in the US than I was in Canada.) Not having a massive military to maintain probably helps. :-)
I'd really suggest you do some real research on the system before dismissing it out of hand.
Re:Slashdot gone Smasheddot, Line 26 Char 79 (Score:1)
What the heck is javascript doing on
Slashdot gone Smasheddot (Score:1)
There is something strange going on with the prefabricated pages. I can't link off to any story on the main page. I have been using the search [slashdot.org] page with no criteria to link to stories.
The prefabs are way missing stories too.
Something smelly is going on - maybe Taco is going to switch servers tonight or something, and things are starting to break.
Those Clever Australians! (Score:2)
The whole world is pathetic (Score:2)
Right about then, an article like this comes along and convinces me that the only common denominator is human cultures is brute stupidity.
Thank jesus the children are SAFE! (Score:2)
Selective Enforcement Through Terror (Score:2)
And this law's also useful for selectively getting rid of whistleblowers, civil libertarians and other troublemakers.
No ISP's at sydney march? Bull. (Score:2)
I do agree that the hippy-bus was a bit lame 8-)
Sluggy.com [sluggy.com] - Poing!
Judicial Review (Score:2)
(Remove "x"'s from
open source filtering software? (Score:2)
filtering software that _actually_works_!
While We Are At It . . . (Score:2)
Having the government censoring what you read, see and say is bad enough. Making you censor yourself according to their ideals is simply rubbing your nose in the stinky pile after you've done your business.
Next session of congress, I assure you that we'll see a host of idiots citing Australia as a role-model for net-censorship the way they idolized the Canadian health-care system a few years ago.
As soon as they start requiring us to fill out a diary and turn it into our assigned personal-government-counselors, these laws will be passe. You can just tell them when you've done something bad, read a dirty word, seen a naked woman, or gone down on your boyfriend in the back of your car and await 'personality alteration'. Orwell and his crystal ball . . .
Re:Grundy-ware REQUIRED! (Score:2)
my comment (Score:2)
i mean.. *snort* *snicker* um, i'm sure that it will be a very *giggles slightly* effective way of handling it. in all seriousness, i think we can all think that left to their own honor, we can trust the people to actually install software esigned to restrict their rights on their own computers without trying to circumven.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
heh.. oh, GOd.. eeh.. never mind.. HAHAHA..
(P.S. so that covers the web. what about FTP? newsgroups? telnet? shells in foreign countries? lynx running under shells in foreign countries? There's more than one way to get pr0n, you know)
Fahrenheit 451 (Score:2)
For those who haven't read it I would suggest one of my favorite books of all time Fahrenheit 451. F451 in its day was a great groundbreaker however it has become even more pertinent now then it was in 1954. The world is a very dangerous and not so nice place sometimes but we can't put kid gloves on every little thing so Junior doesnt see naked boobs, heck thats what Dad's old Playboys were for anyhow.
I urge everyone to help out our friends Down Under and just tell someone, get the word out. For those that read it for a book report or rented the movie take another look back at the book and tell how far we are from that society. Live by the quote.
something to the effect of: (Score:2)
Re:Austrailian High Tech Paradox (Score:2)
Tasmania is physically separate from the rest of Australia, and it shows.
Australian foreplay: Nudge - "You awake?"
Tasmanian foreplay: Nudge - "You awake, mum?"
Dangerous precedent (Score:2)
I agree with the posting by an Australian ISP: why was not enough noise made about the Australian net censorship bill?
The truth is, Internet or otherwise, we still think in terms of the physical boundaries of our countries; if it is'nt a legislation in our country why should we care?
Re:I am an Australian ISP. (Score:2)
Well, that sure sounds complementary to libertarians. WTF is a "shonk" anyway?
Re:Austrailian High Tech Paradox (Score:2)
Re:This sucks... (Score:2)
However, it is perfectly fine for the citizens
of Australia to decide what content they wish
to allow down their internet connections from
overseas. They aren't restricting your right
to speak, the majority are just choosing to
ignore you. Perfectly right and proper, and
most definitely in keeping with free speech.
You have the right to speak, just not the right
to force people to listen.
