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Journal mcgrew's Journal: Well, crap... 8

Patty emailed me and solved the "why isn't anybody buying the Amazon ebook" question -- according to her, it's nearly impossible. She says they won't take a credit or debit card, you have to either have an Amazon gift card or that Amazon Prime crap.

So I don't know what to do. I'd just pull it and put it on the site for free like the other two books, but that would hardly be fair to the two people who jumped through Amazon's hoops.

Suggestions are very welcome.

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Well, crap...

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  • Do you have to use Amazon? Nobody else provides the service?

    • Google Books [google.com]. If you're going to stick it out there, put your other ones as free and make this one paid for a nominal fee, or whatever. I know you hate ePub format, but you've got to move with the times. If Amazon is being a dick, go elsewhere (especially since Google Play cash cards are for sale pretty much everywhere nowadays, eliminating one hassle).
    • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

      Amazon was an experiment. I read the library's copy of Andy Wier's The Martian, really liked it, and googled to see if he had any more titles. Wikipedia said that he couldn't get a publisher so he introduced it as an Amazon ebook, it went to their best seller list, and a publisher bought the hardcover rights for a six figure sum.

      So I thought, what the hell, why not give it a try? I thought it might give me extra exposure, but I was wrong.

  • I think I'm one of the two who bought from Amazon. I don't care if you put it up for free. If it really bugs you that much, take the two bucks and give it to the next homeless person you see, or in the tip jar somewhere, or whatever. (Actually, I thought I said before that you could do that :)

  • My boss was complaining about how he couldn't get some kindle book for work to be billed to his company card. The only options that come up for kindle books look to be to give it as a gift to someone else, use a gift card to buy it, or to buy it with 1 click which charges it straight to the card you have on file. I pointed out he just needed to change the 1 click card to the company card, buy it, then change the card back, but that was "too much work" (a man after me own heart).

How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else. -- R. Buckminster Fuller
