Silicon Graphics rebrands itself as 'SGI' 166
Sent us a quote from SGI
SGI's web page. It
says "SGI now stands for Servers, Supercomputers, and
Graphic Workstations that enable breakthrough
Insights." You can
read the press release.
Now I gotta change the logo. The old one is just so
much cooler.
Sorry, Gone Intel (Score:1)
fix the Apple logo (Score:1)
/.ing their server (Score:1)
If that's still the case, I'm hardly surprised.
Keep the logo, Rob. Put it up with the Digital one (Score:1)
Unless you're a total neophyte hobbyist, you don't buy computer systems like SGIs for the badging they've got--you buy it because of what's inside. Things like the CPU, the graphics, the software you're using or planning to use. Things of that sort will help you get things accomplished (i.e. help solve those problems you need a computer for in the first place)--the logo on the outside (and the color of the plastic casing) don't really help all that much.
Do have your moment of silence. It's a good logo, after all, but at least be reasonable about it.
But then, I care. Really.
PS: For those who believe that the logo change will spiral the company into some sort of early grave, you've been wrong about that since 1995, and given your current track record on this issue, you're still likely to be wrong. If something as subtle and as largely irrelevant as a change of logo is enough to send you carping off about how a $5 billion/year company is somehow magically going to tank tommorrow, I'm sorry, but I think you've had it in for the company just because it's SGI.
The logos aren't *that* important. The technology is, or it's supposed to be. But if I *did* have it my way, I'd redo the whole thing in Cyrillic (http://www.stonebug.net/sgi_new.jpg), so screw you.
God, I'm canktankerous today.
new logo is ,uh, weak (Score:1)
sgIomega? (Score:1)
The "Q," I mean "G," looks horrible, period.
Um, Tabs? (Score:1)
Done! (Score:1)
Send them feedback and let them know that you think this stinks. Don't be a dick about it. Just say what you feel. That this doesn't appeal to you, that it doesn't represent the SGI you know and love. If you're a customer, TELL them that. But again, don't be a dick about it - that won't accomplish ANYTHING.
I sent mine in as a customer and SGI-head. It's the least I could do.
Lame! (Score:1)
Still make damned good machines though, even with the silly logo.
Lame! (Score:1)
Movie branding (Score:1)
I agree too... After the Sun logo, the SGI logo was one of the best. Ah well...
An year? And they come up with THIS!!? (Score:1)
I guess it isn't long until sgi gets bought by Dell or some other lame clone maker like Digital.
"The brown ring of quality" (Score:1)
Well put (Score:1)
Do I like this? Not at all. Why buy from SGI, when we have HP, Sun or IBM?
Note that I don't particularily see this attitude in the website - just in the overall remake of the company.
R.I.P. SGI (Score:1)
Also note that Shockwave is considered a dream to most web artists.. I think it's very useful, though I just wish they'd hurry with a Linux port (I think there was a beta version of Flash, donno if they released it generally yet)
audience (Score:1)
Is this a good thing? No, but it's probably their only real option, besides bankruptcy.
SGI to sgi (Score:1)
More proof that Marketing has no clues...but if it helps sgi sell more cool stuff and stops NT (un)workstations doing all the CAD it can't be a bad thing...
Here's what I'm thinking. (Score:1)
For the record, this is the -dumbest- renaming I've ever seen. Well, it should make hiring from Silicon Graphics ^h^H^H^H^H^HH^ sgi easier though.
It sort of reminds me of the kind of bullshit that tandem went through before being sold to Compaq. Tandem changed the logo from one color to another and called it revolutionary.
Chris DiBona
Evangelist, VA
Chris DiBona
Grant Chair, Linux Int.
Ugh.....it's true. It's evil. (Score:1)
Chris DiBona
Evangelist, VA.
Grant Chair, Linux Int.
