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Campzone 2: The Return 146

rutger21 writes: "CampZone 2 is a large outdoor computer-event in the Netherlands. A field will be transformed into a high-tech campground with full service, including a 100Mbit network and Internet access for everyone. During 11 days, CampZone will be the home for up to 1200 computer enthusiasts from around the world. The main focus of the event is multiplayer gaming, but there will also be other activities, such as paintball." Are there any recurring high-tech temporary communities on this scale in North America? The nearest thing I can think of is Burning Man, and the comparison isn't all that close, especially when it comes to bandwidth.
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Campzone 2: The Return

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  • by papasui ( 567265 ) on Saturday July 20, 2002 @08:04PM (#3924632) Homepage
    Like 1200 geeks with 3rd degree sunburns and sunglasses to protect them from the glare of their monitor.
  • what happens if it rains? will there be tents? some sci-fi rain-repelling force field?
    • Re:so what if.... (Score:3, Informative)

      From the FAQ:

      Q: Is it a problem when it raines?

      A: No, fortunally not. Ofcourse you'll have to make sure your tent is waterproof. Should a problem occur with your tent -like an unexpected leak- please report this to the Field Admin. They can try to keep you tent dry with plastic and possibly help you with moving your equipment to another location. Last year we had a few showers and a thunderstorm, but thanks to our emergencyplans this did not lead to any problems.

  • by Nailer ( 69468 ) on Saturday July 20, 2002 @08:07PM (#3924641)
    Fucking campers :)
  • Considering that multiplayer gaming competitions with a cash prize have started to take off here in Australia, it's about time a national computer gaming convention happened.

    All we need is a big cheap warehouse in one of our main cities. Pity our population isn't big enough to support something like this.

    Hell, our telecommunications and public transport infrastructure is barely adequate for the meagre population we have. But I digress.

    Perhaps having some sort of extreme gaming event would get people from overseas interested.

    We host enough international sporting events, why not have an international multiplayer gaming event here?

    • Actually I think it would be feasible in Melbourne or Sydney - their populations are reasonable on an International scale...

      The broadband telecommunications infrastructure in urban Melbourne/Sydney is actually quite good - it's just that it has a lack of accessibility to the average customer.

      The Melbourne Exhibition Centre has successfully hosted large geek events before - there is a 3500 person LAN planned for next year apparently. So I disagree with your comments about population and transport and to a certain extent infrastructure.

  • Low Tech Campouts (Score:3, Informative)

    by Greg Lindahl ( 37568 ) on Saturday July 20, 2002 @08:22PM (#3924679) Homepage
    I don't know about high tech campouts, but there certainly are large LOW tech campouts, like the Pennsic War: 10,000+ people camping a bit north of Pittsburgh, reacreating the fun parts of the Middle Ages. Porta-potties, tents, Renaissance dance every night...

  • millionmanlan (Score:1, Informative)

    by oliveloaf ( 454539 )
    There was an event a month or two ago called millionmanlan here in louisville and in los angeles, something like 2500 gamers in both locations. has info about it.
  • Last weeks 6th Fragapalooza [] was attended by around 1000 (1100 signed up and I'm not sure the actual number). Of course its all indoors in a nice air-conditioned conference center, but it used to be held in an aircraft hanger. Intel provided a massive switched backbone that was awesome. Its held in Canada so I can see why so many people know nothing about it.

    Also next month around 1000 people are signed up to attend Fragmart [] in Richmond B.C. Canada.
    • nice air-conditioned conference center

      HEhehehe you musn't have been there. It was 30C inside the building for 3 of the 4 days and 36C outside. There were a few systems having a bit o' heating problems (the silicon and pink fleshy ones too). BUT it was a shit-load-o'-fun.

      • Yep I was there this year and had a great time.. There was A/C but I don't think it could keep up with the unusually high out side temp, the 1000 CPUs and 1000 Geeks emitting heat and it may have been turned off at some time do the the HUGE power drain of this years record turn out.

