Swedish Lemon Angels 71
slaytanic killer writes: "Bruce Schneier addresses the "Third Wave of Computer Attacks" in a recent ZDnet article. Another step in his evolution towards looking at the human side of computer weaknesses; analyzing the dangers which come into life when humans translate syntax into meaning. Complete with links at the bottom about rigorous military analysis and Penn&Teller's exploding Swedish Lemon Angels."
Re:Angels (redundant if you read the article) (Score:1)
I imagine that its some kind of cake or something like that, that contains baking soda and lemonjuice.. I imagine it contains flour too tho it doesn't stat that in the article. Meaning theres alot of information on Swedish Lemon Angels that is not included in the article.
The interssting part about my post was pointing out that its acctually not swedish!. And another thing.. There isn't acctually a Swedish bikini team either.
Semantic Attacks: The Double-Edged Sword (Score:1)
Case in point:
Warning: Cruel but syrupy anecdote begins here.
This really happened many, many years ago at an outdoor event. Someone got a little overenthusiastic and fell out of a tree. He skinned his shoulder and wasn't sitting still for treatment from a woman with a first aid kit. He kept going on and on about how 'tincture of merthiolate' hurts and he doesn't want any.
I was nearby and reassured him, "Would you relax? Solution of merthiolate doesn't hurt a bit. You barely even feel it going on."
He listened, and settled down, and let her apply what she had in the bottle. And naturally, he yelped and flinched.
See, what I told him was true -- solution of merthiolate really doesn't sting any. It was, however, completely irrelevant.
He looked up at me and said, "I thought you said it wouldn't hurt!"
I told him, "Solution of merthiolate doesn'thurt. But this is tincture of merthiolate! It stings like the dickens! But if I told you that, you wouldn't've sat through it, would you?"
(Okay, show's over folks.)
I could go on about how people need to check sources, and how information is only as trustworthy as the people who post it, but that should be obvious. Anyone with practice in critical thinking should know to question sources and relevance of statements someone is trying to feed them.
But as long as people ARE going to be gullible, you might as well at least try to shepherd them in the right direction once in a while. They still won't thank you, but at least they'll be better off than they would have been had they listened to only one lie...
Swedish Lemon Angels don't work (Score:2)
Re:Please try it! (Score:1)
Re:The future of warfare (Score:1)
And alway remember, Stupid American,
CHiCoMM phUcK1ng 0wNz j00!
Re:Please try it! (Score:2)
En gång var det ett härligt flamewar mellan höger och vänstertyper. Dessutom blev det (förstås) några svenskspråkiga inlägg senast uttalet av Linux diskuterades.
Hm,... skriva på engelska till svenskar. Det gör jag tillräckligt på jobbet.
*grits-teeth-in-rage* (Score:1)
I plagarize this heavily when I say, "You bastards."
Hey Moderator! (Score:1)
Moderators: please read the article before you moderate posts.
Cream Lemon (Score:1)
So, if he had said, corny H-anime, it would probably have been less confusing... or not.
Re:Please try it! (Score:1)
Som tur har det ska jag besöker London om några veckor och jag kan köper tillräkligt med mina favorita vinägar laddat matvaror
"Give the anarchist a cigarette"
NOT News - Old Risk (Score:1)
The ACM forum on risks, the usenet risks forum (comp.risks) and others have been talking about this for years. I always go to the back page of Communications of the ACM for a hair-raising chuckle. Unfortunately, recently the columns have been self-serving ads.
If you haven't recognized that people are the weakest link, where have you been?
Lemon Angels: Important (Score:1)
Like most of what Penn and Teller do, the Lemon Angels joke is more significant than it seems on the surface. P & T love to play with people's assumptions, telling them up-front that what they're about to see is a scam, then fooling them anyway.
Why do we assume that software we download from the 'net is safe, or that recipes we got from God-knows-where won't turn into foaming horrors? People who know anything at all about cooking shouldn't be fooled by the Lemon Angels trick...but they are.
Do you have Lemon Angels on your computer?
