Corel Linux - Not Quite Dead Yet 96
zhensel writes "In Corel's latest Linux newsletter, they comment on the "spin-off" of their Linux distro reported here recently. In an apparent attempt to capitolize on the recent woes at Suse, however, they also confirm the release of the second edition of their operating systems targeted at european markets for the low, low, price of ?4.95 (or a few hundred megs of bandwidth). In addition, they promise increased development for their Linux productivity software. " I kinda think its just spin, the kinda stuff you say when you're going down like "Duck and Cover"
Now it makes sense. (Score:5)
2) Microsoft invests in Corel.
3) Corel backs off on Linux.
4) Microsoft pulls support because of DOJ pressure.
5) Corel re-affirms Linux commitment.
I feel like a pattern is emerging.
"We're not retreating...!" (Score:2)
Or not.
Right. (Score:3)
Spin. (Score:1)
The Linux community at large was never overly pleased with Corel, as they acted generally cluless about the community-generated OS. I don't want to discourage Corel or anyone from their pursuit of Linux products, but I would say that Corel is currently on very shakey ground - In both the Linux world and the financial world.
I hope they make it work, but I doubt they can.
Nobody to bail them out. (Score:1)
It doesn't look too good for them, when it turns very sour for them net there will be nobody to bale them out this time.
Why would anyone bother, they have nothing to offer. A sub-standard drawing program, and a poor Linux implementation. They've dug their own grave, and they should jump into it now.
Is Corel really all that bad? (Score:3)
It seems to me that the distribution's further development should be considered a good thing.
This reminds me... (Score:1)
A local video store in a certain location in a shopping center would go under. The building would remain vacant for a couple months, then, lo and behold, another Mom n Pop video store moves in. They fail. Lather, rinse, repeat.
The lesson that nobody bothered to learn is, that place was OBVIOUSLY A LOUSY LOCATION FOR A VIDEO STORE.
How many Eurocentric Linux distros are going to have to eat it before they figure this one out?
Just my opinion... :)
Re:Now it makes sense. (Score:1)
If Corel had full Word import functionality, it would be the WP of choice for me. If Corel Linux would allow me to download, install and then install other apps available from debian, then it might be my dad's future OS.
Kinda (Score:1)
Seriously, I think Corel management is doing a U turn now that Microsoft is devesting in the company. Never burn your bridges, especially if you're heading for Microsoft territory.
this is good (Score:2)
As an open-source community, we shouldn't betray Corel if they want to develop Linux.
They've slept with the enemy, been thrown out to the curb, and now is coming back to us.
would it be a big loss if they did drop their OS (Score:2)
I think they would do more good by open sourcing their office application, assuming it's less resource intensive than open office. then again there's koffice... i think their nitch in the market was too late and too small, and didn't provide enough value to the consumer.
Re:Now it makes sense. (Score:1)
The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
Yes they are being spun off (Score:3)
Corel isn't exactly the most financially stable company, so they need to focus on what they are doing, and linux isn't the main focus of the company. So it gets spun off, in the same Corel Computer (remember the netwinder?) was.
In the end, it means the new company will succeed or fail on its own, which should clear up any conspiracy theories regarding microsoft and corel in the future.
Corel is lighting its own pants on fire (Score:1)
They deserve what they get...
Re:You can't make money out of Linux (Score:2)
I tried out Corel Linux 1.2 (Score:3)
Novice friendly systems (Score:2)
I love Java. I hate C++
After you learn you are a novice no more, you become an expert. Then you find that those features they put in to help novices are a real pain to experts. I don't hate Corel Linux or Java, but I don't use them either.
I wonder why programmers find it so hard to design systems that cater to beginners without being inefficient or patronizing.
Joking....? (Score:1)
Anyway MS marketing budget benefits PC makers and the big ones get very advatangeous deals on Windows licenses.
Re:Novice friendly systems (Score:2)
Re:Corel is lighting its own pants on fire (Score:1)
You're absolutely right and this is precisely the kind of panicked, low-ball-price marketing that's killed Corel for years. They love to do these bursts of "WordPerfect for $3.99" with no regard for the long-term efects on their brand names. It's no wonder people think of Corel software as one notch above the shovelware CDs near the registers at CompUSA.
Unsettling MOTD at my ISP.
