Univ. of Washington Announces First Nanotech Ph.D. 92
Scott Brauer writes: "The University of Washington's Center for Nanotechnology has announced that the UW will be host to the first nanotech degree program in the U.S. An article in The Daily, the campus newspaper, mentions here that the Ph.D. offered is an 'option program' within a group of other programs, meaning that 'students will earn simulatneous degrees in both nanotechnology and in one of nine other departments.' The program is estimated to have 20 to 40 students per year, including this year, as soon as the Board of Regents makes its expected vote of approval. Another article can be found here."
Nano-tech Diploma (Score:3)
What good will it do to hang your nano-tech diploma on the wall, it will be too small for anyone to read.
Imaginary Degree (Score:4)
UW will be host to the first nanotech degree program in the US.
What a sleazy grab for headlines. Unless one works in an advanced IBM lab or the like, such a degree isn't worth the paper it's printed on. No one is currently in a position to "teach" nano-tech. It's like teaching warp-drive at this point. Okay, so I exaggerate. Not by much.
And on receiving your Doctorate... (Score:2)
The Diamond Age (Score:2)
Why? (Score:1)
Nano? (Score:1)
Wow... (Score:2)
Still not as cool as a BA in Magic. (Awarded to Isaac Bonewits by the Universit of California, Berkley)
nTech Ph.D. program (Score:4)
Well, looks like my advanced studies plan just finalised. ;)
I can just picture my thesis: "The Gray Goo Scenario and University Cafeteria Supply Issues: a Modest Proposal".
I'll forego the obvious jokes about atomic-scale diplomas, labs, etc., as the humour so derived is way to small to notice. ;)
What I need Nanotech for (Score:2)
I want little nanosites that float in my bloodstream and automatically manufacture coffee when I need it!
And good coffee at that, not the sludge that comes out of the Office coffee pot!
Do you think that would make a good thesis?
You think this is bad? (Score:3)
You think THIS is silly? Here in teh UK, we (used to) give students grants and free tuition. Then someone noticed that it worked out cheaper than giving them state benefit and lowered unemployment figures.
Degree in the history of Darts, anyone?
...another comment from Michael Tandy.
Re:Why? (Score:1)
The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all, is the person who argues with him.
Re:Imaginary Degree (Score:1)
What? (Score:1)
"The UW nanotech degree program will be spread across nine departments. Thirty faculty now work in the Center for Nanotechnology."
What? Are you telling me that to be considered a nanotechnology expert, I have to complete nine Ph.D.s?
No wonder Ph.D. means "permanent head damage". These people ....
Other l33t degrees... (Score:4)
Ph.D. in Transporter Technology
Ph.D. in Holodeck Science
Ph.D. in Geology, focus of Planet Terraforming
...and dare I say it...
Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence.
Re:Imaginary Degree (Score:1)
A Nanotech PhD could... (Score:1)
The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all, is the person who argues with him.
hmm... (Score:1)
Does that mean that now, I can start computing the interest of my bank account on a nano scale level, instead of having the bank round it up to zero all the time?
Re:Imaginary Degree (Score:1)
Re:Other l33t degrees... (Score:2)
Re:Why? (Score:1)
Do nanotechnology computers run Linux? (Score:1)
Re:Imaginary Degree (Score:2)
It's more like "Such a degree isn't worth the molecular surface on which atoms are arranged to form its words."
Project Based Courses? (Score:3)
I can see it now.
Prof: You didn't hand in your project.
Student: It's right there.
Prof: Where? I don't see it.
Student: Right there, underneath that piece of dust.
Prof: Ah yes, I must have missed it.
Re:Why? (Score:1)
The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all, is the person who argues with him.
Re:What? (Score:1)
It's getting harder to show off our work ... (Score:4)
Nanotech will change all this - features will be way too small to show off .... instead we'll probably be bragging about "do you remember that cold you had last summer ..."
