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Journal smittyoneeach's Journal: So here's a good WI test for you 63

If pockets as deep as Rush Limbaugh are calling you out by name for your perfidy in the Wisconsin John Doe prosecutions, he's pretty confident that even the smartest shark in the tank isn't going to get Ol' Rush To Judgement convicted for libel, no?
A big fat whale like Rush would be sooooo tasty for the Left. They'd probably pour the kind of resources into taking Rush down that they did in trying to unseat Scott Walker, if they didn't know Rush was dealing that thing which to the Left is like sunlight to a vampire: the truth.
The usual suspects may now vaporize the messenger.
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So here's a good WI test for you

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  • You linked to Rush giving his additional spin to the only "source" on this matter - and the "source" is the same collection of partisan hacks you linked to in your previous JE. I suspect based on how far you have slipped in what you like to pass off as "reading", I probably paid more attention to this than you did.

    But go ahead, tell us your latest conspiracy attached to this. I'm sure you have somehow already connected this in your mind to President Lawnchair (or someone else has already handed you a
    • I'll take your 100% evasion of my point as confirmation. Thanks!
      • As best I could tell the closest you came to a point in your JE was your fantasy that somehow Rush spinning this already-spun bit would cause the democrats to rally to do something against him, personally. As per the vast overwhelming majority of your conspiracies, you provided no logical support for why that would pan out.

        If there was some other point in your JE, please let me know. All I saw was you trying to claim that because a hype-master got excited about an article from a conservative "news" so
        • Oh, bless your heart!
          • Come on smitty, don't leave us hanging. Where is Obama's responsibility in this? Did he order it himself (just like he did with Benghazi)? Is it part of a grand socialist takeover (just like with the Health Insurance Industry Bailout Act of 2010)? Is it a power grab for the Illuminati (just like his election)? Is it part of how he is going to use 1984 as a how-to guide to government (just like he did with the secret unmanned NASA vehicle)? Is it part of a top-secret government communications network (
            • I'm really having trouble holding onto the truth that I'M the "conspiracy theorist" here. You just let your freak flag fly, girl.
              • I am not portraying any conspiracy here myself. I am merely pointing out that you have shared a great number of them with us since the first time you heard of Candidate Obama. Furthermore the majority of your JEs (particularly if we exclude the Burma Shave ones from the count) are about your unending enthusiasm for ending the current presidential administration prematurely by any means possible.

                But I can't force you to acknowledge reality.
                • And I'm enjoying a full-on guffaw at your desperate attempts to do anything to talk about what a bunch of fascists the senior WI Democrats are. You just shake that thang: shake it, girl!
                  • And I'm enjoying a full-on guffaw at your desperate attempts to do anything to talk about what a bunch of fascists the senior WI Democrats are.

                    Is there an error in that statement?

                    But we can run with this. Show me, how are senior Democrats in Wisconsin connected to this? If it were going the other way, with republicans being alleged of "going after" democrats, you would say they were "rogue agents" or "bad actors". You have already convinced yourself that these are party officials, and I'm still waiting for you to connect it to President Lawnchair.

                    • >Show me, how are senior Democrats in Wisconsin connected to this?

                      You've got the links. Show yourself.
                    • Show me, how are senior Democrats in Wisconsin connected to this?

                      You've got the links. Show yourself.

                      It would appear then that the term "senior Democrats" has a different meaning to you than it does to me, then. Also interesting how much different your application of "senior" is when the party in question is Democrat rather than Republican.

                      It really is overwhelming to try to keep up with how rapidly you change the English language at your whim.

                    • Democrats who are senior?

                      how rapidly you change the English language at your whim.

                      Didn't happen, but keep plucking that chicken. Also, note that Democrats Of Age in Wisconsin are dirty scoundrels.

        • I don't think Rush Limbaugh is a good source of anything except advice on "how to abuse pain killers." However, I did some searching, because where there's smoke, sometimes there's fire.

          I did a search for "gregory peterson wisconson john doe subpoenas" (Gregory Peterson was the judge who quashed the subpoenas). The wall street journal reported it more than a year ago. Further searching leads to this court filing [netdna-cdn.com].