Hacking/Cracking... (Score:1)
The internet is still in its wild west days. People are so quick to blame system administrators for not securing their machines. While this is certanitaly a bad practice its not the real problem. The locks on 99.9% of Americans homes would take me under a minute to pick. I learned to pick locks in less than an hour and could probably teach anyone to do it in the same amount of time. The only reason there isn't thousands of teenagers picking locks is because they are scared they will get caught. These guys are thieves (stealing your resources) and vandals. I've spent hours upon hours cleaning up because people failed to take my security advise.
ISP's (especially cable and dsl) need to become more pro-active. I've helped clean up 100's of hacks and yet not one person has had to pay for their actions yet. Right now with it's almost impossible to track down these guys because people don't get it. Taking their account away doesn't solve anything it just moves them to another ISP. System administrators need to work together to get these guys put in jail. Once they realize their actions have consequences the "waves" of attacks will diminish.
Re:I Think This Is a Relevant Comment... (Score:1)
All generalizations are false.
Re:I Think This Is a Relevant Comment... (Score:1)
Please try it! (Score:1)
Re:swedish lemon angels (Score:5)
Re:Solution (Score:1)
Re:Please try it! (Score:2)
Bakpulver inlindat i lite hushållspapper (så reaktionen dröjer lite) och ättikssprit i en väl tillsluten c-vitamintub. Se där en kul liten fälla att lämna någonstans...
Misreading (Score:1)
On my first reading of the article summary, I thought it said, "Complete with links at the bottom about rigorous military analysis of Penn&Teller's exploding Swedish Lemon Angels." Imagine my disappointment upon following the link.
Personally, I'd be much more satisfied knowing at least a portion of the money removed from my paychecks to help fund the military was being used by them to study the potential threat Penn and Teller's antics pose to national security. Oh well.
Re:A very insightful article (Score:2)
Who controls the past ... (Score:2)
Anyone pick up the 1984 reference, or am I being paranoid? What's really to stop person or organization from selectively editing history. With much of our text-based news coming from just a few on-line sources, such a future is conceivable, I think.
Along those lines, not too long ago there was an article in The New Yorker discussing how libraries are destroying or giving away their vast archives of newspapers. Without such hard copies, we make ourselves vulnerable to such attacks.
"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past." -- George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, pt. 1, ch. 1
Re:Angels (redundant if you read the article) (Score:2)
Baking soda and the acid from the lemon juice will cause a messy reaction in your kitchen.
Nothing to do with the swedish chef either (bort-bort-bort)
Semantic Attacks (Score:1)
Swedish Lemon Angel Splinter Bomb (Score:1)
Here it comes... (Score:2)
Whenever people can't think for themselves, they look to their political leaders to protect them. The politicos always see this as a chance to grab for power.
Case in point. Shyesters go around selling magical elixers that cure everything from snoring to herpes. Usually, the potions do more harm than good. Foolish people fall for the shenanigans time after time after time.
The super-amazing, ever-vigilent Congress comes to the rescue. Their solution? No one is allowed to sell anything as a drug that isn't approved by the FDA. The shyesters disappear, but as a side effect innovation is shot full of holes. If I am a cancer victim with 3 months to live, I have to find a way to Mexico in order to try a new experimental drug, since the FDA hasn't determined if the drug will kill me or not. The point isn't that the Mexican cure most likely will, but that the FDA now has the power to make the choice for me.
The better solultion, IMHO, would be for the FDA to have an approval process. No one be allowed to claim FDA Approval, with the approval signifying that the medicine has been proven to be safe and effective. Now, as soon as the shyester rolls in, you ask to see his seal of approval. When he can't produce it, you walk away. I still get to decide if the guy is legite, but I do have some authority from knowledgeable people to guide me.
Now we are saying the same thing about computer networks. Some people are misrepresenting themselves. Be on the lookout for politicos to pass laws that will limit our choice and freedoms while increasing their power in order to save us from these miscreants.
BTW, the shyesters are still in operation, despite the FDA. If in doubt, visit a health food store or your local gym and read the labels of some of products they sell.
Re:And the hardest problem to fix (Score:2)
The individuals in our society (American, mostly) do not want to take responsibility for their own actions.
They want to blame it on somebody else, or disregard issues that affect them in a detrimental way. It is a form of greed and selfishness.
Until each and every one of us wakes up and realizes that we are not in our own little world, and that the world doesn't revolve around us, such tradgedies will continue to occur.
I support the EFF [eff.org] - do you?
The ANY key (Score:2)
I support the EFF [eff.org] - do you?