Re:Why? (Score:1)
Re:nano this and nao that (Score:1)
The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all, is the person who argues with him.
Re:Why? (Score:2)
Here's the excerpt from wwww.foresight.org: [foresight.org]
"Dr. Drexler received an S.B. degree from M.I.T. in Interdisciplinary Science, an S.M. degree from M.I.T. in Engineering (while a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow), and a Ph.D. from M.I.T. in Molecular Nanotechnology..."
Cool... (Score:1)
Re:Why? (Score:1)
The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all, is the person who argues with him.
Re:nano this and nao that (Score:1)
The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all, is the person who argues with him.
Only now?! (Score:3)
And, this also seem like a trendy thing (Stanford Mech Eng dept is hiring Physicists to teach quantum mechanics to their grad students so they can do nanotech blalh blah.
The gauntlet was thrown down by Feynman years ago : read this [zyvex.com].
Re:Why? (Score:3)
Actually, there is a lot to teach with regards to Nanotech. Sure, not actual means of creating and manipulating atmos/molecules to create objects, but there's a lot more than that. There are a few potential roads to nanotechnology, and all of them require a lot of effort and specialization. Wouldn't it make more sense for someone to get a degree in Nanotech while learning about protein folding, quantum mechanics, and the like, so to increase the chance of being able to combine these methods, than to make someone take more time to get multiple degrees to learn the same stuff?
There's also all the theoretical parts, the ideas that can't be tested yet, but still provide interesting work. When they get to the point of creating molecular machines, wouldn't it be nice to have software ready to help design them, and parts, and even entire machines, ready to start working on?
There is not, by any means, a shortage of things to study and research in such a degree program. The only shortage is of actual molecular nanotechnology itself, and this degree program will likely aim at getting to that point, at least at first.
Re:Why? (Score:1)
Re:Imaginary Degree (Score:4)
ummm, what's the difference between this and all other scientific graduate programs? Scientific research involves reaching into the unknown. nanotech is one such unknown. how is this different?
Are you at all familiar with how graduate science programs function? They don't just teach you stuff that's already known. Maybe for a master's degree you can do a few classes and maybe a short thesis project. But for a PhD, you've got to pick some specific research area, and work it out for a few years, under guidance of your thesis adviser. You're pretty much expected to become the world's expert in that fairly specific sub-area.
And of course this research is into a new realm. Trying something new out, or possibly finding a better way to do something that's already known. But one doesn't merely repeat what's already done, just for the sake of repeating it. There is an amount of verification, though, just to keep people honest (remember cold fusion)?
Plus, there's usually lots of colloboration between big labs and grad programs, such as IBM as you mention. Big companies like this are usually more than willing to shell out small cash in comparison, to have some slaves (read grad students) really focus on research specifics. Much cheaper than hiring full-time employees to do the same.
Finally, there are many grad programs already doing nanotech stuff. For example, down the hall from me right now some people in the experimental condensed matter physics wing are doing research on carbon nanotubes. Just this is in the physics dept, this announcement deals with the first dept focused exclusively on nanotech.
Re:Why? (Score:1)
Flame on.
The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all, is the person who argues with him.
Re:Wow... (Score:2)
Still not as cool as a BA in Magic. (Awarded to Isaac Bonewits by the University of California, Berkley)
Somehow, it seems as if that should be a BS...
Re:nano this and nao that (Score:2)
(You Have Been Trolled. You Have Lost. Have A Nice Day.)
It goes back to the wonderful days of USENET, when there wasn't such thing as this newfangled web. We used gopher, and we liked it. And we read usenet with rn or trn, and we didn't have to deal with aol.com, and if we made our sigs more than 4 lines, we would see it being made fun of in alt.fan.warlord.
Then the floodgates opened... and today we get to read about pouring hot grits down a petrified Natalie Portman's shorts and get links to goatse.cx. (you know, if evolution is real, why are people seeming to become less and less intelligent?)