If they don't want it anymore... (Score:1)
Keep the old logo, Rob! (Score:1)
I guess I Just Don't Get It. (Score:1)
Wrongo-bedongo. The reason KFC went to the abbreviation is something else. It seems the State of Kentucky, deep in their asses in debt, decided to charge any corporations who used the word "Kentucky" in their names (like KFC, like the Kentucky Derby) a licensing fee. Rather than comply, KFC dropped the "Kentucky" moniker, as did the Kentucky Derby.
Reference somewhere on http://www.snopes.com . Site's down now so I can't check it, but check it out when you got the time.
An educational message from your pal,
Dumb, dumb, dumb. (Score:1)
It's like people making up names just to fit cutesy acronyms.
SGI. Silicon Graphics Incorporated. Now that's a name, dammit.
Way to go, guys.
-- adr
Big Deal (Score:1)
Now, I hope they suffer a quick yet horrible demise, so we can at least remember them for what they were, and not for what they will become.
I hate the new logo, I hate the new name, and above all, I hate the defeatist, conformist, bland, be-suited, tie-wearing, buzzword-spewing, Dilbertoid, stupid, corporate rationale behind it.
SGI is dead, as far as I'm concerned. That doesn't make me love my Indy any less.
The "g" in sgi... (Score:1)
I think the old logo is better.
Lots of good logos left! (Score:1)
Any other links to good logos? We should have a contest.
Give away (Score:1)
Makes me wonder why is everybody changing names (ie Cygnus, SGI etc
Silicon GEAR (Score:1)
Wow, that's weak. (Score:1)
Comparing the two, I thought, "This logo [the cube] says we make cool, strong, powerful stuff. This new logo looks like someone sat on them."
Money To Burn (Score:1)
I would have done it for five bucks and a bag of chips.
R.I.P. SGI (Score:1)
Naah, Yahoo's better. More functional and fewer graphics.
The new SGI is here, and it looks hideous....
I want no stinkin' "sgi" on my O2! (Score:1)
Keep the old logo, Rob! (Score:1)
Re: PowerComputing (Score:1)
I live near Round Rock, Texas (Where PowerComputing was located), and managed to purchase a PowerTrip 233 from one of their engineers just after Apple ate PowerComputing.
It's a PC laptop. Other than the minor bugs (which would have been worked out over an average product cycle), it's the best notebook I've ever used (Even runs GNU/Linux in 1024x768x24bit very well). They made good machines. It was a shame to see them fall... I got this notebook for about $1.7K (233 MHz P-MMX, 128MB RAM, Video Option, 13.4" Active-Matrix, everything), which wasn't too much less than for what PowerComputing was going to sell it to the public. Damned shame, that they never got a chance.
The following sentence is true.
The previous sentence is false.
MIPS leadership is a thing of the past (Score:1)
.....*idle whistling*... So, it's just my imagination that the Ultra 5 on the desk next to me is kicking the crap out of the dual PII-450 across the room? Screw raw performance. Workstations still have PCs beat at price-to-performance, at least for workstation-type applications (IE: not word-processing or playing Doom).
And who really cares if your 3D video card can beat up a Creator 2D. The Unix workstation market is no more dead than it was five years ago, back when you were running Windows 3.11. Unix has it's place, massive parallel computing has it's place, and toy PCs have their place in the hands of PHBs and accountants.
I'd really like to see what you consider massive computing power. A Quad-processed Pentium III? A 64-way Enterprise 10K or a Cray JE9 is massive to me.
And if "fast 3D" to you means DirectX in a full-screen window, we're talking two totally different languages here. I'm talking about something actually useful in an engineering/research environment.... something that can generate actual information (not just pretty pictures) from the 3D modeling engine.
MIPS may be falling behind,but I doubt your MIPS vs Pentium benchmark. Alpha may be falling behind, but SPARCs are still way ahead of anything coming out of Intel's labs.
