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Hillary is still going to be our next president, isn't she?

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  • Did Guistra get the contracts?


    • I blame coincidence, with a jigger of synchronicity.
    • One by one, their old friends are gone. Death, natural or not, prison, deported. Hillary Clinton is the only one left, because she always made money for her partners.

      I firmly believe Hillary is only using her star power to draw money and attention to the party. There's plenty of time to find another charismatic muppet and let her ease herself out while putting on a 'vigorous' campaign. The presidency just doesn't seem logical.

      • What part of "power" escaped you?
        • She already has it, for a long time. The presidency would be a step down.

          • Not in terms of historical immortality. Also, wielding power to do the opposite of the stated intent of the office would, I expect, be a pleasure beyond sexual for a creature of her ilk.
            • Not in terms of historical immortality.

              That's what replacing Kissinger is about, much longer term wealth/power and 'immortality'.

              ...a creature of her ilk

              Your ilk (what you vote for) are identical. That kind of wealth/power cannot be achieved without being part of her 'ilk'.

              • Your ilk (what you vote for) are identical.

                No. I'll give you kind, but not degree. Her Majesty is major league, compared to the T-ball players around her. Irrespective of party.

                • Their goals are identical, not their 'accomplishments'. Degree is irrelevant.

                  • Degree is irrelevant.

                    So, you're arguing that the common cold is stage 5 cancer?

                    • No, I'm saying you can't be *just a little bit pregnant*.

                    • Sure, the theological argument of "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." I get what you're saying. But to argue that Simon Peter is Judas Iscariot is specious.
                    • Well see, the thing is, you don't get Hillary's wealth/power without doing what Hillary does. That goes for everybody in the racket. You are trying to differentiate John Dillinger from Al Capone.

                    • I mean Herod from Pilate

                    • So you're saying Ted Cruz is Herod, and Her Majesty is Pilate? I think you're crediting Cruz (and the rest of the GOP hopefuls) way, way, way too much. JEB is the closest to Hillary. And maybe he _is_ as diabolical. I want to doubt that, but set personal bias aside: he could be as ruthless under pressure, sure.
                      Note that JEB made a show of publishing emails ahead of Her Majesty's announcement about The Royal Server. There is quite a bit of behind-the-scenes crap going on. And, if there is ever to be anythin
                    • Ted Cruz [] is the water boy. A wannabe Herod. I am fascinated by your continued appeal to these people. Eh, shows you've learned nothing from the past still. You're right about one thing. All of your republican, and the other democrat contenders are wannabes compared to Hillary, and Cheney (Bush). But if they can follows orders, they might be given the job. I still contend that Hillary's ambitions are much higher.

                    • shows you've learned nothing from the past still

                      Oh, that's such a sweet dig. I'd've been disappointed if you didn't bring the old pony out for another ride.

                    • You're living proof, what can I say? See, it's not your 'integrity' that's in doubt. It's your total lack of situational awareness. You are sleep walking. *you are forgiven, you don't know what you are doing*.

                    • And so we return to that old conundrum: how can I agree with you any more violently without jarring myself to consciousness?
                      Once I quit taking you seriously, it was all so, so much more amusing.
                    • And so we return to that old conundrum...

                      That's the thing, you never left. With you it's always Groundhog Day

                    • See, now: that's the beauty. It's ALWAYS on *my* end. NEVER yours. This is called "assymetry".
  • A lot of those criticisms are talking about how they want to string up Hillary for accepting donations from individuals who run corporations that we don't like. But if corporations are people - as we decided in Citizens United (amongst other rulings and government movements) - that exist independently with independent rights and obligations from the people who run them, then why is this important?

    For that matter we saw similar arguments fall flat against the Bush family in earlier times. But since the
    • It's a non-issue. The republicans simply don't have a viable candidate, or they would concentrate on that instead. Their obstructionist tactics over the last few years hasn't earned them many friends.

      Well, there is Bruce Jenner coming out of the closet as a Republican and a regular church-goer ... so that must be confusing to all those people who were saying his story is an example of "left-leaning socialist democrat atheist moral depravity."

      • Well, God bless Bruce Jenner. I don't pretend to understand a thing of the situation there, but it's really not my worry.

        The republicans simply don't have a viable candidate, or they would concentrate on that instead.

        I guess I don't know what you mean by 'viable'.

        • I would say just look at the two sides. Both sides have the perception that Hillary will win the democratic nomination, even though she just announced. Can you think of any other time that someone who wasn't an incumbent president had a similar situation?

