
Submission + - Easy To Understand Tips And Advice About Dogs (usguide101.com)

Albrechtsen68Honore writes: Dogs are wonderful companions, and owning one can be a lot of fun. If you are considering owning a dog, knowing how to properly care for him is essential. This article contains some great tips that can help you to select the perfect pet for you and also care for him properly.Keep your dog at a healthy weight. Plenty of dogs are overweight, and just like humans, this can lead to health issues. People tend to overfeed their dogs, and many also feed them table scraps. A dog doesn't need as many calories as most people think; talk to your vet about how much you should feed him each day, and what f

Comment Re: Ugh (Score 0) 103

You make no point and are just ranting. I work in a field which is reliant on specialized software. Those software vendors are assholes and their ancient, rickety codebase is all Windows-specific. If we had a choice, we would be not using windows. Our software engineers all run on Linux. I had to show our CTO how to install Windows on a machine yesterday, specifically so he could use one stupid proprietary piece of software which interfaces with hardware we use and has no other alternatives besides their closed source, garbage Windows interface.

Comment Re:Rotating Door (Score 1) 17

NASA's role isn't a as a regulator, so you would expect the same experts to work there as in other parts of the aerospace sector.

NASA's role is to be a place where nerds are willing to work, where they make cool stuff that the air force can pay companies to copy and build into weapons.

NASA also hires a lot of subcontractors and manages projects, mainly to support the aerospace sector, but they're not a regulator. They're supposed to be helping these companies.

Submission + - Ideas You Can Use Together with Your New Roof (blurb.com)

Vinter87Suhr writes: 1. In the event that you are a house owner, one of your largest concerns is probably your roof. After all, a good difficulty with the roof is actually a problem that you are going to have to deal with best suited away. To ensure that the roof is always in good condition, you will definitely possess learn a bit concerning roofing and the good news is, the subsequent article will teach you exactly how.Even though it could sound backwards, one of the better periods to find a flow is when it's fully dry out. Look out for things like mold within corners, unusually dark roof tiles, and damp efficien

Submission + - Chia se kinh nghiem choi Butterfly moi nhat (doithuong.vn)

An anonymous reader writes: moi cac ban xem bai viet Chia se kinh nghiem choi Butterfly moi nhat de xem chi tiet nhat nhe

Submission + - SPAM: Many populate lack to shuffle their ain website, b

Washington71Niemann writes: Opt suited graphical for your WWW designs. Continue in brain that electronic image files are quite declamatory and typically do non work on well, merely PNGs lick approve. GIFs commode be quite an goodness for wide-eyed schoolbook buttons, screenshots, etc and PNGs are dandy for images with 256 colours and up. JPEG images are ripe for pictures.Don't habituate OnExit popups on your internet site. This tactic is in the main ill-used by net marketers who are nerve-wracking a last-ditch attack to begin a sales event. Word of God all but these kinds of popups find around, and they leave vote out yo
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Feed Google News Sci Tech: Barr’s internal reviews and re-investigations feed resentment, suspicion inside Justice Dept. - The Washington Post (google.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Biden calls out Sanders over supporters' online behavior - POLITICO (google.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Armed grandmother abducted 12-year-old girl from hospital, police say - NBC News (google.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Missouri farm wins $265M in dicamba damage case - KY3 (google.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: NBA All-Star Game MVP Award is now the Kobe Bryant MVP Award - CNN (google.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: “All’s Quiet on Betelgeuse” –Prelude to a Realtime Supernova? - The Daily Galaxy --Great Discoveries Channel (google.com)

Submission + - Many individuals say that social media marketing i (mrsocial.marketing)

Klausen95Brennan writes: While you are making a tweet, composing your blog or setting up a post on Facebook or myspace, ensure that you create inviting titles to bring in clicks. Not only will the proper name definitely attract an individual to hold looking at, but you may also fit in some search phrases there so that your material is available more quickly.Location Facebook reveal control keys on top of your blog posts. Having this switch signifies your website viewers can simply discuss your posts making use of their Facebook or myspace buddies. Ergo, the blog site is abruptly accessible to far more viewers than ear

Comment Re:Lowpass filter? (Score 1) 129

Depends. If you can emit noise at a volume that causes the ADC to clip, there's no possible fix other than turning down the input gain before the ADC. That, in turn, may mean low to negative SNR, assuming it's even possible to do via software.

So, depends how close to full scale these devices are operating and how much spare dynamic range they have.

Submission + - SPAM: While you are very first engaging in the industry

FreemanOneill5 writes: Utilizing Facebook could be a terrific way to market your business. Facebook allows you to connect with your potential audience. If you utilize Facebook or myspace appropriately, it is possible to connect with your audience inside a friendly manner without pressuring these people to buy something. If individuals connect to yourself on your own degree, they're prone to be interested in your small business.When working with social media marketing to showcase your company or item, ensure that you produce a name that will pull folks. A dull label will make viewers neglect above your article, there
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Submission + - Sage 50 Downgrade (downgradeo.com)

sagerepair writes: Downgrade from Sage 50 Quantum to Pro or Premium. All data is converted including transactions, lists, users, & preferences.

