
Comment Re:Not Likely (Score 1) 527

And I agree. That said, while I believe that self driving vehicles at this point are probably fairly safe, I also think they're quite useless. There are far too many corner cases in driving, and I can come up with dozens of them off the top of my head that I've seen no evidence that current generation self driving vehicles can actually handle. I think we're still a very long way away from true, practical, self driving cars.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Bush Tucker Recipes

Eating on the tracks used to be uninspiring and bland, with upgrades and enhancements to our fresh food carrying capacity with clever 12v refrigeration systems like the Adventure Kings 60L Fridge/Freezer system. With brand new and exciting advancemen... http://bit.ly/2u6j4VJ

Comment The Original Paper (Score 1) 155

It's here, behind a paywall. The abstract is worth reading. People with access to good academic libraries, which I expect are many of us, can read the whole thing.

the format of the event and sponsors’ discursive tropes, within a dominant cultural frame reflecting the appeal of Silicon Valley, reshape unpaid and precarious work as an extraordinary opportunity, a ritual of ecstatic labor, and a collective imaginary for fictional expectations of innovation that benefits all

Are all you people posting sure they are wrong? I've seen a lot of broken hearts in this business, people who've poured their lives into "free" products and gotten nothing back.

Submission + - House Underpinning Melbourne (wordpress.com)

Alyssa Brown writes: House Underpinning is the process of strengthening and stabilizing the foundation of a house that is showing signs of structural movement. The Dib Reblocking efficiently carries out House Underpinning in Melbourne. Pick up your phone and ring us right away!

Submission + - Cara Alami Pengobati Nyeri Panggul - Jual QnC Jelly Gamat (tokogamatwalatra.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Cara Alami Mengobati Nyeri Panggul ,- Menderita nyeri panggul? bingung mencari cara yang tepat untuk mengobatinya? jika demikian anda tidak perlu khawatir, karena kini telah ada cara alami mengobati nyeri panggul yang telah terbukti mampu mengobati nyeri panggul dengan cepat serta aman.

Submission + - Cara Mengobati Maag Akut Secara Alami - JELLY GAMAT QNC (helmiherbal.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Selamat datang di website kami untuk khusus kesehatan. Pada kesempatan ini kami akan memberikan solusi yang pernah mengalami penyakit maag akut. Maka, kami disini akan menjelaskan sedikit informasi yang bermanfaat untuk tentang bagaimana cara mengobati maag akut secara alami.

Comment Re:Mens Rea (Score 2) 321

I imagine in some jurisdictions, Mens Rea will apply to the local CP possession law. So people there will be able to possess the blockchain so long as they're unaware of what's in it; likely, even then, it'd be excusable so long as one is plausibly only interested in the blockchain for necessary administrative reasons.

While a good theory, all rationality tends to go out the window when CP is involved. And even if you were found innocent, your life would still be irrevocably ruined just because you were accused in the first place.

Comment Re:Users using social media (Score 1) 45

So only the US political party supporting social medial leadership has the skills to define a disinformation campaign?
The users have no freedom of speech to talk about and share topics they find interesting?
Approved news and links will all be pushed down from the social media brand? With their own side of US politics as a filter?

Submission + - Follow These Steps To Finding The Ultimate Bankruptcy Attorney (thepopefirm.com)

ThePopeFirm1 writes: The true value of finding the best legal consultant possible is immense and should never be compromised. Getting a great legal consultant can be more challenging if you're considering time and speed. And when you don't know where to start, you might feel completely overwhelmed by it all. So, for all of these reasons, we have put together a list of all the info you need to know in order to find the most appropriate legal help.

Bankruptcy lawyers frequently work on more than one case at a time. Irrespective of whose case they received first, they must afford your case equal attention. Remind your bankruptcy lawyer to devote the needed time to your legal case. If you proceed to hire a legal representative, find out as much as you can about their background.

An experienced bankruptcy attorney will protect your rights in court regardless of your guilt or innocence. It is not the work of your legal representative to judge your innocence or guilt but it surely is his work to defend for your rights. A good bankruptcy lawyer is one who knows how to cash in on the advantage of your innocence or how to do damage control in case you're guilty. The more skilled and experience your legal representative, the better your chances of a favorable outcome.

Legal education is a long and rigorous process for even the most gifted of students. When law school students graduate, they've a huge knowledge of the legal system. However, you should look for a legal representative who also has great experience in the courtroom and not just excellent grades. You need to interview a bankruptcy lawyer before you consent to having him or her represent you in court.

See to it you identify the specific area of the law your case falls under before you hire a bankruptcy lawyer, then hire one with expertise in the same area. Most bankruptcy attorneys have particular areas that they are trained and experienced in. You could start by investigating commercial and bankruptcy attorneys who've successfully settled cases like yours. Before making a selection, be sure to schedule a consultation to discuss your case and the law further.