Several countries use local content legislation
to provide funds for local culture. This isn't
seen as a restriction on speech, so why should
saying "We don't want to see X?"
The way I read the proposal says that they have
to offer it to their customers, not that they
have to use it. You are still able to "yell"
about porn as much as you want (maybe not on
Aussie sites), you're just more likely to be ignored.
It most definitely isn't an act of war. If
it were an act of war to limit the presentation
of speech by people not in the country, everyone
would be at war with:
Canada - Canadian content broadcast legislation,
Kiddie porn laws.
USA - CDA and Cuban property appropriation laws.
Australia - Content legislation.
China, North Korea, and many many others.
I feel it is perfectly acceptable for people to
decide what they do and do not want to see. What
isn't acceptable is attempting to force your
views on other people. That you feel they are
correct/proper is generally irrelevent.
Ow... my eyes! (Score:2)
If you choose not to comply with our dema... uh... restrictions, a government official will be at your residence momentarily to remove your eyeballs from their sockets lest you accidently find yourself gazing at some young girl's exposed ankles.
That is all, now return your usual, sheltered, naive lives."
ICQ: 532856
Re:Is it just me ... (Score:2)
(Yes, I'm beating my own drum here, but I think it's a valid, if suboptimal, solution. And I'm going to need lots of mirrors if every single enlightened person in .au starts hitting my machine.)
Re:No ISP's at sydney march? Bull. What percent ? (Score:2)
Bigpond ? (200k users)
Ozemail ? (200k users)
Optus ? (Aiming for the @home broadband market)
IHUG ? (Actually, they were probably going, but it took 4 days to get there) [1]
If they cared about it, they would have included it in their weekly mailings to users, which I can't seem to unsubscribe myself from. And I can't recall *any* of them doing anything about it. Ditto on their homepages - I checked.
The attitude seemed to be "Oh, it won't pass, we won't worry" which leads me to believe that they think it will benefit them.
I have accounts with Bigpond, Ozemail, Optusnet/Magnadata and quite a few friends on Ihug/Tig. And they all let it slide right past. They didn't even inform their users, or if they did I missed all of it.
Oh, and if that was you up on the bus down at Darling Harbour, we have no idea what you said. We were in the front 1/2 of the crowd, just on the Monorail side of the center, and the sound system was completly crap.
Thinking back, of all of the speeches, only Danny Yee's speech in Hyde Park was audible. I came away from that march shaking my head at the low-tech low-impact effect. I mean, cardboard hand-painted hippie signs ? Only the banner was any good - kudos on that. I'm bloody suprised it made it to the news at all.
Let's not blame the US - It's the lack of activisim here in Australia that has landed us in it. And that apathy exists because little attempt was made to counter it, and that no-one wants to step out and risk being seen as pro-porn in the current political environment.
[1] Bandwith Speed Slam RE: Ihug
This sucks... (Score:3)
You know, there's a hole in the whole philosophy of this mandatory censorware thing. Consider: essentially censorware is a method of filtering out another's speech. The Australian government (indeed, most governments) have a legal right to do this to their own citizens, immoral censorship is. However, the Net is a global community. Governments have no right to do anything to people not under their jurisdiction. To attempt to do so is, if I'm not mistaken, an act of war.
In other words, Australia has just declared war on everyone else. I hope someone in their government figures this one out fast (no doubt they don't read Slashdot, seeing as it's too supportive of such "anarchistic" rights as free speech, so they'll never see this post). No doubt the boneheads who made this law up didn't think of it.
Just to set the record straight: (Score:3)
12B.4 The preceding Clause shall have no application in respect of the supply of Internet access services by an ISP to the following classes of users:
(a) commercial users who already have in place some form of Content filtering or control, whether by means of firewall technology or otherwise, such as is likely to make the use of the measures listed in the Schedule unnecessary or redundant;
(b) schools, educational or other institutional users similarly protected; or
(c) any other user who has advised their ISP that he or she already has installed and has operational a Content filtering or other control measure listed in Schedule 1 of this Code.
Advised. Not 'proved'. Advised.
Sluggy.com [sluggy.com] - Poing!
Re:Grundy-ware REQUIRED! (Score:3)
I'll configure it to filter ...