Submission + - Recommendations You Can Use Along with Your New Ro (miamiroofking.com)

Vinter87Suhr writes: 1. In the event you are a homeowner, one of your biggest concerns is probably your own roof. All things considered, a new challenge with the roof is really a problem that you are usually going to suffer from best away. To ensure that your particular roof is always throughout good condition, you might have got learn a bit regarding roofing and the good thing is, the next article will teach you exactly how.Although it may well sound backwards, one of the best times to find a drip can be when it's totally dry out. Look out regarding things like mold around corners, unusually dark limit tiles, and

Submission + - Gold buying and selling has been in existence for (sanook69s.com)

RodriguezRivas3 writes: Truly check out the trustworthiness of the seller you are thinking about making use of. Since golden is certainly a high value investment, there are many dishonest operations out there which are looking for the greatest people. It's your work to ensure that doesn't occur. Investigate the firms totally.Examine the suggested shipping plan when you are thinking produce a golden obtain. If your retailer doesn't supply delivery service right away, you want composed confirmation of when to count on your items. A time must be spelled with this piece of paper. Proceed together with the get only should

Comment Re:How is this even news? (Score 4, Insightful) 97

Those Huawei patents are clearly valuable. If you want to get your hands on those patents without paying for them then you need to build a case that the owner is a hardened criminal and the only way anybody will ever bring justice to them is to move in and steal their stuff (nice and legal like),

If you use enough propaganda to inflame the rage of the ignorant you are half way there.

Next step is to declare that your country no longer recognises the validity of the patents. After that, you just ignore them and use all that sweet sweet IP and export it around the world (declaring it's better, safer and justified).

What if the other side hits back and does the same to you? Shut up! That would be wrong and stuff and we don't want to think that far ahead.

What a wonderful thought though. All nations simply stating "for the moment all IP is dead. Long live the new IP regime we are about to invent, with blockchain....and hookers".

Submission + - Shimla manali tour package | Get Upto 75% Discounts (indiantravelonline.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Book Shimla, Manali, Dharamshala, Dalhousie with Hotel, Cab, Meal, Sights at Best Price. Call Our Tour Expert or Send Enquiry Now. Get Free Tour Plan. Great Rates. 24/7 Support. Customized Himachal Tours. Highlights: Good Rates, 24/7 Customer Support Available

Comment Re:Use the Long Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) Edit (Score 1) 103

The circulating snake on the ATM screen of one of my banks sure looks like embedded Win10.

Given that Win10 does get at least some support (of questionable effectiveness at times), I'd rather that those devices be on Win10 than on 7 or XP or (horrors) 98 or older. As is actually true of some of them. A better approach might be to have them running on a genuine RTOS, or if real-time isn't necessary some form of embedded Linux/BSD/QNix/Minix/etc.

Submission + - IObit Uninstaller Pro Crack With Key 2020 Full (excrack.com)

An anonymous reader writes: IObit Uninstaller Pro is an excellent tool for removing unused files from your system. It is a very light application. This helps us to eliminate unwanted programs that can damage our data. The Iobit uninstaller is helping us to eliminate unwanted files from our computer. It also makes our machine faster than before

Comment Re:If it's stolen (Score 1, Insightful) 97

But information wants to be free! You can't steal a secret, since they still know it and haven't been deprived of it! Or does that logic only apply when it's convenient? Yes, I know there are laws concerning leaking proprietary information, I even said so in my post. My point was that trade secrets have no inherent protection. If they did, there would be no point to patents. You only get that exclusivity in exchange for publishing, and therefore spreading the knowledge.

Submission + - Rare metal has long been a valued thing plus a app (sanook69s.com)

EstradaBenson5 writes: Do your research on the payment and commission structures for the car dealership you are thinking about. Every single dealership may have slightly various commission constructions. Some can be much more reasonable to you than the others, so use it as a way to comparing store from numerous retailers. By doing this, you may get the best offer for yourself possible.If you're considering getting rare metal from a dealership, make sure he or she is respected. Steer clear of using the services of anyone who doesn't have a minimum of several years of experience in the commercial, due to the fact that

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Biden calls on Sanders to take accountability for supporters' threats - NBCNews.com (google.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Storm Dennis: Army called in to help shore up defences - BBC News (google.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: NBA Announces All-Star Game MVP Will Be Named Kobe Bryant MVP Award - Bleacher Report (google.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Coronavirus outbreak: Debunking 5 myths about the disease - Inverse (google.com)

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