        I'll be back next year.. It was way too fun. And the prizes are kick ass too.
    • Also, for those living in the other side of Canada and the Northeastern US, there's the 300 person Smackdown [] LAN party [] held each year (March) in London, Ontario (about halfway between Toronto and Detroit and a few hours from Buffalo). Just hope the WWE doesn't take out any of their WWF frustration out on their familiar sounding name.
    • I was there too and can attest to the inferno in the conference center. My CPU was running at 70C for four days!

      I can't believe that I snagged 20GB of porno there. I would have got more but I ran out of space.
  • Since Worldcom is going under now is the time to buy some backbone access, then hold the worlds largest multiplayer game tournament. Can't wait for a public aution, I could use a couple of server cabinets.
    • Kinda off-topic, but as for company auctions from things like the .com bust, how does one get items from such things? I googled, came across things like the excite@home.. apparently their auction will be at corporate headquarters, likely a long way from me, so things like that are out.. do any auction things online? is there a web list someplace of such going out of business auctions or anything? what're people's experiences with things like price, quality, and .. "newness" of computers that can be gained from such auctions? :-)

      • At public tech auctions I have found that Joe looser will pay anything for something he thinks is a deal, so expect someone to bid WAY to high on things like desktops and printers... But the REAL equipment, such as LARGE UPS units and switches will ususaly only be bid on by the techs.. who know what its worth and off then are as cheep as you are, so a few deals can be had.
  • I went to Bonnaroo music festival back in late June and kept thinking how cool would it be to hook up a little wireless community with all the attendees. Would be a great way to swap audio with show tapers. There were dozens of bands there so no one group could cover them all. It was out in the middle of the country so getting a connection to the larger net would be tough. The other thing was the radio traffic through the weekend was ridiculous. 75,000 people and only one cellular tower... and all the little FRS radios were in use, all channels and privacy codes possible. The "tech" companies there included only Gateway and XBox... but I think the development of a network community at large scale festivals could be a really nice way to enhance the experience. Also the sponsorship of the infrastructure needed would be another way to help fund the event. Anyone have any thoughts on bringing tech to more traditional gatherings?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    From the rules page, it says that paintball guns are specifically NOT allowed.

    Maybe if I bitch and moan about /. editors not looking past the first page of links that are submitted I'll get modded up.
  • bad mix... (Score:2, Funny)

    by skydude_20 ( 307538 )
    the main focus of the event is multiplayer gaming, but there will also be other activities, such as paintball

    mixing huge lan parties with paintball... just imagine after slaughtering people in Quake they all come after you and unload with paintballs, ooo the pain... then again, great way to deal with the cheaters...
  • nothin like a bunch of smart people to advance change. so much could be accomplished from needs that would be brought about by such a large outdoor gathering of socially and unsanitary people! for example:

    - quick and easy means of networking a large number of computers
    - streamlined troubleshooting scripts for large-scale multiplayer gaming problems
    - novel ways of conserving toilet paper, including the world's first overlocked toilet, which flushes with 25GPF force effectively enabling the hidden bidet feature, thus doing away with the need for toilet paper
    - world's first toilet-cooled CPU
    - overclocked sticks of deodorant which push out 50ccs of gel deodorant with a single twist
    - overclocked deodorant spray designed to expel the contents of the entire can with a single press of the button, leading to the formation of a large, flammable cloud and subsequent auto-ignition of said cloud from CPU heat, which incinerates odorants and sterilizes users' armpits
    - finally, the invention of new jackoff techniques designed for speed and efficiency. a truly necessary technique for a world full of gov't surveillance and prying eyes.


  • Are there any recurring high-tech temporary communities on this scale in North America?

    I can't think of any. Then again, when I'm out camping or hiking, I want to get the hell _away_ from the computers I spend all my working time with. It's tough to appreciate being outdoors when your eyes are still focused on the panel of your laptop.

