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Atlassian To Buy Video Messaging Provider Loom for Nearly $1 Billion ( 10

Atlassian said on Thursday it had agreed to acquire privately held video messaging platform Loom for about $975 million, beefing up its team collaboration tools to tap into resilient demand fueled by the adoption of hybrid work. From a report: Integration of Loom's technology into Atlassian software such as collaboration tools Jira and Confluence will help users use video in their workflows. The acquisition of Loom, which has more than 25 million users globally, will enable customers communicate and collaborate more effectively, Atlassian said.
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Atlassian To Buy Video Messaging Provider Loom for Nearly $1 Billion

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  • slacking seems lazy. zooming more proactive, but looming just seems creepy
  • If the idea is to integrate video messaging into their products, why don't they build it themselves? Shouldn't be that hard and for sure will cost less than 1 billion. Videomessaging is like a commodity right now.
    The only reason to pay that much is if they can get all of Looms customers to use additional Atlassian tools, and I don't see why that would happen.

    • by Pascoea ( 968200 )
      I have a feeling it's more about the "25 million users globally" than the technology. They only need to squeeze an average of $40 out of each of them to pay for this.
      • I did a little googling, apparently they have a yearly revenue of just $35M. That's revenue, not profit. They might have 25 million users, but only 120.000 paying customers.

  • FFS people just use Jitsi []
  • one of the benefits of being remote is not having to see the ugly mugs of your co-workers. why must they insist on taking away that perk? I'm glad not having to hear, see, or smell cubicle dwelling coworkers. Videocalls and things such as this are a huge step backwards.

  • by Tora ( 65882 ) on Thursday October 12, 2023 @01:53PM (#63920893)

    Jira support sent me a loom video showing how to do something this week. I coudln't even watch it. It kept freezing and was jittery. I never got through the entire thing. Total trainwreck of software. There's off-the-shelf streaming tools available to use, no reason anybody should have such shoddy streaming nowdays.

Never trust a computer you can't repair yourself.