Weird Symbols Again (Score:2)
Makes sense... (Score:4)
People who aren't in the know might buy it, but those people want support. If you actually read the Derek Burney article and pay attention to what he is saying, corel can't become LinuxCare. They're not in the support business, they're in the application business.
So now what they're doing is spinning off the OS, maybe to someone like LinuxCare....and then they can concentrate on providing applications like WordPerfect and CorelDraw for Linux.
What's the problem with that??
heh... (Score:1)
The kinda stuff VA Linux has been saying lately?
* CmdrTaco is an idiot.
Capitalize on the woes? (Score:1)
sales in Europe...
This smacks of Microsoft... makes me shudder.
To me, this goes flat in the face of what made Linux successful.. which is a community development of the OS and accompaning utilities/applications regardless of the company you work for.
Could be wrong, but then, Microsoft could believe in fair competition.
DOS is dead, and no one cares...
I'm feeling better... (Score:1)
Re:Now it makes sense. (Score:1)
Re:Joking....? (Score:2)
I'm now in the process of hiring four programmers/sysadmins. Although the system consists of 24 NT/w2k machines and just two Linux machines, I'm rejecting anyone who doesn't have a good knowledge of Unix. Why? You said it: NT/w2k jockeys are "cheap". I don't want to hire a professional who didn't learn to operate anything but the easiest systems.
Corel Linux has ALWAYS been dead! (Score:2)
Not arguing that it's good, bad, or indifferent. It just doesn't have ANY market share that I can see, and with Corel gasping for breath, I don't see that changing.
The only linux I ever installed (Score:5)
If they continue on the Linux front, then they will give a windows user here and there a chance to switch over with their easy install and learn the benefits of opensource/GPL. And this, of course, is a good thing. It helps people because they can put an OS on their machine without the Micros~1 tax and those people can help other people do the same. It helps people have more control in how they use their machines. It gives us just a bit more freedom.
Go Corel!
Re:The only linux I ever installed (Score:1)
O'Toole's Commentary on Murphy's Law:
Re:Joking....? (Score:1)
it sounds like spin but. (Score:1)
"just connect this to..."
Re:Now it makes sense. (Score:1)
Re:this is good (Score:1)
Re:would it be a big loss if they did drop their O (Score:2)
While, I think opening the code would be a great statement to make, I don't think them closing their doors shortly after would be.
Support for WP would be nice (Score:2)
Re:Makes sense... (Score:2)
And, because it's the best way I can think of to contribute, not being a C/C++ coder.
People need to ask themselves, honestly, what have *I* given back to the 'cause'?
Re:Corel is lighting its own pants on fire (Score:1)
The $4.95 price is for the downloadable version (CD only) for people without broadband conections or who don't have access to a CD-R.
Capital Letters. (Score:1)
They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
Pretty much. (Score:2)
Yes, Corel Linux was pretty bad. They tried building a slick install, and did not do too badly from that perspective. But it was inadequate for more "sophisticated" use, and there just isn't yet a big market for "nonsophisticated" Linux users.
They were selling it as product when they were effectively still beta-testing it.
It's fair to say that they needed something to sell; what they probably should have done was to make sure it included software that would lead to "callbacks."
As it stood, it was pretty easy to install, but the process of adding packages to make it really usable for anything leads to the users becoming knowledgeable enough not to need the crutch of "simple installation." (Add to which that about the only faintly daunting install still around is that of Debian. [debian.org] With many distribution makers working on "easy installs," it's hardly unique to Corel...)
This wouldn't require going after anything spectacularly prominent; I'm sure that throwing a few thousand dollars at some Windows shareware authors could get a few interesting applications ported.
Those would represent "strides" towards demonstrating that it might be worth spending more money on their software.
There's not the money in simply "making it easier," especially when other makers of distributions are trying to do the same.
Re:Is Corel really all that bad? (Score:4)
If they instead concentrated on making their applications work perfectly on linux (complete with easy installer for the large dists), and spent the extra energy on helping along other ease of use efforts that would be a good thing. Look at Ximian for an example.
Re:Makes sense... (Score:1)
Most people who are in the know probably wont use Corel linux at all and directly use Debian linux on which Corels is based?
Re:Makes sense... (Score:1)
Specifically, RedHat 5.2 and Mandrake 7.2 were good deals because of the wealth of documentation on the CD-ROM's in the boxed set.