Hmph. (Score:3)
Too lazy to look up examples - fire away...
"Third wave"? It's hardly new. (Score:4)
The attack on Internet Wire was just an insider abusing the system. It's been going on for quite a while, and shame on Internet Wire for having lax enough security than an ex-employee could abuse the system. Social Engineering has also been a common practice for years: call the helpdesk from the CEO's phone and demand that your password be reset. Easy stuff, old practices. In fact, social engineering, manipulation of the press, and misleading the public are practices that predate the internet by a few thousand years:
"What of this again, that these people are experts in flattery, and will commend the talk of an illiterate, or the beauty of a deformed, friend, and compare the scraggy neck of some weakling to the brawny throat of Hercules when holding up Antaeus[12] high above the earth; or go into ecstasies over a squeaky voice not more melodious than that of a cock when he pecks his spouse the hen? We, no doubt, can praise the same things that they do; but what they say is believed."
- Juvenal's Satires [fordham.edu]
What's new is that the interconnectedness of the internet community is allowing these practices to migrate to the internet in powerful ways. At least one person believes that this is cause for deep optimism: [hyperorg.com]
"All the bad things we hear about the Web are true. There really are people online who'd like to lure our children into shadows. There really are hucksters who'll steal not only your money but your identity. There really are people who'll take pictures of you in a public bathroom and publish the pictures to the world. Every human vice
we can imagine finds its way onto the Web, which seems to spur the world's most lurid imaginations even further. But the reason for this should be a cause for optimism."
You can check the article out yourself for more, but I agree with the premise. The internet continuing to mirror the "real" world is generally a good thing, and the "forces of good" can harness those powers as well as the "forces of evil".
Noam Chomsky has worried quite a bit about the power of centralized press. [weeklywire.com]
"Chomsky's central belief is that propaganda plays the same role in a democracy as violence plays in a dictatorship.
In the United States, therefore, you need to be less afraid of the National Guard and more afraid of the manipulation of information by governmental, corporate and academic sources. According to Chomsky, the elites who control and benefit from the American political system preserve that system by marginalizing alternative political views, selectively reporting on the consequences of United States foreign policy, and creating political apathy among the general populace by encouraging them to watch professional sports and TV sitcoms rather than actively participate in the political process."
Bruce Schneier should be less worried about manipulation of public news outlets, stock prices, and the economy by hackers, and more worried about the manipulation of public opinion by corporations and governments. Hackers, by showing people how easy it is to have their opinions manipulated, actually serve a positive purpose. I'm not saying I endorse the Internet Wire hack, real people lost money and that's not good. But, creative hacks, the "jam the WTO" movement in Seattle, cool sites like The Onion [theonion.com] and Adbusters [adbusters.org] are all great ways to wake up an uninterested, uninvolved public.
- Twid
Then there is the fourth wave: (Score:4)
Beware the LOTR (Lawyers On The Rampage) attacks. The perpetrators of these attacks seem to be hitting small to medium sites all over the internet, in a seemingly random pattern.
I can only hope... (Score:1)
www.buymeaferrari.com [buymeaferrari.com]
The future of warfare (Score:4)
From: president@whitehouse.gov
To: The People of the United States of America
My fellow Americans,
I hereby forfeit all American land and assets to the Republic of Iraq. May Allah forgive us for our past evils.
Saddam^H^H^H^H^H^HBill Clinton
Comment removed (Score:3)
Prefigured in "Bloom County" (Score:4)
That's the most obvious use of this, and it appears that in this case, even a pathetically crude and transparent fraud managed to cause significant damage, though it appears they caught the perp.
Even a teenager has been able to pull off a scam of this sort. This article [thestandard.com] in The Standard [thestandard.com] has the story of a teenager caught manipulating stock prices, who was ordered to pay back his illegal profits after he got caught.
Now this is an inexperienced kid, and another idiot who apparently made his transactions transparently obvious and got caught. We only hear about the ones who get caught, and I highly doubt these guys are the only ones doing it. They're just the only ones dumb enough to make it so transparent.
I Think This Is a Relevant Comment... (Score:1)
Hi. I'm Linus Trovalds, creator of the Open Source OS Linux [saltire.org]. I'm glad CmdrTaco and company have created a forum for Open Source news and views, and I am so thankful for being able to post in the SlashDot forums. But now I must get something off my chest.
