The Words of Shodan 52
Via GameSetWatch, an article by Keiron Gillen about System's Shock's deeply creepy villainess, Shodan. The deeply disturbed AI is in some ways a cliche, but Gillen examines why Shodan transcends genre tropes to become a truly unique character. From the article: "The core of understanding Shodan in System Shock 2 is to understand that she's no longer the AI she once was. In the first System Shock she was the cold, perfect bully aboard citadel station. The position she finds herself in orbit around Tau Ceti, millions of miles from Earth, is somewhat different. In short, for the majority of the game, she's not the antagonist anymore - but the main supporting actor and even mentor. She's not who you try to stop - she's who you work with."
SS3? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:SS3? (Score:4, Funny)
Exactly my response to that comment.
Did some looking. Bioshock, which looked like a fairly cool and immersive FPS, is apparently the spiritual successor to SS2.
Now I'm all a-quiver! Time to upgrade the P3-1GHz, finally.
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Now, if you could find a way to leverage that paranoia without confusing the people who never played the earlier games....
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However, no, I get no money for anything on the workblog.
Melodrama (Score:4, Interesting)
I find TFA to be a little melodramatic. "SHODAN is... The Girl Your Mother Warned You About"... "SHODAN IS... the Hand that Wrecks the Cradle"... "SHODAN is... Her Own Impersonal Jesus"... Yes, it's true, SHODAN was an excellent character, but she was only scary because of other good design decisions on the part of the developers. The audio logs in the first game, for instance, were an excellent idea and provided a lot of suspense and incentive to explore.
System Shock 2 was a good game, but honestly it didn't creep me out as much as the original did. Maybe SHODAN's novelty had worn off by that point, or maybe I just got more jaded as a gamer. The idea of being all alone on a monster-infested spacestation has been done to death by now (Doom 3 et al) but it was new and cool back when the original came out.
I wonder if System Shock 3 will be genuinely scary? Here's to hoping...
Re:Melodrama (Score:4, Insightful)
Few things creep me out as much as a bloodied guy swinging a lead pipe at me while apologizing for it, or the ship's computer interspersing announcements about the upcoming holiday shopping season with announcements about your upcoming death. Of course, that was all actually The Many's doing, so in a sense, SHODAN was merely the grandmother of that terror.
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... Many of whom willingly gave in to the Many. That's the nastiest bit.
YES! Finally she's getting the notice she deserves (Score:5, Interesting)
The thing that makes Shodan so truely terrific is that shodan doesn't just talk to you, she talks to everyone. She constantly is in communication with you, not in a way that requires communication, but through emails and data files.
Even above that she doesn't just talk to the user, she will torment any person still alive on her station that isn't helping her. She doesn't just talk about what she is going to do to you, but she shows her AI, and you get a feeling for what is so evil about her and what she has done to the whole station.
She has a matriarch tone to her "children", she has the angry tone for you, the computer tone for normal announcements, the condescending tone for when she springs traps. It's never the same voice. And what's so essential is this is 4 or 5 tones for a computer. This is more acting than most people can evoke and a computer is just filled with emotion.
The fact is that shodan simply is the flawless enemy, the way she interacts with you is well done, she never feels like a "computer" she feels more alive than it. And the terror her voice evokes rivals many current day villians.
Kudos Through the Looking Glass you will sorely be missed.
P.S. SS3 was announced earlier this year I believe, EA was working on it.
Re:YES! Finally she's getting the notice she deser (Score:2)
Great, now to unlock more psi abilities you will have to kill 3 zombies with a gun, push one off a ledge, and get one "newspaper headline" kill by doing it in a unique place. If EA brings anything from their sports/racing titles to System Shock, from the "play longer and repeat missions to unlock better stuff" idea to licensed menu music, I will dedicate the rest of my life to finding the decision-makers and killing them in the kind
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I prefer the Scrubs scene where you grab a guy's banana Hammock and throw them off the roof. It's a 10 on the pain scale.
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Pretentious! (Score:3, Insightful)
The finest Sophomoric Dorky Puns one can muster
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So if I don't "regularly read" this dork's blog, I shouldn't build an opinion about his writing? Riiiight. I'm all about having fun, and I read lots of different authors online and off, but my comment stands not on the author's style (which, if is always like this, I would quit reading him) but on the article content - which isn't fun in its volume of headings, it's stupid.
Like anyone who constantly interrupts with silly puns, alliterations, tired jokes while a real *message* is trying to
Truly unique? (Score:3, Interesting)
*cough*Durandal []*cough*.
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Right, so Bungie ripped off System Shock - which I had better specify was released nearly a year before Marathon and widely publicised long before that, since Bungie fanboys are rarely willing to believe that Bungie weren't the first to do everything (a characteristic they doubtless derive from having been Apple fanboys first; everybody knows it was Steve Jobs who discovered electricity and invented the comp
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Shodan was a cool character, undoubtedly. She brought a new flavor to games of the time. But you can't deny Shodan was somewhat cliche. Ooooh, she's insane. She wants to k
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Great love letter to my favourite gaming NPC fo all time.
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One of the great things about Durandal is how everyone takes away a different interpretation. His words are literature.
I mean, with Shodan, you get some scares. It's cool. And it was really new at the time. I get it.
But Durandal had a way of spooking players far beyond a synthesized voice and far beyond, well, the game itself. From what I took away, Durandal's struggle was a basic fight for survival. He knew he could exist until the end of time (the collap
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I have seen comments to the effect that people never played Marathon. Now is the time. []
Hey, I had to do something useful with the post.
OT: Durandal (Score:1, Redundant)
SS3 *and* Bioshock (Score:4, Informative)
Have been waiting for Bioshock for a while now, looks to be great, hopefully it can hold the feel of the SS's.
And if EA doesn't f it up (yes, I know, little chance of that), we'll have another SS followup.
(Side note: the linked article keeps changing. Could've sworn I saw a reference to Syndicate in there. And if there's one game franchise other than SS I want to see revived, it's Syndicate.)
SHODAN as Mentor? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:SHODAN as Mentor? (spoiler, kinda) (Score:1)
I thought that if SHODAN wanted your brains scrambled, she could do it at any time during the last act of the game. Is it because she's too busy fiddling around with the Von Brauns hyperdrive to care?
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If anybody's wondering, there's information on all the logs and stuff here: klog/shocklogs.html [].
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That's a good point. From my perspective, if SHODAN has enough threads into you to wirelessly credit or delete
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Share the Love (Score:2, Insightful)
The System Shock series introducted me to an entirely differnet realm of video gaming: Fear.
I'm not a fan or horror movies and not into being scared by books or film, but for some strange reason, I love a scary video game and the SS games are the only ones that have ever managed to do it.
I'm such a fan of these games that I absolutely had to chase down and have the trioptimum dot com domain for my
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Play Thief: Deadly Shadows you're guaranteed to poop your drawers when playing The Shalebridge Cradle level.
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SHODAN (Score:1)
It still gives me the creeps every time I play it.
When its me vs the many, I'm always glad to have a derranged psychotic AI with no ethics (SS1). Well, its better than the alternative, anyway.
That is easy (Score:3, Funny)
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Hallo Leude (Score:1)
Best videogame AI ever... (Score:2)
how do i play sys shock or sys shock ii on xp? (Score:1)
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For System Shock 2, see this thread on the TTLG forums [].
As for the original System Shock: I have tried for many hours but could not get it to work. There is a thread on it at the TTLG forums [], but for me the tips there did not work. It is a pity, because System Shock is among my favorite games of all time, and I would love to play it again, this time in 640x480 mode.
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