Why does everyone hate Corel ? (Score:5)
I have a few points to make. First, Microsoft hasn't 'bailed out' of Corel. Their stock is just now registered as sellable by M$. Corel was planning on registering the stock as sellable ever since they got the $ from M$. M$ hasn't actually sold any of the stock yet. If they did, Corel's stock would no doubt tank. But then again, Corel's stock is low already, this really couldn't hurt that much. Corel will still have the $135 million (or whatever it was) in the bank. Oh, and the shares are still non-voting.
Second, Corel has been moving forward on spining off Linux for months. They haven't accelerated or anything; it was just anounced in this particular newsletter.
Third, IMHO spinning off Linux is good for the distribution. Corel's specialization is graphics products, maybe now office products too. To make a really good distribution (not that it's bad now...) they would have to give it more attention than they want to. And they prolly wouldn't do a good job of it even then.
A new Linux company could get veture capital. Corel doesn't quite qualify, at >10 years old. The company could make business deals with companies that wouldn't want to work with Corel, for whatever reason. And Corel could make business deals without hurting its Linux image.
And, not to mention, the new Linux company would prolly 'get' opensource. I hear the Linux developers talk about co-operation, I hear the management talk about competition. In a linux company, the open source thought mode would overpower the old closed-source thinking.
Yes, I know, as a Corel employee I'm fed from management... But I can think on my own.
(I'm pretty sure I'm not giving away any company secrets here... Oh, think of the karma I'm missing ;-) )
Re:Yes they are being spun off (Score:2)
Nortel will probably be selling off a few buildings..5 or so from what I heard.. (ok that is not that many but still...)
Re:Makes sense... (Score:4)
I have bought boxed copies of distributions for two main reasons:
1. To get printed copies of the manuals.
2. Because I realize that these companies are providing a valuable service, and the service is more likely to continue if I throw a few bucks their way.
I've also bought the cheap-o versions from Linux Central [linuxcentral.com] for updates and for distros I want to try out but don't want to tie up the money in yet, and the like. Besides, if I'm buying versions to give away to friends it's easier for me to buy them as Linux Central CDs than it is to burn my own. And, finally, this throws a few bucks Linux Central's way in return for them providing a useful service.
(Other outfits like Cheapbytes and Linux Mall provide similar services, by the way. Linux Central just happens to be the one I use.)
Re:Makes sense... (Score:2)
1) I like Linux and want to support the companies who put these distro's out, it certainly isn't free for them to do all that work, they deserve to be compensated.
2) $70 is a drop in the bucket
3) I like the boxes and docs... I'm into saving that kind of stuff.. don't know why
4) I have a slow internet connection and I have more important things to do with my time than download a full distro from the net
So you can see, no I am not a newbie, no I do not need or want support and I'm pretty much "in the know."
I think if you really like an alternative to Windows and you actually care about the software industry as a whole then you should give some thought to purchasing your next distro too. Sure it's all well and good to jump on the Linux bandwagon but unless these companies can make money they will not continue to do what they do. It's pretty simple economics really.
Re:Makes sense... (Score:2)
Almost nobody here is part of Corel's target market, so whatever answers you receive are irrelevant.
The problem is this: What if their application crashes on the user's computer, and the user calls up asking for application support?
IIRC, the purpose of Corel's Linux distro was to make it so that there was at least some distro out there that the app guys could trust (and therefore recommend to their users).
Given how much an application relies on underlying services, and how easy it is (especially with systems as flexible as Linux) for the user to screw things up, application support can never become completely seperate from overall system/OS support. Take anyone who has done support in the Windoze world, and I guarantee that person has spent many unpleasant hours on the phone telling people how to open Control Panels and check a few things in there. When you're dealing with "dumb" end users, you have to have knowledge of the whole vertical system. Corel Linux was a way for Corel to have that.
IMHO, there's nothing really wrong with spinning off Corel Linux, but their support people are still going to have to learn to support Linux (not just the apps). Whether they just support the Corel Linux spinoff, or instead select Red Hat or Mandrake (or by some miracle, become general practitioners who can support Linux in general), I can't say. But it'll have to be at least one.
Re:Corel Linux has ALWAYS been dead! (Score:2)
It installed painlessly, and it worked. I reccomended it to friends whom also installed it, who have far less linux experience than I.