As you all know, I am a fairly clean cut, well-kempt person (I know, I have a beer gut only ESR could dare to challenge, but you'll have that if you spend 18 hours a day coding and eating Cheezie Doodlez...), and in the GNU community that is an anomoly: virtually all users of GNU [saltire.org] software and the GPL [saltire.org], under which my Linux kernel falls under, are unkempt, long-haired, beast-bearded dirty GNU hippies, and I am sick and tired of having to deal with them.
The person I have the greatest problem with is the (in)famous communist, RMS [saltire.org]. Now, RMS may have been responsible for GNU, the GPL, GCC [saltire.org], and many other contributions to the computing community, but his stance, as well as stench, displayed in his essays and actions, nauseates me. I mean, with that filth-ridden beard of his, where does he have room to demand Linux distros demarkate the OS as GNU / Linux? When he is as clean-shaven as I, he may have the right. Until then, as he sits and plays his little flutes and drops acid like there is no tomorrow, he can shut his mouth and go back to reading Marx. I am sorry to sound so harsh, but a little hygeine every once in a while is a Good Thing(TM). Makes me wish I'd went with the BSD [saltire.org] license back in the day.
Next in line of dirty scuzballs I have to deal with, and probably the worst thorn in my side, is Allan Cox [saltire.org], the primary coder of my kernel's TCP/IP stack (ha, what a joke!) and all around dirty GNU hippy. The man's wife, who I spent a few years with at the University of Helsinki, often calls me crying in the middle of the night to complain of the rank, unbearable stench the man exudes after sex. On several occasions I have personally had to withstand his torrent of rotten odor at trade shows, exhibitions, and beer bashes that permeates every inch of his toxic person. Along with the typical GNU hygeine (mis)habits he practices, he also bitches and whines about... well, everything. He lies a lot too; evidence for this can be seen in the fact he almost always wears cheap black sunglasses when talking to people he knows are better than him (such as myself).
And then we come to ESR [saltire.org]. I won't reiterate the sewerdweller-like cleansing habits he practices as well, but I would like to focus on his general lifestyle. Firstly, he's never been to school. As a German expatriate, education should have been his priority; however, becoming a Gas Baron was his ambition in life until he realized he would fail at it. I wish he'd make that realization with the other things he tries to do. Secondly, the man is a sub-intelligent hillbilly. You know, the kind that goes to inner-city computer stores and buys 386s to set up as servers all over his house, with cigarette smoke-stained 14" monitors piled high upon his kitchen table. He has no cooth and can't integrate himself into any social situation involving "white collar" executives without rambling into a tirade on gun rights or tanning roadkill. Couple the above facts with his ruddy complection (from drinking Jagermeister like it's water) and his gnat-ridden handlebar mustache and you've got the makings of one more person who pisses me off.
Well, that's it for now. Hopefully with these feelings off my chest and into the Open Source community, things will change for the better. I'd like just once to talk to a Linux user or advocate who washes and changes their clothes at least weekly. Until then, thanks to CmdrTaco, SlashDot, and you, the reader, for the opportunity to bring things to the table and share for the betterment of our community.
Thank you.
3rd Wave == Fraud? (Score:1)
What is new is the way in which the web has insinuated its way into the core of various endeavours -- like the stock market, or news. As people rely on the network more and more fraud via the web will be more of a threat. In this view, the growth of B2B markets should be limited by the potential for fraudulent manipulations. Come to think of it, maybe consumers are smarter than their given credit for by shunning on-line commerce in favor of more trusted, face to face transactions.
Interesting quote from the above (Score:3)
I never really thought of this before, but this explains a lot of the online behavior and attitudes we see everyday, even on /.
No matter how much information is out there, it is rare that people will look outside of their familiar haunts and find information that they truly trust that they disagree with.
Semantic Attacks & Social Engineering (Score:4)
I suppose the distinction, if one is to be made, is that in the past, social engineering was a means to an end - you would use your 'leet SE skillz to get a private dialup number, or access to a machine - whereas semantic attacks tend to be ends in themselves.