Comparing a seven-year-old SGI to a brand new top-of-the-line Intel box is hardly a worthy comparison. Let's compare what's out there now... Dual-processed Octane R12k to Dual-Pentium III Xeon. *shrug* Yeah, there's a price difference, but if you absolutely need that much power, the cost-curve doesn't matter so much if that's the only way you can get it.
Yeah, getting a Onyx2 (or other kick-butt Unix box) for office work & 3D games is definitely a Bad Idea, and so is buying a Ferrari to drive it through a school zone.
The following sentence is true.
The previous sentence is false.
...Earth to Clueless...Come in, Clueless... (Score:1)
OpenGL "going away"? Please, if you think that OpenGL is all about Quake and flight simulators then you need to get a clue. OpenGL is very precise and exact graphics rendering model that has its roots in scientific simulation. Microsoft doesn't comprehend this idea of "precision" or "industry-standard". Why do you think that Microsoft's implementation of OpenGL is such a bitch to port OpenGL apps to?
I'd like to know when SGI started to manufacture PCs, or why they would ever care to. Their hardware is vastly superior. PC 3D gaming hardware outstrips their best? Come on, Indy 8-bit graphics running on an R4000 isn't "their best". Neither is an Onyx Reality Engine, but it's still fast enough for me to enter a lightsabre duel with a computerized opponent (with a real prop for a lightsabre & 3d-goggles... it's a toy project of Rice University's CS department).
The day that Microsoft's dual-headed support does stereographic imaging, DirectImput allows me to pick up a roll of paper towels and use it as a lightsabre becuase DirectImput supports motion-sensors, and Intel Pentiums are fast enough to render this at dual 1280x1024x32bit at more than 45 frames per second, then you can say that SGI has been caught up to by Intel.
Computing power is not a commodity, at least not the sort of power you'd find in a MIPS R10k or MIPS R12k or a grid of 16 MIPS R8k. The day you can buy something like that, slap Micros~1 Windows 2056 (It'll probably take that long) on it and get it to do realtime OpenGL rendering like an SGI....
...SGI will have just released something better, assuming they don't start to suffer from "Microsoft Innovation Syndrome".
#endifNo, SGI isn't perfect, nor are their machines perfect. In fact, I use Suns almost all the time (price/performance thing... plus the replacement parts are marginally cheaper). But, to compare even a (relatively) lowly Indigo2 to a PC? You need to quit smoking so much of that Microsoft(R) Crack(TM) v2.0.
The following sentence is true.
The previous sentence is false.
Re: PowerComputing (Score:1)
... Just remembering PowerComputing, their cool logo, and the fact that Apple ATE them with Micro$oft money...
Cool logos, Apple's involvement, Microsoft dominance.. it's related, man. And, if it isn't, why the HELL did you waste your oh-so-precious time replying?
Hehe.... At least my post had to do with computers, not with topicality, buttmunch.
The following sentence is true.
The previous sentence is false.
I guess I Just Don't Get It. (Score:1)
Now if they all painted their butts green and walked backwards that would get some attention!
surely they'll combine the logos... (Score:1)
my US$.o2
Their making a mistake (Score:1)
I'm not an expert on this - but I seems to me that changing the logo and the name (to a really ugly one) means that you have to rebuild part of the company image. Selling is all about being recognized.
And why did they have to change the logo anyway. The old one was so much better...sigh..
No, that can't have been it. (Score:1)
The latest development (a month or two ago) is that they seem to be partially backing out of the name change: Inprise now has two divisions: "Inprise" for "enterprise" software, and "Borland.com" as the development tool maker and marketer.
But anyway, look at their website ( http://www.borland.com [borland.com]) and you'll see that the packaging says "Borland" just like it always did -- even when the URL was "inprise.com".
Christian R. Conrad
Christian R. Conrad
MY opinions, not my employer's - Hedengren, Finland.
They pulled a borland (Score:1)
News Flash: SGI changes name to SGI (Score:1)
Oh, and the new logo is hideous. For a company that prides themselves on 3d graphics, that logo looks like something you'd find labeling a generic toilet paper brand.