  • I dunno, sounds like fun, but then again, that's why I'm going to Quakecon [] next month. We're running a full 100mbit LAN with internet access in a 1500 seat Bring-Your-Own-Computer area, and of course 2 tournaments with big cash prizes. Not going to have paintball, but then again its only 3 days for the event. (a little easier if you can only come on the weekend.) Get to see some of the cool displays from id Software [], ATI [], and whoever else is there this year. Last year, something like 3000 people showed up, to play, compete, or just to hang out.

    Not to mention, I'd rather have my computer inside. Just one of those things. Concrete floor, A/C, etc.

    But if I could go, I'd be there.

    p24t [mailto]
  • Fragapalooza [] sponsored this year by Voodoo [] (check out the goods [] they gave away) with Intel [] (processors galore), Shaw (net access), etc... I'm not affiliated with any of those companies but they did a helluva job to make it a good time.

    It happens yearly (incidentally, last weekend). 4 days of non-stop gaming, contests & silliness. Lots of case mods (my fav was the labatts blue fridge system). A buddy of mine won a can of SPAM for the best "Ghetto mod" PC - a beat up gateway with duct-tape keeping the cover on.

    3 & 4AM Sunday MOHAA: funnies included 'nade dancing, an orgy, an unsuccessful congo line (some dumbass kept dropping nades) and a human pyramid.

    Official tourney's were were 5v5 Counterstrike (blech!), 4v4 RA3, and an Xbox Halo tourney. See the site for the give-a-way goodies & details.

    It was loads of fun and I'll definitely be back next year. We even had a guy from Washington state (but the guy arrived with a fried HDD). And wow...chicks...and 1 in a skipping contest, no less...*droool*

    • I attended this year. It was great.. I have stopped by a few times in the past but never had the time to attend.. 1111 people registered this year, it was a blast.
      Only problem was that more people attended this year that ever before and there was some power problems because of the number of people.
      Man there where some great prizes up for grabs.. from both offical and private gaming contests.. Even some cool door prizes.
  • Burningman (Score:3, Informative)

    by Red Storm ( 4772 ) on Saturday July 20, 2002 @09:22PM (#3924820)
    Dunno... the technology available up there is pretty amazing.... 6mbit satelite pipe... many 802.11b networks (with a relatively low noise floor too!) pirate radio to your heart's content, and plya information kiosk's running freeBSD... But the best technology up there is leaving your computer behind and hanging out with a bunch of other techies and freaks and hacking what's available to make something really cool.
  • What no wireless networking? Alex DeWolf
    • 11 mbps/1200 people = 0.009167 Mbps/person = 9kb per person. No thanks.
      • There's a few problems with your calculation, buddy. First, IF it were possible to have all 1200 people grouped together, not everyone would be using as much bandwidth as possible at once. Also, it is pretty much impossible to cover the physical space required for 1,200 computers with one access point, so you're damn tootin' that they'd have more than one. With correct network design, you could easily give everyone a fair slice of bandwidth.
  • OK It's definately a cool event, but it is reserved for a particular political leaning. I would say that the closest thing we have in the good ol' US is held in Mesquite TX every year. I'm too drunk to remember the name for sure but it might be QuakeCon.
  • by whizzter ( 592586 ) on Saturday July 20, 2002 @10:34PM (#3924952) Homepage
    in scandinavia we have a long tradition of large parties

    dreamhack [] in sweden had 5000 attenders last winter
    the gathering [] usually has about the same amount aswell, taking place in norway

    lanparties isn't for nerds at all tho imho.
    even if dreamhack and tg has roots in the demoscene
    they are looked down upon nowadays as just another commercial event.

    there are 2 other alternatives among the bigger events that still has some sort of respect
    them being assembly [] in finland
    and theparty [] in denmark
    with stronger roots and better connection to the demoscene still today,
    thus being accepted even by most hardcore people

    there are a bunch of events all around europe aswell,
    but for the really big stuff,

    welcome to scandinavia

  • The Quake con held in Texas is the biggest multiplayer LAN event that I know of. The event has nearly doubled in size every year since its inception
  • Paintball and Geeks (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Stiletto ( 12066 ) on Saturday July 20, 2002 @10:55PM (#3924985)

    This is not the first time I've seen a strange correlation between paintballers and computer geeks.