Nevertheless, the distinction feels somewhat contrived, and moreover, anyone who's read books like Sterling's The Hacker Crackdown (or anyone who knows their computer history, for that matter) knows that SE has been a big part of these attacks since the beginning: obtaining access to university systems, obtaining AT&T technical docs - SE is what armed people to commit the physical and syntactic attacks he mentions.
His pessimism about their severity is striking too - sure people online don't verify their sources as well as they should - but a) they've for the most part not known how, and moreover b) the media's been doing this for at least the last century without civilization grinding to a halt.
Semantic attacks against humans rely on gullibility or sometimes in the case of the internet, technical ignorance - but with digital signatures coming into fashion, it may not be long before grandma's email program tells her when a signature is invalid, and when grandma herself knows not to trust unsigned mail. And the idea of semantic attacks against computers, through feeding them bad data, is really about spamming search engines, and trying to overflow buffers, which are neither new nor noteworthy.
I know Schneier has gradually become more skeptical about the ability of people, especially online, to take care of themselves - and in many cases, he has good reason to. But having said that, I do feel that the picture he paints is a little too bleak.
some people are just dumb,... (Score:2)
most of these things are highly preventable...
.. and now i gotta go get that book, time to get my mom to make some swedish lemon angels.... hahahah....
Re:Interesting quote from the above (Score:1)
Actually, when I submitted this article, there was a sentence to that effect at the end, that it was humorously relevant to slashdot. Perhaps either I or michael removed it; I do not recall. But I was hoping someone would notice the irony.
This real-world effect is much more interesting than people pointing out how this "third wave" is nothing new. Of course it's not; academia always lags behind observation, sometimes by a huge distance. But when an academic (and Schneier is for all purposes an academic) takes it into their mind to study something, it's taken on a stronger life.
OTOH (Score:1)
1 ) People knows how to deal with people defects and survive ... most of times. Only a restrict number of them knows how to deal with computer defects.
2 ) Computers are and will stay incredibly rigid and unapt to react to real-word situations. Uman brain evolved over millions of years to adapt itself to real-world.
That's wy I believe people (well-trained and carefully selected people) should be an essential part of any mission-critical system using computers.
Re:"Third wave"? It's hardly new. (Score:1)
Social Engineering has also been a common practice for years: call the helpdesk from the CEO's phone and demand that your password be reset.
You mean you've granted significant access to your CEO? And you don't already have access...
Re:"Third wave"? It's hardly new. (Score:3)
First off, while Social Engineering has been a tool of good penetration experts for some time, that is all it has been - a tool. The purpose of the use of SE was to gain access to a network. What Bruce is describing is not necessarily a new idea in the real world (look at the World War II counterintelligence operations), it is a (relatively) new concept in information attack, and one that has been primarily the domain of government agencies. Rather than manipulating a person to gain access to a system, the point is to gain access to a system in order to manipulate a person. Or, in the case of the Emulex fraud, many persons.
As to the tired rant telling Schneier to worry more about government and less about hackers, this is a pretty tired saw. Believe it or not, there *are* black hats out there. The only way to adequately defend against them is to educate their targets - like the helpdesk worker who will freely change the CEO's password.
Mind you, I'm not saying that governments and corporations are blameless; rather that disregarding the hackers is not a reasonable (or money-making) option.
Information wants to be free
Re:3rd Wave == Fraud? (Score:1)
As in the saying "A sucker is born every minute" the internet provides a larger NET to catch the suckers.
The greatest threat to the net (Score:2)
(Well, sheesh. Sometimes you'd swear they haven't read the articles they're linking to. .
Re:And the hardest problem to fix (Score:1)
striken by an elderly woman nearly head on. Her car was demolished,
That must have been an awfully big woman to do so much damage. ;-)
I know it's not funny given the outcome, but I couldn't resist.
Meow (Score:1)
Re:Cream Lemon (Score:1)
to http://www.erehwon.org/MembersOnly/LMA/LMA_01.htm
Nope (Score:1)
Nope. Please to read before posting.
heehee its nice to be able to say it since Ive done the same. of course i dont post stories. only dumb posts like this
Watch out for the Mickey Mouse acid... (Score:1)
Creating hoaxes, urban legends, rumors, etc. is really an art/science. British comedian Chris Morris did a lot of this a year or so ago on his show "Brass Eye." He got a Tory MP worked up over a deadly new recreational drug called "Cake," from Prague (or Budapest?). It appeared as a giant yellow pill and was a sort of super-amphetamine. Trouble was, it also gave users huge goiters. When trying to alert hoax victims to the "danger," Morris even described it as a "made-up" drug. He became so good at this it became his schtick.