At least it seems to be a joke (Score:1)
When I first saw the new logo 2 weeks ago, I thought of an April fool's joke.
And now the new explanation for s.g.i...
It just sucks.
/.ing their server (Score:1)
I'm mad about the pipe logo going too! (Score:1)
DAMN! that logo was COOL.
check out my music [mp3.com]
you might actually like it.
Graphics is what they do best (Score:1)
As it should be. Everybody does servers. A few big names do supercomputers, but everybody knows who they are anyhow (most people just don't buy them). What Silicon Graphics built its reputation as a solid performer on was... Graphics!
Instead of underscoring their victories and capitalizing on their successes, they're "repositioning" themselves to the same "yeah, we do servers" slot as every other Tom, Dick and Harry in the business. Instead of happily enjoying and spreading their niche, it seems to me that they're doing their best to abandon it altogether.
The whole concept is misdirected.
James Ojaste
I want no stinkin' "sgi" on my O2! (Score:1)
Heh. I just counted, and I've got 13 of the cube logo in my office on assorted keyboards, mice, monitors, and machines...
I'm definately not getting rid of it for a while.
Wow. (Score:1)
And the obligatory:
The Silicon Graphics (not SGI of course!
cube logo was the best. I just can't visualize
the new one twirling in 3D...
new sgi = the new reality (Score:1)
Stockholders don't count, CUSTOMERS count! (Score:1)
It's the customers opinion that matters! I was the guy who advocated we should start looking into SGI servers for our technical computing a bunch of years ago, to replace what we were using by then. What got me interested in the first place was the name: "Silicon Graphics"! It was, and still is, hi-tech sounding, and it got me interested enough to check them up and realize it meant they had high bandwidth, high capacity, good I/O, fast CPUs. "Silicon Graphics", hey this means they need to be fast overall, not just have peak performance in one place (like HP) or another place (like DEC Alpha boxes which were introduced back then), or any other. Well we still buy a lot of them because the benchmark went well
The name started it all.. never would I have been interested if they had this new name back then (which is so boring I just can't remember it five seconds).
What a boring name, what a boring logo :-( (Score:1)
And the new logo.. what a disappointment. Funky 'g', but it just disappears, it's mainstream, it's tragic.
Now what incredibly bad consultancy company managed to get rich from such a bad job? And who was the CEO at SGI who thought this was a good idea? And the board?
Definitively the worst name/logo change I have seen in at least ten years.
R4400 vs. 200MHz Intel (Score:1)
And about the 200MHz+ Intel beating R4400 I'm not
so sure.. I've been running `setiathome' the last week
and a 400MHz Pentium uses 80 minutes to do one workload,
that's about equal to a 215-220MHz R4400 if such a thing
existed, in other words slightly faster than one CPU in my
200MHz old Challenge running the same program.
A 250MHz R10000 runs circles around the 400MHz Pentium II.
A bit disappointing actually, particularly taking into account
that `setiathome' isn't even compiled for an R10000, my other applications go 30% faster when I compile for it.
The SGI Nt-Based line will die, SGI wont. (Score:1)
Visual Station is attractive, it is more than 2x
the price of its competition. Graphics studios
who want high quality and power but cant spend
more than 10 grand on a machine will simply choose
Apple, Integraph, Micron, etc. and other clones
that can pack a punch but not on the wallet.
SGI's true niche, its claim to fame, etc. is its line of monster machines, the mid range Octanes and O2s and the upper line of Origin servers. As well as its line of ONYX2s (Cray 2000s in pretty cases). They dont sell many, but they sell them; to governments and large corperations who simply can't do what they need to do on a multi-proc xeon or PII/III.
Summery: The NT Based Visual Station will be discontinued and the company will refocus on its upper end and lower end UNIX based systems. Realize, while it may only sell a few of the ONYX and ONYX2s in a year, along with those come service plans (tangent: Control Data kept alive for many years just off service agreements from Cyber line and still has active contracts today ).