Granted i perfer a redhat based distro, and didn't keep Corel installed for a very long time, i was very impressed with the direction they were taking.
THe p[roblem is, every company is going in the same direction and it's only a matter of months before other companies catch up. I believe many of them have.. although, someone please let me know which distribtion is now fully windows-networking capable , this was the most important feature IMHO of Corel.
(When i say windows networking i mean browsing of network compusters, clicking on shares, mp3's etc and it just plain works (ie an mp3 plays in xmms when you click on it without having to mount a drive, use some archaic command line smbmount tool etc)
Re:Is Corel really all that bad? (Score:1)
Why does there seem to be such a negative attitude towards Corel and their products here on slashdot?
Because their products are targeted at different users. Go to an Iced Earth concert and ask the people you meet about Brittney Spears or NSYNC, and you will hear a similar attitude.
Re:Makes sense... (Score:2)
Red Hat 5.2
Red Hat 6.0
Red Hat 6.1
Red Hat 6.2 (three times)
Red Hat 7.0
Mandrake 7.1
Mandrake 7.2 Complete
Debian 2.1.5
Now I'll admit that I felt a little foolish listing them out like that and for a moment questioned my own sanity. Then I remembered why I purchased them...
- To support Linux the best way I can
- To get the manuals and other fun stuff
- Even w/ a cable modem its still a long download.
- I didn't have a cdr until 2 years ago
- I've wanted/needed a copy in a hurry
- I wanted my company to pay for it
Yeah, maybe I could have spent my money a little better, but I'd rather plunk down $29 for Red Hat than deal with 6-12 hours of downloading any day.
Re:Corel Linux has ALWAYS been dead! (Score:1)
MOD THIS UP (Score:1)
Re:Nobody to bail them out. (Score:1)
I'm sure there is plenty of space for rent... (Score:2)
Re:They've slept with the enemy (Score:1)
Re:Spin. (Score:1)
Cowpland was the real problem with Corel, he jumped on every new technology, whether it was useful to the company or not. Netwinder, Java, Linux etc. (Netwinder is actually a good thing, but they sold it off, I guess they had little choice.)
It would be nice to see Corel enter the Linux market for reasons other than PR or stock price. Unfortunaly to few people in the higher ranks in Corel understand what Linux is about.
Re:Makes sense... (Score:2)
Because if you are a commercial entity you want support. Even though you may have great admins and such you still want real support. And getting that from the people that produce the distribution makes a lot of sense.
Re:Makes sense... (Score:1)
Re: This Reminds me.. (WARNING! FLAMES AHEAD!) (Score:2)
You're obviously an Ugly American, the kind that would complain (and would attempt to) drive on the right in the UK, speaks on-ly in-En-ga-lish in France and wonders why they're so damned rude, and asks for a cold beer.
Pay attention class, and repeat after me:
Why does there have to be a European distro, an Asian distro (or ten), an African distro, hell, a Latin American distro?
Simple, the world doesn't speak just one language!
Granted, most modern scientific texts' authoritative versions are in English, but a scant thirty years ago, you needed to know German to get a chemistry degree.
Most of the people (by number) on Earth speak a dialect of Chinese.
Europe is a plethora of linguistic traditions.
Not to mention the myriad character entry systems (read: keyboards) that are needed, I'm typing on a kb doubled-up for use with Greek. And the accentation! What a pain in the butt!
The reason different distros exist is because there are regional differences that smaller companies can more easily adapt to.
And remember: SuSE didn't 'bite it', they are the #1 Linux distro in Europe and probably in the top three worldwide.
Ruling The World, One Moron At A Time(tm)
"As Kosher As A Bacon-Cheeseburger"(tmp)
Re:Oh my stars and garters... (Score:1)
Answer to corel's problems. (Score:1)
I am sure there are thousands o people out there that feel the same way. WE need productivity software for linux that doesn't suck, use almost every resource the machine has, or is just a hack. (all java apps are hacks, come on.. the dang VM is slow enough to make a PIII-866 crawl now try and do a productivity app in that? only the insane try it.)
Linux needs real productivity apps now. Corel can get on the wagon and be the first, or the Open source projects will beat them to the pole again.