A good media virus is often structured, like a real virus, in three parts--a payload of false information, wrapped in a sheath of prejudice-friendly verisimilitude (and some truth), propelled by a sense of urgency in getting the word out.And just as a virus flourishes when the host's immune system is weak, a media virus thrives in the absence of good information. Just about every good urban legend follows these rules.
Re:Who controls the past ... (Score:1)
Along those lines, not too long ago there was an article in The New Yorker discussing how libraries are destroying or giving away their vast archives of newspapers. Without such hard copies, we make ourselves vulnerable to such attacks.
AFAIK, this will be after making copies of the paper (acidic, tears easily, archival blah blah blah) to microfilm, which lasts a lot longer. Digital storage is nice for searching, not so nice for remaining readable for long periods of time. (IANAArcivist, but my friend is.)
test (Score:1)
Re:OHHH, Poor Baby (Score:1)
Re:I Think This Is a Relevant Comment... (Score:1)
As for all those people posting false information on message boards... Anyone who gets investment information from anonymous sources obviously deserves to lose lots of money.. So please, if you are going to invest based on the messages on these boards, please do something that makes more sense, like giving me all your money...
A very insightful article (Score:1)
Re:Woah. (Score:2)
"Blood & guts!
Torture & sex!
All at the speed of citrus!"
I love Swedish Lemon Angels... (Score:3)
The Human Touch (Score:1)
Ever since the beginning, when Eve gave the forbidden apple to Adam, and that guy took that proverbial bite, human beings have left many kinds of "human touch" - or to put it more bluntly, human follies, - to many natural and man-made things around them.
I can still remember the time people pin their diskettes to the fridge-doors with magnets, stapled their diskettes with their documents, ask support personnels "Where the heck is the _any_ key?!" and in the world of encryption and security, I will not be surprise that _some_ more novel forms of "human touchs" will emerge.
Bruce is correct in his accessment, that the human element is THE WEAKEST link in the whole chain of security.
And the hardest problem to fix (Score:4)
Humans dont WANT to be fixed. Humans don't even want to admit that they're broken. About 3 1/2 years ago, my mother was driving around a curve with my younger brother in the car when she was striken by an elderly woman nearly head on. Her car was demolished, and she was badly injured herself. (My younger brother was not.) Even after the physical therapy, she will suffer pain every day for the rest of her life. The elderly woman couldn't see well enough to see the bend in the road, or even my mothers car. She was for all intents and purposes blind, and a terrible danger to everyone on the road. Any responsible person would know that they should not drive in that condition, but people are frequently NOT RESPONSIBLE. Given the choice between safe and convenient, the woman chose convenience.
Could this problem have been prevented? Can it be fixed? Sure! First, however, someone has to admit that there is a problem. Then people would have to implement more frequent checks and more rigid requirements for the license to drive.
People don't want to go out of their way for safety or correctness. They don't want to learn good practice. They want convenience, and they want fast results. That will probably always be the case. As long as it is, those people will be the biggest source of trouble, computer related or not.
Re:And the hardest problem to fix (Score:2)
At the source of every error which is blamed on the computer you will find at least two human errors, including the error of blaming it on the computer.
My Favorite Semantic Attack Ever (Score:3)
"rigorous military analysis" (Score:1)
Re:Solution (Score:1)
Try it.... you'll like it!
Re:Where oh where (Score:1)
Also see some pictures [washington.edu].
Re:The future of warfare (Score:1)
But who will you steal more secrets from then?
Re:I love Swedish Lemon Angels... (Score:1)
Ah well.
Erik Z
swedish lemon angels (Score:1)
And Sweden really don't produce that many pornmovies either. The US produce a lot more.
Mayar the confused swede.
Solution (Score:1)
Watchout! :)
Angels (redundant if you read the article) (Score:2)
Re:some people are just dumb,... (Score:1)
Hah! If you read the popular newspapers then you would know that anything that is connected to a computer will automatically be connected to the internet. Its the only way to prevent the y2k bug from destroyinh humanity.