Don't worry about the logo. It's lame and lame things eventually get tossed as flops (e.g. Arch Deluxe).
Self Justification of Corperate Executives. (Score:1)
same pace as it used to, the big whigs
get worried and try to come up with radical
changes, regardless of whether those changes
help, just so that they can justify their
overpaid positions.
A better use of SGIs time and money would have
been a massive ad campaign with their new intel
based visual stations using the old logo. That
would of caught peoples attention.
(on a relative note, I just saw my office got
a new visual station today. I'm not going to
get into it, but lets just say im very impressed.)
by Jai Natarajan
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA (January 10, 2001) -- Struggling computer manufacturer SGI today announced a major shift in corporate and marketing strategy. The former leader in high-end servers and workstations, beset by declining sales and large losses, today vowed to fight back with a new company name.
Extensive research by Landor Associates pinpointed the short brand name and silly logo as the single cause of losses. "The public doesn't care about high costs of hardware and peripherals, nor about the buggy operating system or fuzzy product lines. Tests show clients are really bothered about investing billions in equipment made by a company with such a short and meaningless name." said K.B. Landor, CEO of Landor Associates, from his mansion in Bel Air, shortly after flying back from a ski vacation in Europe in his private jet. Landor, 45, has two sons in Harvard and mansions in Paris, Rome, Buenos Aires, Los Altos, New York and Seattle, built upon his very successful brand-naming business featuring such high-flying clients as SGI, DEC, ILM, ELO, APP, N'Sync and TASP (The Artist Sporadically known as Prince).
SGI CEO Rick Belluzzo added "We have even been losing market share to Digital Equipment Corporation ever since they ceased to be DEC. Even Intel has five letters in its brand name fer crying out loud."
"The time has come to fight back. We are laying off any employees who don't have a middle initial and are aggressively recruiting senior executives with name prefixes", added Robin Van Der Lowe Smith-Jones, head of personnel services.
Industry sources are mum about the prospects of a turnaround by this legendary slumbering giant but they appear to have taken the correct initial steps.
That name has some serious hot air (Score:1)
BTW, did anyone hear about the time he billed himself as a consultant for writing mission statements (at Iomega I think?) When the session was done, the statement was a mass of unintelligible crap. Then, to "Bring the session into focus" as he put it, he drew a big picture of Dilbert and they knew they'd been had.
That was one of the coolest things ever.
/.++ ---->>
that's the new logo? (Score:1)
Keep the old logo, Rob! (Score:1)
So they want to push the server market? (Score:1)
buy an SGI server; who wants to run Irix if you
don't have to?
Why bother? (Score:1)
Let's place bets (Score:1)
I would be willing to bet that they change their name (and perhaps their logo) to something else after they get some much-needed attention. Are we really too young as an industry to understand the term, "publicity stunt?"
Somehow the expansion of the "new" SGI doesn not equal the cool-ness or the long-term brand recongnition of something like "Kodak."
This frightens me (Score:1)
A moment of silence for the old (incredibly cool) logo, and the old SGI.
And geez, I always thought SGI to have a little more class than to make an obnoxious noisy useless opening screen on their web site...
Wasted product placement (Score:1)
If they don't want it anymore... (Score:1)
Yeah, imagine a logo: penguin trapped in a cube cage. Sheesh...
an amusing observation (Score:1)
irony is bliss.
SPOILER: Re: Lots of good logos left! (Score:1)
Let's TELL them what we think about the logo. (Score:1)
Remember when Toshiba wouldn't release the IR specs for their laptops? We all told them why it would be a good idea for them to release the specs, and a few months later they did. See http://slashdot.org/articles/99/02/24/112249.shtm
Please take 30 seconds out of your busy day and send them a quick, "I miss the old logo!" email.