Small Stuff (Score:1)
"Don't sweat the small stuff, because it's all small stuff."
Re:Why? (Score:1)
There's also all the theoretical parts
Just a random thought here...if quantum mechanics doesn't still qualify as theoretical, what does!?
not an important thought, just a random one
Re:Why? (Score:1)
That's probably why... (Score:1)
...that's probably why they've issued the degree under a "Philosophy" banner rather than a Technology banner.
Ordinarily, it would be quite stupid to put a technical degree under a Philosophy banner....Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) usually only refers to natural sciences and philosphy, art, etc. (Geology, Anthropology, Mathematics, Physics etc). Anything applied, like Applied Mathematics, Computers, Electronics, Robotics etc, would usually go under a Technology or Science degree (D.Sc or D.T/D.Tech)Re:The Diamond Age (Score:1)
However those who question the wisdom of having such a program should keep in mind that this is not an undergraduate course, but a high level degree program for a select few, that are to be the leaders in the field.
Pioneers (Score:3)
The reason that progress is slow at the start of a new field is that the pioneers have to teach themselves. Once a field is established by those people then a university can start 'professing' what the pioneers discovered and grant degrees in the subject.
This greatly expands the quantity of people available to work in the field, and allows the graduates to look down their noses at the pioneers and say: "We don't hire people without degrees." This has the benefit of allowing less talented people to work without having to compete with the rare people who can teach themselves to do something at a Ph.D. level without formal instruction.
Re:Other l33t degrees... (Score:1)
Re:Why? (Score:1)
It's still an order magnitude off from single atom positioning, but the technology isn't as far away as you might think.
The Wave of the Future (Score:2)
I can tell you that this isn't merely a grab for attention as some have claimed in their slashdot responses, but is more a step in the right direction. What better school than the University of Washington, who already receives more research dollars than every other public school in the country, and receives the second most overall. A degree in nanotech will create an atmosphere where more and more researchers will soon be able to dedicate their potential and their academic prowress towards moving in the right direction for a true start.
Either way, it will still be many years before anyone could truly guage the effectiveness of this program, but if the program succeedes, you can guarantee that they Ivy League Schools will be all over it.
The future is here, and boy will it be grand.
Beowulf (Score:1)
I think Linus and a nanotech PhD should get together. They would revolutionize the computer industry which is in need of some serious innovation.
beowulf man (Score:1)
Re:What I need Nanotech for (Score:1)
||I see you're making coffee!
|o o|
||||Would you like me to:
||||- put too much sugar in?
|\-/|- use the green milk from the back of the fridge?
\----/- get the grounds into your cup?
Re:beowulf man (Score:1)
Please do not waste any more of our time until you have acquired an education.
PS. If anyone needs help in hunting down mutant nanotech people from the future, give me a call as I am a l33t nanotech soldier just like Harrison Ford in Bladerunner.
Re:Imaginary Degree (Score:2)
"Nano-Me! Stop humping the Boron atom!"
Re:Why? (Score:2)
Also, take a look at the courses listed on the web page. The only ones that mention nanotechnology are seminar-type courses. As a graduate student, I can tell you that these seminar courses usually involve sitting around and reading/discussing papers and ideas in your field of study. The remaining balance of courses are taken from physics, chemistry, etc. and are courses that majors in these fields are probably already taking.
That said, this is the way new graduate programs often start up. That is, they start by being options on traditional degree programs. Then, as the field expands and the amount of knowledge in the field grows, the options turn into true degree-granting programs of their own. See, for example, the many Computational Science programs in the United States. A few years ago these were all options on more traditional degrees from computer science or physics or chemistry or other related field. Now they are turning into real degree-granting departments at some schools.
Re:So what? (Score:2)
Real degree, but not first. (Score:2)
MIT, I think it was.