Re:Makes sense... (Score:1)
Re:Makes sense... (Score:3)
Oh yeah, all the dialup users just love to dedicate a large portion of their week to download a linux distribution.
They should shift focus (Score:2)
While I'm happy about all the work they put in to Wine, I think that if they actually migrated the program to something that's a little more linux friendly, then maybe it'd be worth grabbing. They have mature product on their hands and a brand name to boot, which could sway the businesses and home users looking for something familar. "Oh, I remember Word Perfect! I guess this linux thing can't be so bad." The problem is that WP looks and feels like ass on linux. If they actually used something like the Gtk or Qt then it'd be. If Corel sunk their resources in to the task of making their apps really really good under linux then maybe they'd do better. I mean, why compete in the distro wars when you're already so far out in front in terms of the apps you've got?
"I may not have morals, but I have standards."
Burney doesn't understand (Score:1)
We did some back-of-the-envelope calculations, and making the appropriate acquisitions to fill in the holes would have cost us around $300 million."
The "Back-of-the-envelope calculations" sounds like "I really didn't want to give Copland's Linux crap the time-of-day".
Burney didn't take the time to understand the goal.
When I first saw this newsletter, I thought "Maybe they are trying to breath some life into their Linux applications after telling everybody they were going to kill it". But, after reading Burney's comments, he has a much different vision. Their Linux division tries to put a nice spin on it, but it's too transparent. I think Burney would rather Linux just go away.
They're dumping their distribution on someone even less likely to make it profitable (like they did the Netwinder?).
Although they took a great deal of flack from the Linux community, Copland's aim was to broaden Linux into the less technically savvy market. There failure was their inability to partnerwith a name brand OEM (like Dell, Compaq, Gateway, etc...) who could address the general desktop user's desire for a shrink-wrapped, pre-installed, integrated system, with one-stop technical support.
They are keeping control of their apps, worsening the dis-integration.
From their announcement...
> The company's expanding vision for Linux includes providing customers with a bundled solution that minimizes the total cost of ownership and eliminates integration issues.
So, they are trying to create integrated Linux solutions?...
> To realize its Linux vision and to increase the value of its Linux equity for both customers and shareholders, Corel is actively pursuing opportunities to allow it to spin off the Linux Distribution element of its Linux division
..integrate by dis-integrating!
> while retaining an interest in the new prospective company. Corel will continue to develop brand name applications for the Linux operating system including WordPerfect Office for Linux and CorelDRAW for Linux.
I.e.: they didn't want to disclose their applications source to their new "partner"... and so their only remaining market will be the few techies who need a GUI word-processor or drawing program.
Java based Corel Draw, the Netwinder, an integrated desktop Linux distribution for non-techies. Three great ideas, all ahead of their time, all fouled up in the execution.
Excerpts from Burney's public statement...
"My belief is that people would be willing to pay, for lack of a better term, for an end-to-end solution."
Right on the money! A soup-to-nuts solution is the only way to un-root the Micro$oft desktop.
"...making the appropriate acquisitions to fill in the holes would have cost us around $300 million."
You don't understand. That knowledge is/was in-house, with those that put together your distribution. Adding and testing server applications would not have been THAT big of a leap. That $300M figure is totally bogus. The only partner you'd have needed was one of the big-name hardware vendors.
"So you end up making 15 calls and they're all pointing at each other"
That's what people do now with Micro$oft. You could have made a single-access-point of service, which could have destroyed the Micro$oft shrink-wrap paradigm.
Businesses spend a great deal on service. Ask Sun or IBM if service sells. For that matter, ask Maytag or Sears.
Large companies accounting, for service, usually charge 10X the wages of those who actively make the products. That's not all spent on Sysadmins and software upgrades, but a large amount is.
Small businesses can't get the service they need. They're left with integrating the software and hardware themselves, often with the help of an over-zealous teenager or someone in Management that has more productive things to do.
That's the niche Corel could have captured.
Service alone, like software alone, doesn't cut it. Soup-to-nuts: hardware (the entire network), software, and service does.
Like Sun, but atop open hardware and software, aimed at small business, legal, and medical.
The current Linux community doesn't need service: we're a "do it ourselves" lot. But, Corel shouldn't have been marketing to us.
"...there's no way [to make money] because you don't control your intellectual property."
It's the service, stupid.
Between the proprietary office apps and the service on an open hardware and software platform, Corel was uniquely positioned to be the first company to give Micro$oft true competition.