          On the republican side, it's a real mess, with too many candidates vying for the same core group of voters. How do you distinguish yourself from the others if you all sound pretty much the same? Nobody stands out, though everyone is sure their candidate w

          • Hillary is certainly a singular quantity on a variety of levels. However, the "Clinton Cash" revelations are going to be a true test of her capacity to lie, distract, and convince otherwise intelligent human beings to debase themselves in the name of Cthulhu.
            • What's sauce for the goose ... []

              Also, Clinton is not seen as the only ripe target. Bloomberg reported on Thursday that Schweizer is working on a book about Republican presidential contender Jeb Bush.

              “What we’re doing is a drill-down investigation of Jeb’s finances similar to what we did with the Clintons in terms of looking at financial dealings, cronyism, who he’s been involved with,” Schweizer told Bloomberg Politics. “We’ve found some interesting things.”

              Should be interesting to see the dance of trying to insist that Schweizer is credible with Clinton, but not with Bush (after all, what can Bush do to defend himself except attack Schweizer)?

        • I guess I don't know what you mean by 'viable'.

          'Viable' is fungible. Take away all the crazy people and the republicans would get about 5% of the vote. Take away the idiots who believe anything they are told, well, that would leave less than a million people who vote. Too bad the non voters don't talk to each other, organize and pick somebody. No more democrats and republicans. At least the complaints I hear would sound a little different. But they too, have been convinced they are helpless, not by the 'man

      • Well, there has been almost nothing that has rallied the GOP faithful in the past couple decades as much as their unified undying hatred of all things "Clinton". Really, regardless of how good her chances are of winning, Hillary is doing more for the GOP than the GOP was capable of doing for itself, just by being herself. I thought the conservatives were in overdrive on conspiracy generation with Obama but now we're seeing a whole different magnitude of nuttery.

        What I particularly love though - and wh
        • Sadly, I think most voters are cynical enough to realize that it's common practice for politicians to throw dirt at opponents for the same sins they've been guilty of in the past. "It's nothing personal, just business."

          The problem is, cynical voters don't vote. People are getting turned off by all the personal attacks and the drama surrounding them. Usually, both sides have this problem going into the primaries, with people in each party attacking other party members who are also running. That's not happen

          • I think you're equating a willingness to compromise on an issue with agreement, which is not the same thing.
            • I think you're equating a willingness to compromise on an issue with agreement, which is not the same thing.

              I don't think so. The polls don't ask if people were "willing to compromise on the issue of same-sex marriage." The times, they are a-changing.

              The whole "same-sex couples are not good role models as parents" is pretty much dead, with 78% saying they're just as good.That's not a compromise position.

              59% approving of same-sex marriage - approval is not a compromise position either.

              All the support for Ms. Jenner is also not a "willingness to compromise on an issue." And it did pretty good in the ratings - 17 []

              • It's more like when you know somebody dying to die by a needle and run out of energy trying to talk them out of their nihilism.
                The courts have shown their corruption, overturning voters across the country. It is left for me to raise my sons with a proper understanding, irrespective (and disrespective) of what some liars say.
                • Where's the corruption in overturning bigoted law? Shall we re-segregate the schools also? I guess equal protection is off the table in your house.

                  • Where's the corruption in overturning bigoted law? Shall we re-segregate the schools also?

                    Non sequitur. You're getting great at that these days.

                    • No it's not. You are claiming corruption on the court's part, where is it?

                    • Wait, you want to re-segregate schools. . .but you're finding court corruption. . .
                      can't we get back to Calcium Anthropology, the study of milk-men? (Steven Wright)
                • When the voters go against the Constitution, they shouldn't expect to win. But then again, law is a crap-shoot. I have no problem with people raising their kids to be good members of society who are willing to work with others who they don't see 100% on all the issues, and not just sheeple.

                  So yes, compromise is a good thing - it tends to get people away from zealotry. I was just pointing out that the polls didn't reflect compromise. This is what people actually believe.

                  There are fundy christians and musli

                  • Excellent.

                    There are fundy christians and muslims who have no problem with same-sex marriage, just as there are catholics who use birth control.

                    I disagree with the idea, but understand that law is a means by which we manage disagreements.
                    I guess my incapacity to subscribe to a concept I consider false marks me a "bigot", and justifies infinite H8 for the fustakrakich in the crowd.
                    Still, somehow, I'm the "persecutor", I guess.