Let's TELL them what we think about the logo. (Score:1)
At this time, the aforementioned web page seems to be slashdotted or otherwise down. If it still is at the time you read this, you can send email to their trademark-watching department by going to http://www.sgi.com/company_inf o/trademarks/questions.html [sgi.com]
And please give this post a fantastic ranking so everyone sees it :)
The Marketing Department Strikes Again (Score:1)
How many MBA's does it take to change a logo?
(On a side note, if they wanted a name change, why not Cray? They own it, after all.)
R.I.P. SGI (Score:1)
Graphic artists should DESIGN websites, but engineers should sanity-check them on plane-Jane 14.4 links before allowing promotion to production. Shockwave is cute, but it should be verboten on the main page and optional elsewhere; you should have at least a minimally functional set of pages that makes sense in lynx(1).
RIP SGI, indeed. To shreds.
Keep the logo, Rob. Put it up with the Digital one (Score:1)
a difference for people purchasing is completely incorrect.
I handle a large budget for unix servers and
workstations... We're primarily a Sun/HP shop, but
I always made sure we have a good smattering
of SGI's. Basically, they keep people's morale up in the bland world of corporate unix.
I have been a staunch SGI supporter for uncountable years... I have 3 workstations and 1 server in my house no less... I lusted after SGIs back in the days when their cases were ordinary beige and they just used numerical model numbers...
SGI has made a lot of changes recently, many which seems to be trying to alienate their fanatic followers... Their NT workstations for example...
I mean nobody ever purchased an SGI for logical reasons... it was always purely emotional... We just always made up reasons why SGI was a viable solution... (for example, SGI's multi-processor
math libraries are completely whack. You'll get a different answer depending on how many processors are used to calculate things... (much worse than any FDIV bug))...
With this new logo, they have finally managed to somehow completely sever my emotional ties to them. And its not just me... With the full agreement of most of the administrators and managers I know, over a broad number of companies, I will not be purchasing a machine from SGI again until they replace that ugly and stupid logo.
NT isn't a Unix killer; it's a Unix vendor killer. (Score:1)
Sun actually owns complete rights to the NT 4.0 source code through one of companies they got in their buying binge...
Hence "Project Cascade"
sgi logo isn't a good thing (tm) (Score:1)
Yes, the cube is gone (Score:1)
Money To Burn (Score:1)
Well, since the company I work for did the same thing recently I'd say a lot. Which is too bad, the old logo was one of my favorites. Of all the stuff I have on my wall here at work, only two things are logo's. One is Apple's, the other is SGI's good old cube. Sad times these are.
Re: PowerComputing (Score:1)
Please don't act like a 12 yr old and call me buttmunch, crybaby.
Re: PowerComputing (Score:1)
hehe. At least the posts mentioning apple were somewhat related to logo's.
Big Deal (Score:1)
However, why does everyone equate the change of a logo to doom? People have been calling them SGI for years, and changing a logo is extremely common in the business world.
The reports of SGI's demise are greatly exaggerated.
25 million? (Score:2)
Well that is what storageTek paid for their new logo. At least we went a step in the right direction, a meanless logo, but all we had before was the name...
Most of us here look at the price tag for that, think for a moment, and reliase that instead of spending money on a logo last year they could have lowered estimates by 10 million, given us a bonus, and still be money ahead.
If I was a stock trader I'd be short on sgi right now. My expirence is that when a company changes their logo stock moves south. (for those who don't know, short on stock means you borrow stock from a owner, and sell it. You have to buy it back before the owner wants to do anything with it, but that is rarely a problem)
NT isn't a Unix killer; it's a Unix vendor killer. (Score:2)
Which of the proprietary Unix vendors is the only one which doesn't also sell NT boxes?
(Hint. Three letters. They have a rather well-recognized, square, purple logo. And they aren't about to change it.)