Re:That's probably why... (Score:1)
Re:What I need Nanotech for (Score:2)
Hell, yes. Not only that, but you could probably get DoD funding for it as an ant i-radiation poisoning technology! [newscientist.com]
Re:What I need Nanotech for (Score:1)
Therefore, and this is highly theoretical, our brains could be tuned to be a) faster and smarter, b) constantly stoned, or c) infatuated with Ross Perot.
Rant (Score:1)
I gotta ask, (Score:2)
Re:nano this and nao that (Score:2)
Cole's Axiom: The sum of intelligence in the world is a constant. The population is increasing.
(and if anyone knows who actually said that, please let me know. I never knew.)
Re:Other l33t degrees... (Score:1)
Re:Other l33t degrees... (Score:1)
The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all, is the person who argues with him.
Re:Nano-tech Diploma (Score:1)
The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all, is the person who argues with him.
Re:That's probably why... (Score:1)
D.Sc = Doctor of Science
D.Tech = Doctor of TechnologyPh.D = Doctor of Philosophy
DVM = Doctor of Vetinery MedicineMD = Medical Doctor
Mus.D = Doctor of Music (hehe)D.Comm = Doctor of Commerce
Those are all I know of. Perhaps I'm missing a few, any Slashdotters know any of others?
Re:Only now?! (Score:1)
And if we hop into the way-back machine, think of all the centuries that mathematics was considered philosophy...
Besides, you can't really justify having a nanotech dept to some admin without having some preexisting body of knowledge to study (and "let's make shit really small" isn't going to get you many grants).
Nanotech has been around here for a while (Score:2)
I've got friends who're in these degrees and are speciallizing in Nanotechnology. It's almost bad that it is now its own program, because as everyone has already said, WHO CARES? There's very little practical job market for a graduate. Its almost like a story about a particularly charismatic ceramic engineering professor I heard once--he convinced a lot of students that cermaics was the future, and after they had gotten their degrees naturally they were screwed. At least with the background stuffed down your throat in the BioChem and BioEng departments you can go places.
Hopefully, the vapor will condense into a solid, viable department sometime in the not-too-distant future along with Nanotech's development into a solid, viable field with commercial (read: necessary) applications. The latter is, of course, a requirement of the former.
My friends probably wont be lining up to apply to this degree.
Re:Nano-tech Diploma (Score:1)
The Second link (Score:1)
Mmm... nanotechnology and tacky lingerie.
Chair in Airline Catering (Score:1)
Surely it's not the first (Score:1)
Re:Imaginary Degree (Score:1)
Re:Surely it's not the first (Score:1)
<ln><p>Okay, so it may well be the first degree program, but isn't Karl Eric Drexler (of MIT and <a href="http://www.foresight.org">The Foresight Institute</a>) already a PhD in this area? <p>I bought Nanosystems (availible from Amazon) a while ago (and it went way over my head), but I'm sure that was in the easy-to-understand "About the Author" section <p>Sarcas
Sorry if the lack of formatting in the original caused undue consternation.
Re:Why? (Score:2)
Chemical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Molecular Biotechnology
Physiology and Biophysics
All of which are good to have a degree in.
Re:Nano-tech Diploma (Score:2)
Nanotalkie (Score:1)
for Dummies (Score:2)
Re:Surely it's not the first (Score:1)
Honorary degrees? (Score:1)
Re:What I need Nanotech for (Score:1)
Re:Only now?! (Score:1)
its all a question of scale.
Join Nanodot (Score:1)
Explanation of Our Program (Score:1)
Economics (Score:1)
read this (Score:1)
erm - I might already 'ave one of these... (Score:1)
Re:erm - I might already 'ave one of these... (Score:1)
Re:What I need Nanotech for (Score:1)
University of Washington it is, then... (Score:1)
Just remember wu-ftpd... (Score:1)
"Of course we can use strcpy here, why would anybody want to overwrite the code that just prevents the machine from replicating exponentially..."
this seems reasonable (Score:1)