                    • A bigot is someone who treats someone else with disrespect. Saying you don't understand something, rather than throwing rocks, is a sign of respect. Discussions are better than fight-fight-fight (though sometimes it's hard to tell the difference :-)

                      I guess my perspective is a bit different because I know what it's like to have a fundy mind-set (after all, I was one), and I know that most of the people aren't monsters. They just believe what they've been, and I do occasionally miss the certainty) taught by

                    • A bigot is someone who treats someone else with disrespect.

                      I like that definition, except that anymore, "bigot" is tossed at anyone who commits ThoughtCrime.
                      While there are quite a few ideas that I just can't fathom, I only get anywhere near nasty (at least, from my perspective) when somebody is attacking my integrity.

          • 13% of those polled approves of congress. Over 96% percent of them were reelected. Over 98% of the voters vote for the institutional party, which is the republican/democrats. That number has been stable for a very long time. We have fewer independents in congress than ever. There is no indication that will change any time soon, despite all the angst being posted here. There is very little reason to believe mass media polls.

            • I think most people hold their noses and vote for the lesser of two evils. I know that's the feeling of most of the people I talk to.

              I don't see that changing any time soon either in the US. There's no solution, since it has been a bi-stable system for too long. Current voters haven't lived with a serious 3rd party. No 3rd party has gotten even 20% in the last 100 years, so all they've done is split the vote.

        • You could be fair and note that the disdain for JEB is substantial. I'm not voting for him, and I don't care if it's a 1992 reprise.

          how they are not bothered in the least by the hypocrisy.

          Not even in your league on that topic.

      • They don't need a 'viable' candidate. With control of congress they can get what they want. And I don't know why people argue about this as if democrats and republicans really oppose each other. That would be like a wrestler beating on his tag team partner. This whole theater is the same tired old good cop/bad cop routine. What's sad is that people still fall for it, right here on Slashdot.

        • In a system that has entered bi-stability, you won't see all that much difference because they're trying to appeal to a sufficient majority of the voters, which means they have to appeal to not just their base, but the average voter as well.

          This is what happens when you have a 2-party system that is so ingrained that it's become impossible to change.

    • want to string up Hillary for accepting donations from individuals who run corporations that we don't like

      Well, you're being quite harsh on Her Majesty here.
      I mean, she was workin' real hard, tryin' to do her job, when all these 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9s just kinda flew around some accounts and stuff. It was all so complex. Who can understand it? Oh, yes: that Vast Right Wing Conspiracy that has been targeting Her Majesty the last 2+ decades.
      Dirty, filthy, evil conservatives, picking on Her Majesty!
      It's enough to make a loyal subject clutch the pearls and collapse on the fainting couch!

  • Here's how it plays out:

    Hitlary is going to come out of the closet, and much like the race card was overplayed the "homophobe" card will get overplayed.

    Media coverage will be fawning over how "courageous" the first open lesbian Presidential Candidate is, and how we should all embrace the history of it. But the kicker will be this:

    Jeb Bush will be her running mate. Then the narrative becomes that Ted Cruz / Scott Walker / Rand Paul is "so extreme" that even Jeb Bush, a life-long Republican, is support
    • You sure know how to roll a nightmare scenario. As for the Second Coming, I figure He's en route; just that His watch runs at an extemporal rate. And Mary certainly holds a blessed place in human history, but the Muslim argument about Christians over-achieving has a certain cogency with respect to her.
      • Do you know why we Catholics call her the Mother of God?

        It's not because we're placing her above God, it's because it's our way of affirming and re-affirming the divinity of Christ.
        • I love you, man, but, as a sola scritptura fundamentalist, that tradition adds nothing to my infinite admiration for Christ, and knowledge of my utter, sinful failure.
          Across the varied tapestry of Christianity, there's an awful lot that has me shrugging.
          In defense of Roman Catholicism/Eastern Orthodoxy, I'll take the hit that the Evangelical "tradition" is drab and has just as many challenges as the "high" churches, albeit different ones.
          Not out to offend you. In any case, we've nothing mutual to prove.
          • Trust me -- I'm well aware we're on the same team. I attended a Protestant Church with my wife before she converted to Catholicism. Some of my comments are as much for others as they are for you. There's an old saying -- no one hates the Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they think is the Catholic Church.
            • The whole notion of "keep it small" is right there in the New Testament.
              It's not Catholics or even the Church; I'm just not on about large organizations.

I've never been canoeing before, but I imagine there must be just a few simple heuristics you have to remember... Yes, don't fall out, and don't hit rocks.