Jesus LORD. (Score:2)
Don't take my word for it; take an architecture class and learn why beowulf is only fast on the problems that it's easy to be fast on. That same class might help you figure out why an O2K will whomp ass all over your cousin Jed's quad Xeon webserver. And sitting down in front of an Octane should make you pretty embarassed about that "Doom" comment...
You're right about the logo, Rob (Score:2)
Perhaps I sould read the press release and find some insite into what image they want to protray. I guessed it would have been a high technology type of imagine. Oh well, I guess they have something else planned.
"Man könnte froh sein, wenn die Luft so rein wäre wie das Bier"
Coffee Stain? (Score:2)
"Man könnte froh sein, wenn die Luft so rein wäre wie das Bier"
Keep the old logo, Rob! (Score:2)
I do understand the point behind the renaming - they want us to know they do stuff other than 3D graphics. But I think it could have been done in a sleeker way. They owe us SGI fans a more interesting logo than that.
R.I.P. SGI (Score:2)
The new 'sgi' site is flashy, as was the old one. But the old one had the high tech feel that was easily associated with what they do.
The new 'sgi' site just doesn't seem to convey that cutting edge computing feel. It feels more like a mail order computer shop.
At least it seems to be a joke (Score:2)
When the chips are down (Score:2)
SGI should sell cray, buy back mips and start doing what they used to do best, make butt kicking graphical workstations. Anymore they are on the road to becoming another Xeon "workstation" knockoff maker.
Re: (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
Keep the old logo, Rob! (Score:2)
I guess I Just Don't Get It. (Score:2)
Sure, it avoids the incredible exclusiveness of the "Graphics" in "Silicon Graphics", but is that all there is? Granted, they didn't go with anything embarassingly buzzwordish, but still. I just don't see the big deal of it all.
The new "g" does look funky, though.
Silicon GEAR already taken (Score:2)
Ok, maybe not.
R.I.P. SGI (Score:3)
What, you don't like sites that actually use real graphic artists instead of code monkeys to do their webpages?
you seem to have an odd sence of what "professional" means...
Keep the old logo, Rob! (Score:3)
Let's TELL them what we think about the logo. (Score:3)
R.I.P. SGI (Score:3)
I'm sure that the technology that made SGI the wet-dream of geeks is still cutting edge, but image matters.
I knew SGI. I worked with SGI. Senator, you are not SGI; you look like an iMac, a '98 VW Bug. You're going cutesy, and it's pretty pathetic.
The new site looks like a page out of Wired. Lot's of disjoined graphics, buzz phrases and colors. Very nuevo 70's, very rounded, cartooney and completely unsophisticated. I wouldn't have been surprised to see a rendering of a Porche, with a speckled orange formica paintjob. It's just tacky.
Whoever they hired to revamp their image, I hope they fire in a hurry. Image matters, and SGI made a reputation of looking hi-tech. They now look like Yahoo! for christsakes!
There is something to be said for slick cases that look fast even when they're off. But really. I'd be hard pressed to take them seriously now - they look like an e-zine.
Now I wonder who will pick up the gauntlet and take up the image of being the coolest hi-tech firm out there. VAResearch, are you taking notes? Let's slap all that great hardware in some neato boxes. But please, keep it professional looking, sophisticated and tasteful.
Comment removed (Score:3)
I guess I Just Don't Get It. (Score:3)
What new Logo? (Score:4)
Ok, so maybe that's the logo. Maybe it's not quite that unimaginitive, though. It could be on of those inverted logos, where the letters are transparent, and only the background is solid, and they just had a blue background for it on their homepage...
Hm. I don't believe it either. It reminds me of the Dilbert where Dogbert read something that Dilbert wrote, then asked Dilbert if he heard about the infinite monkey theorem. Dilbert said yes, and Dogbert responded "ten monkeys, fifteen minutes". (well, it was something like that.) I give this logo twelve monkeys and thirteen minutes. Why didn't they just hire a kindergartener to scribble sgi on a piece of paper and just scan it in?