          To check the court docket, go to here [wicourts.gov], click on "I Agree", and enter Eric O'Keefe as the n

          • Interesting, you've done more investigation into this than any of the sources that smitty has linked to thus far. However, the presence of these subpoenas does not get us to where they are trying to go. Both Rush's meta-regurgitation and the original "news" from National Review is making the claim that political operatives of the Wisconsin Democratic Party disguised themselves as law enforcement and went out looting, pillaging, and terrorizing innocent supporters of Scott Walker (aka the Kevlar Kandidate)
            • Actually, it's that government officials improperly took it upon themselves to use their positions to harass perceived opponents with no legal basis. That's why judge Peterson struck the subpoenas down. I'm sure there are plenty of times (from all parties) that overly-zealous supports take actions that the people they're supporting would have a sh*t hemorrhage if they knew about it.

              The two reasons I did the "research" are (1) it sounded plausible, if a little bit "out there," and (2) if there's some substa

              • Look, you're hurting d_r's strategy of Changing The Subject.
                How are you ever going to master Arguing In Bad Faith, at this rate?
                • Changing the subject? No, I'm waiting for you to get to the subject. Why would you care about Wisconsin politics anyways? Every other political topic you bring up comes back to demonizing and removing the POTUS, there is no reason to expect this one to be different. Just get to how you are going to tie this to President Lawnchair; the suspense is killing us!
              • Actually, it's that government officials improperly took it upon themselves to use their positions to harass perceived opponents with no legal basis.

                That is the allegation so far. This is why there will be a court hearing, to determine how much of a gap exists between reality and perception.

                The two reasons I did the "research" are (1) it sounded plausible, if a little bit "out there," and (2) if there's some substance to it, it shouldn't be all that hard to find. And it wasn't hard - several articles mention that a judge named Peterson had quashed the subpoenas, we had the name of the Wisconsin Growth Club, and a bit of digging yielded O'Keefe's name and the judicial district.

                One thing I find interesting in this is the timing. If this really happened that long ago (in political time) why did they wait this long to start screaming about it? This seems like another "October surprise".

                • why did they wait this long to start screaming about it? This seems like another "October surprise".

                  Ummm. . . the gag orders in place?
                  It has the effect of underscoring the depth of the Democrat swamp through which Scott Walker has successfully (so far) waded. These Wisconsin Dems would have been perfectly comfortable in any Old World fascist regime of the last century, I reckon.

                  • why did they wait this long to start screaming about it? This seems like another "October surprise".

                    Ummm. . . the gag orders in place?

                    If that were the case, then why would the gag order be lifted now when the trial doesn't begin until September? And if the gag order was lifted, then why did they only go to a deeply partisan "news" source, rather than using a respectable source? I understand that all conservatives are under orders from on high to trash the NYT at every possible opportunity, but there are respectable news sources that lean conservative.

                    fascist regime

                    You use that term, but you don't know what it actually means. The context in which y

                    • You use that term, but you don't know what it actually means. The context in which you used it demonstrates that quite clearly.

                      See, now, that's a gorgeous argument. You can refute anything with that, irrespective of validity of the usage.
                      This is why I stand in awe of your powers of crapfloodery.

          • d_r is a pretty Hillaryious little clown, isn't he?
            • He's as big of a brownshirt as any of them. Witness his non-stop harassment of conservatives on slashdot.
              • In my more sadistic moments, I wonder what it would be like to track him down in the Real World, and subject him to an endless stream of small, anonymous, nice gestures.
                • Shouldn't be hard, he's probably trying to track you down in the Real World for some good old fashioned social media shaming -- also known as the 2 minutes of hate.
            • We all are sometimes. That's why we're only human. And the political contagion is spreading - up here we have nobody worth voting for. Send up the zombie Ike Eisenhower - even after all these decades rotting, he'd probably pass the smell test better than any of the other candidates.
              • Yeah, even our candidates for whom I have some affinity inspire little confidence in their capacity to effect improvement.
                • Replace 'capacity' with desire. It's not there. Never was, you're being taken in as much as d_r with his democrats. They have to serve their sponsors like all the rest, or campaign funds dry up as they seek out more compliant candidates. This includes the ones you idolize the most, who would be more suited wearing a clown suit than pin stripe. But... you don't want to hear that.. so, a wave of the hand and, poof, dismissed. Just another day in the life...

                  • See, now you're taking it too far. Better just to leave it to externals. If there was significant chance at re-election based upon delivering reform, there would be an improved likelihood of such.