As long as you try to compete with Micro$oft on their own turf, you loose. You can make a better product at a better price, but they own the platform. They have, can, and will change the platform at-will to suit their application and competitive needs, leaving Corel always chasing their tail. As long as Corel is "just another Office suite" on the WinDoh's platform, Microsoft wins.
"And Corel wonders why the community never received them with open arms?" (a Quote from the previous slashdot article).
Screw the Linux community: that was not Corel's market. Redhat, SuSE, Debian, etc... can fill our needs. Corel's focus was on the average and business user -- where Linux needs to go.
"And a great thing about
Maybe that's what your Micro$oft handlers are telling you. With IE the only browser of relevance,
"In adopting Internet standards such as XML as part of its
He went on to obfuscate that statement with wanting to maintain "a certain level of interoperability", but he's a known spin-doctor, and we've seen what tricks he's pulled with "interoperability" in the past.
Not only (Score:1)
Re:The only linux I ever installed (Score:4)
Re: This Reminds me.. (WARNING! FLAMES AHEAD!) (Score:1)
I'm just making the point that, while there's a demand, is it ENOUGH of a demand to make any kind of money?
Apparently not.
Once, again, just my opinion. Perhaps you should switch to decaf? :-)
So what? (Score:1)
Word Import/Export Works Fine (Score:1)
Since WP for Linux is simply WP for Windows running on WINE, it should be able to import/export Word docs just fine.
The only probs I've had with Word export is that the occasional formatting error occurs (usually a misalignment of tab stops), but nothing major. This is with tables, images, and multiple fonts.
And they spammed me, too! (Score:2)
Re:Corel Linux has ALWAYS been dead! (Score:1)
Debian's package archive deliverred by a company I'd assume understands useability. The hope is that its Mandrake based on debian.
Now why is it their ftp requires login?
Word saving to WordPerfect format (Score:1)
Works in reverse, too, sometimes...
Re:Makes sense... (Score:3)
BTW, there's a very big difference between the support people telling customers to go into their linux control panel and actually supporting the whole linux distro themselves.
Re:Makes sense... (Score:2)
Desktop Linux. (Score:2)
However people have not begun converting in droves to linux. Corel is not in a position where it can afford to keep pouring money into this market hoping it will eventually take off. Even if it does, KDE and GNOME are getting much easier to use. So what will corel have a better chance selling: Just Another GUI Distro, or brand named applications that are recognized by people, like WordPerfect and CorelDraw? That's why their keeping the apps, and while not dumping the distro, they're not going to focus on it anymore.
Besides, if and when linux ever take off on the desktop, it's going to start in the corporate world. There, it's going to take a company that can provide integration solutions, support, the whole bit. Corel can't do that, and that's the type of company they're trying to spin off their OS in to.
Re:I tried out Corel Linux 1.2 (Score:1)
Re: This Reminds me.. (WARNING! FLAMES AHEAD!) (Score:1)
Re:So what? (Score:1)
Re:The only linux I ever installed (Score:1)
Re:MOD THIS UP (Score:1)
Re:They should shift focus (Score:1)
It was astounding in that WP7, it's precursor, was actually BETTER then WP8. Why? I don't care how many nifty new features (read: trivial) WP8 had -- it had far more bugs, bombed out often, contrasting sharply with my use of the rockhard WP7. It goes to show Corel really doesn't put a lot into their Linux products. The WP for WINE (that's what it should be called) suite is pure example of this. As far as the toolkit used in a Linux native app, I'm all for whatever gets the job done -- motif doesn't look half as bad as people say it is, though the lack of it maintaining a theme/consistent look with other apps is troublesome (although there's a great programming opportunity to someone who wants
On that note, I ask, does anyone know where I can find WP7 for download? It seems to have dropped off the face of the earth. Yes, I know a license is required.
I think their defense is porting to Linux naitvely would require too many resources. And, that is true to some extent, as Windows programs really are different. The WP Office code is probably very attached to Win32 APIs.
Re:Burney doesn't understand (Score:1)
The point of it all is: Corel is an _applications_ developer and Burney's realized that they must refocus to _applications_ (on the three main platforms) in order to dig themselves out of the hole. The dumb mainstream press took the comments about Corel "selling Linux" to also refer to Corel's applications, and that fundamental misunderstanding was immediately repeated ad nauseaum by the shoot-from-the-hip crowd who ridiculed Corel for quitting Linux involvement altogether.
