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Journal ellem's Journal: Brush With The Law 27

OK so some of you may de-friend me and all but here goes:

The day before Thanksmas I was on the train coming into Grand Central. There was a woman with a smallish Beagle dog. There was a man who in some fucked up fit of rage kicked the dog. Hard. Into the air, choke on it's own leash it went so high hard. The next thing I know the conductor and two men are pulling me off of the guy and I am yelling something like, "I'll fucking kill you for Christmas," at which point one of the men is saying he's not worth it and dragging me to the next car.

According to the dragger I hit the guy so many times so fast he was down long before I stopped punching him. Yay martial arts training. So anyway the dragger turned out to be an off duty Policeman (I only heard this today) and he told me to go left off of the train where'd I'd have normally gone right. I looked left and saw the NYPD arresting the dog kicker.

Fast forward to Sunday. I am in A&P buying some Taco parts and I see the guy I was hitting, except he's WAY more fucked up than I could have possibly made him - right?

Turns out he got uppity with the NYPD and they gave him an attitude adjustment. Now I suspect I'm going to see angry guy on the train again... I saw everyone else today and they filled me in on what a psycho he always is and Thank God someone Finally Cracked His Skull. So yeah, my hand hurt all day Wednesday...

So that was my brush with the law.

How was your Thanksmas and what are you doing for Palmster?

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Brush With The Law

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  • by GMontag ( 42283 )
    You rock!
  • by BWJones ( 18351 ) *
    Yeah, man. Punk rock it!

  • You got a case of rail-rage.
  • What I always say, woe unto the man who dares molest an innocent dog or cat on my watch, for I will visit great wrath upon him. I am the protector of innocents.

    Very well done.
  • Fuckin' A, dude, that's what I'm talkin' about! If I hadn't already friended you, this JE would be all I would need to do so. Anybody who wants to de-friend you over this can fucking foe me, because they're dickheads.

    I hate that I even have to share the same planet with dog-kicking fucktards like that. Any chance anybody got video or pix with a camera phone? I declare ellem the freakin' Slashdot Hero of the Month. YEAH, baby!

    People abusing pets (and especially someone else's!) really gets me riled u

    • Rk's subject was my reaction after reading. Defriend? Dude, I'm going to make some new fake accounts to FRIEND you more!
      • by gmhowell ( 26755 ) *
        Me three. It's stories like this that keep me around after reading the right wing crap:)

        Amazed that some of his fellow brothers in blue decided to tune him up.
  • am in A&P buying some Taco parts

    I always knew that slashcode was some rinky-dinky off the shelf crap...

    /So are you gonna get sued?
  • There ought to be a medal for such things.
  • and hopefully you don't have to worry about the idiot suing you. That would just be an insult to decent folk everywhere (unfortunately this is all too frequent).

    Good job and thanks for standing up for someone who couldn't.

  • I am sure there is a little beagle out there that would "Friend" you if he could.
    And at least one beagle owner for whom you were their unexpected hero.

    I, too, will keep good thoughts and hope that your swift justice isn't unfairly punished. By the law OR by a revenge-minded idiot. Watch your back for a while, man--people who kick dogs probably don't have the good sense to let something drop.
  • by subgeek ( 263292 ) *
    up until now i had assumed the bit about "subgeek's song made me kill again..." had been some sort of joke.
  • by tqft ( 619476 )
    You haven't mastered the Vulcan Nerve Pinch yet? Ask your instructor for your money back.
  • You kick ass, amen!
  • OK so some of you may de-friend me and all but here goes

    Actually, I friended you.

    I probably wouldn't have smacked the guy, but I've been known to give it verbally to people like that.
  • I am still laughing at "I'll fucking kill you for Christmas."

    Honestly, that would not have set me off. I'd have done something, but not that. Maybe grabbed him and told him I would pound him if he ever did it again. But I don't fault you for your ... initiative.

Type louder, please.
