The Literary Merit of Morrowind 41
Gamers with Jobs has a piece looking at the literary achievement that is Morrowind. The author discusses the depth of Elder Scrolls III and contemplates the upcoming release of the fourth game in the series. From the article: "It comes down to this: In spite of my having devoted dozens of hours to conquering its enormity, I have only ever scratched the surface of Morrowind, the previous game in the Elder Scrolls series. I am frankly unprepared to move on to any further games in the series, knowing that there remains much to do in the previous installment. And with your permission, I would now like to inflict my piddling insecurities upon you, if only for a short time--after which, feel free to remove the wax."
Huge Big Game (Score:5, Insightful)
It's kind of like the Everlasting Gobstopper of video games.
Re:Huge Big Game (Score:5, Interesting)
Even today, all this time later, I could easily fire Morrowind up and play it. I still do from time to time, but only on the Xbox since I moved 100% to Linux on the PC. I've even done the hacks necessary to run mods on the Xbox (if you're thinking of doing this, be aware that it does hurt framerate - they optimised the Xbox version quite well).
Only problem is that with so much intimacy with a game, you really start to see the flaws, and they really dig into the suspension of disbelief - Morrowind has some major freaky stuff that you don't notice at first. Even so, enjoy it while it lasts man, Morrowind is one of the best games I've ever played.
Just don't get into the vain habit of giving a shit about Tamriel Rebuilt. Those guys are extreme addiction cases.
Re:Huge Big Game (Score:2)
Re:Huge Big Game (Score:2)
Re:Huge Big Game (Score:2)
Re:Huge Big Game (Score:2)
Re:Huge Big Game (Score:1)
It's hard to explain. Perhaps it was just the idea that you lived in a world where you could almost literally do anything... assassinate random people and run from the guards, become a vampire and live outside of society, steal everything that's not nailed down (and
Re:1 The quality of passing all moral bounds; (Score:3, Interesting)
Vocabulary Lamezors Fail it again (Score:1)
See also "literally", "fulsome praise" and "begs the question".
OberGrammarFuhrer von Staufenberg
FremdenAbteilung SprachWermacht
"....we prefer to be called National Socialists of Usage Correctness"
Actually, (Score:5, Informative)
Or, if even that is too much effort, this [] is a good site with the text of most / all books from the game available for your browsing pleasure.
'The Wolf Queen' is probably my favorite series from the game.
Re:Actually, (Score:4, Funny)
I guess professing that I have favorite books within a video game will mean that I'll never reproduce, but hey! I'll have oblivion to carry me thru those moments that I could be having sex.
Re:Actually, (Score:2)
The one where the thieves get eaten was funny, too.
Barbarian ABCs would be up there, if they'd actually done the whole alphabet.
Re:Actually, (Score:2)
I think it's rather funnier as-is.
Re:Actually, (Score:2)
And eaten.
Another one I liked was one that had a Redoran warrior who was born immune to blades think he was invincible. He then started to rise thru the House. However, someone decided to fight him...and beat him senseless with a stick. Can you say Macbeth?
Re:Actually, (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Actually, (Score:1)
-No, no, it's bad luck to say good luck! Oh wait, now I've said it- *struck by lightning*
Re:Actually, (Score:2)
I'd actually rather go fourth. Somebody else can be cannon fodder, thank you very much.
Why no mention of Daggerfall? (Score:4, Funny)
Sure it would randomly crash upon walking through doors, but it had boobies!!!
And for that reason, isn't walking into a tavern room to find a nude lady in it the most awesome thing that can happen in a game?
I wonder why no normal games have more casual encounters with nude NPCs?
Re:Why no mention of Daggerfall? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Why no mention of Daggerfall? (Score:5, Insightful)
My outstanding memory of Daggerfall is finding out it had corrupted all of my save games after an all night session with the game. After I stopped screaming, I booted up the game again, and started playing a new character.
Not many games can have you coming back after that kind of abuse.
Re:Why no mention of Daggerfall? (Score:2)
I had a character that would level up everytime he slept, which was rather fun at the beginning, but got horribly annoying since you couldn't quit the point attribution screen unless all points were spent. Kinda hard to do when you have maxxed everything.
Re:Why no mention of Daggerfall? (Score:2, Interesting)
My own experience with Daggerfall was that of disappointment. I had played Arena way back when, and looked forward to the "immersive 3-D experience" followup, but the huge, sprawling and randomly generated dungeons were way too easy to get lost in (even with the auto-map) and even after three system upgrades, including faster and more capable videos cards each time, I still fell through stairs on an alarmingly regular basis.
Daggerfall had a far more sophisticated story than anything else available at the t
Re:Why no mention of Daggerfall? (Score:1)
Re:Marketers With Jobs (Score:1)
I'll concede the point about bugs, however. It's one of the reasons (besides mods and the mouse and keyboard control scheme) that I'm purchasing the PC version of the game.
Re:Marketers With Jobs (Score:2, Insightful)
Show me one article that states the 360 version is being graphically downgraded and I'll show you multiple articles that claim the graphical difference to be marginal, at best.
Of course the PC version will get patches sooner, but Bethesda can always include them with downloadable content through Xbox Live for 360 owners, if need be. The Xbox 360 is a static set of hardware, so testing on it is far more reliable tha
I know what you mean (Score:4, Funny)
Not true for everyone... (Score:3, Insightful)
This friend has, over the years, systematically worked through every aspect of Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon. He's downloaded mods, made them himself, and played all he can. If you ask "But how? Morrowind is teh hueg!", well, the man started back when the game came out. Bloodmoon's been out for what, 2.5 years now?
The article's author is content with Morrowind for now, but for all us veterens who have been waiting for the next installment, Oblivion will "be like a fresh drink of water" (In the words of another friend.) Anyone? (Score:1)
Details (Score:5, Insightful)
The graphics, hm, maybe. The freedom, yes, interesting. The depth and complexity, again, is only a brick in a larger wall. The usual "gamer values" all apply to this title, no doubts.
But still, what I found really astonishing during countless hours in Vvardenfell was the literature: the raw amount of "things to read" is per se staggering, but has also what I consider an extremely well done achievement, and done particularly well in Morrowind.
Every event of history has been recorded with the "natural" bias and spin of the writer and the faction recording it. It's filology and storiography at its best, and the authors needed to take uttermost care in proposing different viewpoints on "facts" that are invariably narrated by a biased narrator.
All the major events of the plots are written down in at least a couple of factions' "official version". And if you listen to each faction, each and every one of them is deeply convinced that their official version is THE only reasonable version.
And IMHO to discover what really happened is the true quest of the game. Deciding who's right and who's wrong. Or who is enough right for you to follow and enough wrong for you to fight against, is in itself a breathtaking experience. Like in real world, you have views on facts, never raw facts, to help you form your own opinion on what's your duty to accomplish.
I think this aspect alone - very often misunderstood and underestimated by gamers and reviewers - is what makes me put TESIII:Morrowind on the pedestal of best game ever.
The rest of more mundane achievements, technical or strictly gameplay oriented, are minor compared to this aspect, merely functional, if you wish, to the presentation of a world where the Truth is never only one.
I'm very, very glad this game and its expansions still work decently on my aging linux+cedega rig. Till I bought cedega, I kept a win partition only for it.
Hard to Top (Score:3, Interesting)
I have done everything I've wanted to do set in Morrowind. I've done the whole vampire thing, the werewolf thing, lots of mods, lots of mods not loaded at all, all different types of stuff, all the guilds, none of the guilds. Way too much, and it was great.
Re:Funny (Score:1)