Re:Grundy-ware REQUIRED! (Score:3)
Actually, I suppose if I were in Australia I might have to install the cheapest approved filter program. I'd install it by sticking its floppy in a broken floppy drive, taping the law around it, and scrawl "IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: DO NOT REMOVE FLOPPY" on it. Then put it back on the shelf. Or maybe on a mobile.
I suppose I could just skip the extra hardware and install the filter floppy on a mobile. A web camera would allow checking that the filter was still properly installed.
It's actually quite clever (Score:3)
With this move, the IIA has squarely put the responsibility on the end users, who will either a) ignore it b) get up in arms about the fees, inconvenience, etc.
It's a brilliant way to put the pressure on the government by keeping it in the minds (and wallets) of the average AU consumer.
Hey, I did all I could... (Score:3)
Moreover, I provided this [mit.edu].
Re:I am an Australian ISP. Thanks for nothing. (Score:3)
6 months from now, the Telegraph or Today Tonight or A Current Affair will use it to take the next step :
"Your children can still see porn on the Internet - ISP's purposly bypassing the law in order to keep making profits"
"ISP's - Supposedly in the front line against smut on the internet, but a government report shows that not one of them enforces it"
"A child of 14, shown here getting all the naked pictures they want off the internet, simply by clicking on a box here, and using his mothers Visa card to sign up"
"Boy, 16, dies after building a pipebomb from information on the internet. Mother says 'Why wasn't this blocked under the Colston-Harradine laws like we were told it would be'"
Which means, the next law will be even tougher.
And we'll see the mandatory installation of filtering software that has to report it's installed before a download begins. Nothing like making the Users Pay for their own censorship.
Or Log checking and comparing, with questions asked "Why are you still getting 600 meg of naked pictures when you said here you have filtering software installed ? Please reply to this mail with the serial number & receipt number of the software you have installed or your account will be terminated"
Oh, yeah. This is great news.
Does your wonderful draft code of "pornographic content must not be hosted in Australia" address the concept of news and mail servers ? 'Cause I saw nothing about it in there, apart from 13.4
13.4 When an Internet Content Host is notified by the ABA that it is hosting on a web server or other content database within its control, material which is deemed by the ABA to be Prohibited Content or Potentially Prohibited Content
(a) the Internet Content Host must promptly remove that Content from the Web Site or database;
(b) upon doing so, the Internet Content Host must inform the customer that the customer's conduct
is a breach of the customer's service conditions and, if applicable, an offence under law, and further,that a repeat occurrence will result in the termination of the customer's account;
(c) in the case of a repeat occurrence of offending conduct by the customer, an Internet Content Host, having informed the customer that his or her conduct is a breach of the customer's service conditions and, if applicable, an offence under law, must terminate that customer's account.
OK. I'm on a Naked Penguin Pic of the day mailing list. Someone subscribes a wrong address to that mailing list, and a complaint is forwarded to the ABA.
Based on my reading, and of the original law, and of listening to the senate discussion on the radio, you then have to make sure that that picture is not hosted or mirrored anywhere. Which means you have to then go in and delete it from your mail spool so it isn't hosted in Australia. Which means you have to delete it from anyone else who receives it.
Which is *worse* then the original law, which purposly bypassed email. And, as I've said before, after you apply this law to Usenet, we can go back to flying in Usenet on a tape spool once a week, because by the time the Howard definition of Pornographic is applied Usenet News Servers in Australia will be 1/1000th of the size they are now.
I am an Australian ISP. (Score:5)
The major bad thing with this document is that it requires us to ensure that all our customers are over 18 years old, or have parental approval.
Personally, I think that this isn't anywhere as bad as it could have been, thanks to the IIA's attempt to soothe this.
I, personally, am reasonably bitter towards the US in this. Whilst you were having grief with your CDA, people -all around the world- were turning their pages black, and protesting quite vocally. Yet, when our moronic government brought this legislation up, which is -much much- worse than the CDA, you quite happily ignored us. A total of 3 posts to
As far as what the IIA have done, I thank them. They've turned this legislation around, from something that would have totally destroyed the internet in australia, to something we're barely going to notice.
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