    As an avid paintballer myself (off and on for ~8years), I love the sport. It has a slight touch of "war-like" without much possibility of getting seriously injured (if done safely). So does that mean geeks like me tend to be war-like wimps? Too much pent up frustration? The need to take competativeness to the next level?

    I've never given it much thought actually....

  • by mutende ( 13564 ) <> on Saturday July 20, 2002 @11:30PM (#3925065) Homepage Journal

    In Denmark, The Camp 2002 [] - a "do IT yourself" summer camp for nerds - started just yesterday and will last until next saturday.

  • although fully of hippies and homeless, the rainbow gathering might qualify...
  • The CPL holds an annual event with lots of cash and hardware prizes, game tournaments, you name it.

    Many hardware or gaming review sites (especially the overclocker and FPS sites) should have links up now as there is a CPL event going on this weekend.
  • "The main focus of the event is multiplayer gaming, but there will also be other activities, such as paintball."

    Isn't paintball a multiplayer game? Would be boring in single-player mode...
  • The first event that pops into my mind as quite possibly the biggest lan party in North America is the Million Man Lan []. It spans two cities with 2500 people housed in each city.

    5000 > 1200.

  • "...a high-tech campground with full service, including a 100Mbit network and Internet access for everyone...home for up to 1200 computer enthusiasts...and other activities, such as paintball"

    Do we have that in North America? Sure, It's called COLLEGE!

    It's similar CampZone 2, but indoors...with beer.

  • One of the oldest geek-outs has been the Amateur (Ham) Radio Field Day []. Thousands of amatuers gather on hilltops each June, setup their radios, antennas, solar panels, generators, laptops, and barbeques to see how many other people you can contact in a 24-hour period. Radios can be busy at 4am trying to "network" with people with a minimum of equipment.

    Digital modes (i.e. PSK-31) are becomming more popular. Who said you couldn't try to play Quake against the group on the next mountain over.

    With more and more levels of technologies when using computers these days, it's neat to see radios work from coast-to-coast with little more than a wire strung between trees. Geek campouts at its most basic.

  • Uh, I use my computer so that I don't have to interact face to face with people.

    Much less smell their unwashed bodies out camping.

    Geeks are so much more presentable in ASCII.
  • This could prove interesting! FUADEC (Freeciv Users and Developers European Convention) is planned for the sat 3th of aug in Amsterdam. A bit of competition never hurts ;)
  • The Netherlands have a lot of these outdoor events and other huge-bandwidth lanparty's.

    Outdoor events include Megabit, Campzone, NE2000, WAN and ofcourse HAL2001/HIP1997 (and so)

    We had Takeover last year with Gigabit Internet Connectivity (which had about 350 mbit of traffic on it).

    So if you truly want to have some fun come on to .nl ;)
  • That's not even close toTG02 [] try multiplying it by 4 and you're getting somewhere. TG02 had over 4,500 participants. And this is in a tiny little country with a total population of 4.7 million.

    I'm surprised these types of LANs aren't held more often in the US. Or in Australia for that matter. I read a post previously wishing something about Australia and Sydney hosting a big LAN like Campzone2. You're telling me that a small country like Norway can have 4,500 participants at a LAN, and you don't think you can locate more than 1,200 gamers in a town like Sydney?

    There's gotta be atleast 5 million in that city alone.

    So what if it takes an hour of driving? I drive 4.5hrs just go get to TG02, it might take a while but damnit I'm going there!

  • Yeah, and next year they're gonna do a wireless telephone users convention.
  • From the FAQ:

    Q: Can I bring a beamer?
    A: Bringing your beamer is possible. Make sure you are not causing inconvenience to other visitors.

    But will my Mercedes cause inconvenience?

    (OKOK - 'Beamer' in Dutch actually is a video projector)

A language that doesn't have everything is actually easier to program in than some that do. -- Dennis M. Ritchie