Spinning off the NetWinder was smart; Rebel.com (Linux on Transmeta "server appliances") is running with that ball and Corel still holds a stake in them.
The Linux-centric OS vendors are now finally starting to focus on the desktop users so Corel's mission on that front is accomplished. I'm sure Corel would love to see their own desktop-centric Linux OS division joining forces with an established distro vendor, but if the latter want to stick to their own guns, Corel might as well spin off their distro (i.e. the Linux OS division and their know-how) e.g. to the Linux Global Partners (?) who have already invested in many high-profile Linux projects (that are desktop-centric).
"Integrated Linux desktops" will be a result of _partnering_. Different vertical or geographical markets call for different partners. Corporations like Sun can afford to do a lot of subsidizing thanks to the huge revenues from their hardware sales (mostly tied to Solaris) unlike the bruised-by-Microsoft Corel.
It is ironic that, apart from dirty MS tricks, large reason for Corel's financial woes over the last few years was to believe in Sun's claims that Java was going to become viable as a desktop environment. The Java efforts cost Corel enormously, and how did Sun thank Corel for their efforts (let down by Sun's Java delivery)? By buying the fledgling StarDivision and flooding the market (esp. the Linux market) with free copies of the suite. Sure, Sun's main target was MS, but they're not exactly eating into MS-Office's marketshare on Windows... (why would the PC OEMs promote offerings by Sun, their competitor??) Furthermore, it is also ironic that the much-hyped OpenOffice project depends largely on Sun's contributions while Sun themselves see Linux as a threat to their cash-cow proprietary server market. (what does McNealy really want?)
There's your "three great ideas, all ahead of their time, all fouled up in the execution".
The "end-to-end" solution provider dream came pretty much to an end when Borland's shareholders (of whom MS is one, albeit not openly) and the MS-friendly press helped kill the merger plan last spring. Now MS remains the only source of integrated _office_ solutions, not surprisingly catering for the Windows environment(s) only. And all the big OEMs are still "offering" only MS-taxed desktop preloads. Despite the possibilities built-to-order manufacturing offers, where are the Linux or even WordPerfect Office on Windows options? The problem doesn't lie in Corel's corner...
The MS investment in Corel, and the highly restrictive agreements tied to the money, might have been a shrewed plan by Burney (whose father's been a career diplomat, btw) all along. Until that deal the regulators never gave a damn about Microsoft's second, and most lucrative, monopoly in Office suites. Now the Office suites are back in the agenda, just in time for the latest Appeals Court antitrust hearings which otherwise don't seem to go too well for the DOJ under the newly emboldened Republican mindset sweeping the US leadership. Corel looks set to keep much or all the M$ cash while MS gets more scrutiny for their anti-competitive behaviour besides probably having to sell their non-voting Corel shares anyway. Corel's spinning off the distro division also makes practically sure that MS can't use it as their proprietary yet limited
As a final note, I would like to express my deep disappointment for the negative editorial slant Mr. Taco consistently dishes out at Corel: "I kinda think its just spin, the kinda stuff you say when you're going down like 'Duck and Cover'" Also, just how hell does Corel's continued support for their distro, until a new owner is found, constitute "an apparent attempt to capitolize on the recent woes at Suse" !!?? What is dot-com millionaire Taco's beef with Corel? As if the FUD against Corel from the pro-MS press (like ZDNET) wasn't enough...
A. Bullard
Re:Makes sense... (Score:2)
Re:Why does everyone hate Corel ? (Score:1)
As an aside, hadn't Corel been contributing to the WINE project quite a bit? Of course they did it to allow them to sell their consumer applications as "Linux" versions without really having to port them. But it seems that they did (and maybe still are) contributing code back to the community for a big, gnarley project that many folks are glad to see moving forward.
If I'm wrong I'm sure the people here will correct me...
I did run Corel Linux for a time, but eventually scrapped it. It was OK, and a lot of the end-user eye-candy type stuff was well-done and easy to use. But I need to know how to setup and maintain Linux servers, so back to RedHat and Debian...
