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Journal damn_registrars's Journal: Not Surprised In The Least 15

I found myself subjected to Rush Limbaugh for a few moments this afternoon (never before have I felt more urge to shout in a car just to drown out ambient noise). What little I was able to tolerate he spent pleasuring himself over the announcement of Jon Stewart announcing his upcoming departure from the Daily Show.
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Not Surprised In The Least

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  • John Stewart's going to be the Democratic candidate for Vice President. (-- insert sound of Rush's skull asploding --)

    Or even better - Jeb Bush's running mate (-- insert sound of a million voices crying out NOOOOoooooo all at once --)

    • John Stewart's going to be the Democratic candidate for Vice President.

      The punch line, of course, being that the top of the ticket is occupied by Al Franken.

      • Al Franken.

        However unlike any conservative comedian since ... well, possibly ever ... Al Franken is actually funny and insightful. The closest any conservative comedian ever came to that was Dennis Miller, but that was before he went off the deep end after 9/11. After that he was just a GOP hack.

        • While not intended as comedy, Miller's brief portrait of Harry Reid [] has held up well over time, for all it did nothing in the way of keeping him from being the lousiest Senate Majority Leader EVAR.
          • I don't know how many Senate Majority Leaders you can name without referring to wikipedia, but I can assure you that there have been Democrats in that position before (Tom Daschle comes to mind). Being as Reid is not the only one with that cursed letter after his name, what makes him worse than the ones who came before him? Hell, considering how little was accomplished while he was "leader" - and how much you despise progress - I would think you would be a big fan of his "work".
            • Hell, considering how little was accomplished while he was "leader"

              See, now, there you go, damning ObamaCare with faint praise.

              • If your cause is to demonize Harry Reid, you aren't doing much for it when you try to build your case upon his being present when a bill written by your guys was passed.

                Seriously, your endless game of "gotcha" on the Health Insurance Industry Bailout Act of 2010 has never worked up to this point, and it isn't going to work now or in the future either. I don't like the bill. Period. It is a giant piece of fail to me. You keep trying to get me to praise it because you are so certain of an alternate re
              • Also, you did not answer the question at all. You made a point of demonizing Harry Reid but when I asked why you despise him so greatly when there have been other Democrats in the position of Senate Majority Leader in the past, you gave no answer. Your hatred for Democrats is unquestionable, but your hatred for Harry Reid seems to be mostly baseless.
                • This could easily have been directed at you:

                  . . .message is consistent -- unshakeable, in fact, no matter the evidence -- but he commands daily attention by his on-the-spot, invective-rich variations on the theme. His lunatic counterfactual art is more appealing than the banal awfulness of the Reliable Sources.

                  -- Jean-Pierre McGarrigle []

  • I listen to him every day. And Hannity. The sounds of their wailing are music to my ears.
    • Yet would Glenn Beck be a bridge too far (presumably into crazy land)?
      • Actually, the problem with Beck is twofold: One, his program is in the 9-12 slot for me, and I'm a late starter.

        More importantly though, at some point after Fox kicked him to the curb he retooled his show into something more "Morning Zoo"-esque, and it's just not the same. Man's lost his park.
        • I remember when that blowhard had a (thankfully short-lived) show on CNN. If he's doing a morning show that is more like the radio blowhards in every market across the country, I wouldn't expect he would last long. I can tell you that the radio market I live in already has a louder and more unhinged conservative nutter dominating the morning show time slot, and his radio tenure dates back to a time before most people had ever heard of Glenn Beck.
        • Didn't he use to have a big blackboard like Gene Scott? He was the best. His reruns are better than most of today's stuff.

"All the people are so happy now, their heads are caving in. I'm glad they are a snowman with protective rubber skin" -- They Might Be Giants