                    This includes the ones you idolize the most, who would be more suited wearing a clown suit than pin stripe. But... you don't want to hear that.. so, a wave of the hand and, poof, dismissed. Just another day in the life...

                    And then you just have to get all stabby, bless your heart.

  • You are so appealing to my hormones... stir my flesh, burn baby burn [youtube.com]!

  • Fascist Democrats act like Fascist Democrats.

    They're just following Saul Alinsky's Rules.
    • I'm more amused at the cockroach-like scrambling we see in evidence in this thread.
      • I'm not sure I'd insult a cockroach with that comparison... or any other member of the flora and fauna. Even pond scum serves a useful purpose. That asshole? Not so much.
        • Peering through all your spin and indirection, I'm guessing you're not a fan?
          • No, I'm not a fan of wannabe little brownshirts following Alinsky's script of personal destruction.
            That's all he's doing when he continually moves the goal posts.

            I'm also not a fan of cowardly little cyber-bullies, which is all he is.

            Look below -- this creepy little bastard has been obsessed with me for years -- I finally give him an opportunity to meet me and ... oh, there's other things he'd rather do. Like hide in his mother's basement and cry softly.

            He's a completely useless tool. Not worth an
    • Hey there, friend! Long time, no see! You seem a little off your game, though - you put your punchline right in a recent entry [slashdot.org] - I thought we were going to keep to our two-man routine where you set 'em up and I knock 'em down.
      • You wanna see me in person?
        • You wanna see me in person?

          That's a strange question. Why would I want that?

          • Are you incapable of answering even a simple "yes" or "no" question?

            I'll repeat. Do you want to see me in person?
            • I can think of vastly more useful and interesting things to do with my time.
              • Your /. output refutes this assertion categorically.
              • How typical for a cyber-bully and online stalker. You're real brave hiding behind a computer screen but in meat space you're a sniveling coward.

                Bottom line: You wouldn't lie about me to my face the way you do on slashdot.

                I however, would still tell the truth about you to your face the way I do on slashdot.

                Don't believe me? Let's meet up and find out.
                • How typical for a cyber-bully

                  How exactly am I able to be a "cyber-bully" to you when you don't allow me to comment in your journal entries? For that matter, nobody forces you to read anything I write, ever. You are free to ignore everything I have ever written.

                  online stalker

                  I am not aware of any interaction we have ever had online that was not on slashdot, ever. Furthermore there is a feature on slashdot that you can use to receive a message any time anyone on your friends list posts a JE. Hence your "stalker" allegation falls completely flat.

  • "that thing which to the Left is like sunlight to a vampire: the truth."

    What Conservatives hate the most in political discussion is when the other side lies about them. What Leftists hate the most is when the other side tells the truth about them.

    (And it's not inherently this way, as the Left *could* try with honest persuasion to compete in the arena of ideas. And therefore someone telling the truth about them wouldn't be a liability.)

    • The Left has been told There Is No Truth.
      • Only when it comes to God's morality. For example, downplaying the truth that it's much better for children to be raised in a two-parent household of both sexes. But when it comes to their man-made morality, there is no unwavering in for example their belief that it's a truism that more "fairness" = more betterness, ad infinitum.

        • No, seriously. Postmodernism makes everything a social construct. It's all appeal to the flesh; all about stirring hormones; all about burning the culture for political power.
          • Well, it's not the space cadets in academia who sit around and ponder how everything is relative that I'm worried about. It's the more pragmatic Lefties who have delusions that everything in society can be equalized (given the application of sufficient coercive power).

            And yes, it's about all those things, to amass enough political power to install Progressively greater levels of "fairness"*. But it's not about burning the culture just to have an orgy or something. It's because our culture was based on a

            • Lefties who have delusions that everything in society can be equalized

              I don't think they're deluded in the slightest.
              1. It's a plausible sounding sales pitch.
              2. It's a bait-and-switch to get the hook set, ensnare people, and use them for political ends.

              • But the political ends *is* the installment of fairnesses. (There's no morally higher pursuit.) And we're gonna hafta disagree on being able to equalize everything in life as sounding plausible.

I've never been canoeing before, but I imagine there must be just a few simple heuristics you have to remember... Yes, don't fall out, and don't hit rocks.
