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Comment Re:"Great leap forward" (Score 2, Informative) 344

The Feb 30 issue gets *even better*. For years I used that as a prime example of what's wrong with MySQL, so I was a bit disappointed when I found out they'd fixed it.

Then I discovered that Feb 35th is *STILL* a valid date! The only thing they fixed was Feb 30th and 31st!

MySQL clearly just doesn't get it.


Submission + - How good software makes us stupid (

siliconbits writes: The BBC has an interesting article about how ever improving software damages our ability to think innovatively. "Search engines(TM) function of providing us with information almost instantly means people are losing their intellectual capacity to store information, Nicolas Carr, said". This sadly convinced some journos to come up with wildfire titles such as "Google damages users' brains, author claims".

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