They'll go down anyways. (Score:1)
1. Entered Office suites market and failed, gave up on competing with MS
2. Created a Java based office suite, failed, bailed out.
3. Created a network computer (netwinder), failed, bailed out.
4. entered Linux distro market and apparently not yet succeeded.
Since Microsoft and Adobe have seriously kicked Corel's butt they have been looking for markets where they can avaoid direct competition of MS.
Moreover, their management apparently thought that once they bring a new breakthrough product, that will cure all of their other problems (sort of like SGI). It seems to me Corel has started too
many initeresting projects yet finished none of them, that's their real problem. Market does not like that.
Re:Is Corel really all that bad? (Score:2)
Exactly. I actually bought Corel Linux. I knew little about Linux at the time... once I figured out that Corel Linux was based on this distro called Debian, and that Corel had some lock-in proprietary stuff, I became non-interested in Corel and went to Debian. (And I'm very happy with Debian; apt-get rocks!)
The ironic thing is that I bought Corel Linux because it is so easy to install, but I was unable to install it. The Corel Linux graphical installer in 1.0 would choke and die on any GeForce video card, and there was no text-based installer. The web site contained a suggested workaround: get a non-GeForce video card, swap it in to your system, install, swap the GeForce back in... I never got around to it.
Re:The only linux I ever installed (Score:1)
Re:This reminds me... (Score:1)
Have Questions? Ask Derek Burney Tonight (Score:1)
Re:Have Questions? Ask Derek Burney Tonight (Score:1)
Re: Corel is lighting its own pants on fire (Score:1)
Wrong. They still got to build their market in order to make any profit. You can make a lot of profit with end users. And if it's only the Dummys guide to Corel Linux. Corel's distribution still has the best chances to be the first widespread Linux distribution for inexperienced computer enthusiasts (fresh meat, heh). - They got friendly reviews and they are considered as 'easy to install' (and that is still the main point where many ppl fear a Linux distrubution (I ain't talking about Redmond citizens here). They are afraid of their computers. They are afraid of text screens and file deletion. They don't understand a thing. And yes, man, they need help.) The still to be formed company formerly known as the Corel Linux Division can help them. Who else 'in the scene' got that much expirience with end users? It's a giant chance. If they really bring this OS to the end user market something can change. Linux is still not etabiliated enough - i bet chances are low that it'll make it without companies like Corel (I don't like to use Corel software, too, but most 'professional' software is crap anyway). And btw, don't tell me Star Division will fix that, they always were underdogs and are now a reputation project of Sun, so don't expect any more from them than they currently do.
Now is the time were Linux got to prove itself and got to deal with the final frontier: the silly and dumb end user market. Be happy that there are a few guys who have the guts to deal with a real herausforderung.
As far as I've seen Microsoft has a lot of crappy plans with Windows XP, if there'd be a ready, stable and easy alternative this could be the time. (We're heading for the next software generation change, so this is the time.) Nobody lost anything yet, MS is still #1 and if we don't use the chances we're given now we'll stay the same underdogs we always were. But who cares as we just don't take any action we don't take any responsibility. Oh man. We were so superior, but those evil forces cheated and so we couldn't win... What a cheap lie!
Here are some options: (1) Teach *everyone* programming (basics. maybe even basic. we got to speak one language in order to communicate.) - (2) Alternatively give them something that doesn't need to be understood in order to be operated - (3) Deal 14 hours a day w/ Microsoft software, effectively supporting the dark side of the force by keeping the system running. Relax in your spare time, get drunk and write endless contributions for Slashdot.
Theese MS-guys don't invest as much in 'a vision' if there's not a massive change of the market. Don't believe that 'incoherence' hype; in my eyes I don't see any massive progress in ideas and invention throughout the last years. And yes: I've met some interesting people years ago with a vision. It was 1995 and they were talking about a 'free operating system' and 'technology to the people'. Where are all you elite code warriors? Still playing the same old silly games?
Word. =)
International Releases (Score:2)
6 months later and I only see a download version! To use the dowload version you need a decent web browser (the file manager does not cut it) and the deluxe box [corel.com] has all the toys to give people a good look at Linux as an alternative (from games demos to the IBM java tools).
However the Inflatable Tux rules, check out his bigger brother playing F1 [corel.ie]
Re:Why does everyone hate Corel ? (Score:1)
Re:Now it makes sense. (Score:1)