For More Information Please Visit Us:
The Pope Firm
404 E Watauga Ave, Johnson City, TN 37601
(423) 929-7673

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Facebook's Data Scandal Latest Blow To The Company's Reputation - NPR (google.com)


Facebook's Data Scandal Latest Blow To The Company's Reputation
The turmoil for Facebook isn't letting up. The social media giant is facing more blowback from users, regulators and investors following reports that its user data was misused by Cambridge Analytica, a firm that worked for the 2016 Trump presidential ...
How Facebook can grab your data, and what to do to stop itThe Australian
Revealed: 50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major data breachThe Guardian
How Trump Consultants Exploited the Facebook Data of MillionsNew York Times
Facebook Newsroom
all 2,296 news articles

Submission + - Titan gel cho nam gii tng kích thc cu nh (cravimax.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Gel titan là mt sn phm giúp các bn có c mt cu nh to hn và dài hn trong thi gian ngn nht , bên cnh ó còn giúp bn ci thin sinh lý mt mnh m, kéo dài thi gian quan h lên n nhiu ln

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Always-connected Windows laptops show promise but still need work - The Verge (google.com)

The Verge

Always-connected Windows laptops show promise but still need work
The Verge
Laptops with built-in cellular connections are poised to be an actual thing for consumers this year, after years of being only available to business customers. One of the biggest pushes for these connected PCs is from Qualcomm, which has been touting ...
Microsoft delivers first test build of Windows Server 2019ZDNet
Microsoft shrinks Windows 10's upgrade downtimeComputerworld
Microsoft releases new Windows 10 preview with Cortana and Windows Mixed Reality improvementsVentureBeat
Ars Technica-CNET-PCMag-Neowin
all 99 news articles

Submission + - Getting an Even Bigger Penis Without Pills! (zilotropemaleenhancement.org)

Floyd88Tucker writes: But..that's Just about all! Some urologists believe the BEST foods for increased penile power are actually BLACK Cherries! All of the dark berries are replete with the compounds which appear to achieve the very same effect — MORE blood can flow through, and fill Inside the corposa cavernosa, which always be the primary chambers that regulate erection. Grayscale green teas, Salmon, Sardines and other fishes Abundant in Omega extra fat are also believed perform a LARGE role in added important strength and length to some manhood.Step 1) Increase your Vitamin D3. Supplement more effective . with a sublingual Vitamin D3 and take 35 IU per pound of the body wei
The Almighty Buck

Did Stephen Hawking Owe a Nobel Physicist a Subscription To a Softcore Porn Magazine? (vice.com) 106

dmoberhaus writes: In 1974, Stephen Hawking made a bet with Nobel Prize-winning cosmologist Kip Thorne about a black hole. The wager was a subscription to the softcore porn magazine Penthouse for Thorne or a subscription to "Private Eye" (basically the British equivalent of The Onion) for Hawking. Hawking ultimately lost the bet, but did he ever pay up? Motherboard dug around to find out if Hawking settled this infamous bet.

Motherboard's Daniel Oberhaus wasn't able to get ahold of Thorne, but did manage to track down a copy of the obscure 1997 straight-to-VHS documentary called Black Holes, which is the only evidence that the wager even happened. "In 1990, Stephen Hawking happened to be visiting Los Angeles and he broke into my office and thumb printed off on this bet," Thorne recalls in the video. Oberhaus writes: "Although the status of Cygnus X-1 was an open question in the 70s, by the 90s mounting evidence had forced Hawking to concede the wager. The bet was recorded in a handwritten note scrawled on a piece of card which is shown in the film. It read: 'Whereas Stephen Hawking has a large investment in general relativity and black holes and desires an insurance policy, and whereas Kip Thorne likes to live dangerously without an insurance policy, therefore be it resolved that Stephen Hawking bets 1 year's subscription to 'Penthouse' as against Kip Thorne's wager of a 4-year subscription to 'Private Eye,' that Cygnus X-1 does not contain a black hole of mass above the Chandrasekhar limit.' 'I had given Thorne a subscription to Penthouse, much to his wife's disgust,' a smiling Hawking says in the film."

User Journal

Journal Journal: HR: Hasil Survei PWC 2017 Kesejahteraan Karyawan dan 8 Masalah Keuangan Karyawan

Bagaimana meningkatkan kesejahteraan karyawan dan meminimalisasi masalah keuangannya? Masih banyak sekali yang meremehkan pentingnya kesejahteraan karyawan di perusahaannya, namun tidak demikian dalam PWC. Mari menyimak hasil survei PWC tahun 2017 tentang kesejahteraan karyawan berikut ini: https://www.finansialku.com/hasi-survei-pwc-kesejahteraan-karyawan/

Submission + - Tyres Dubai (myzdegree.com)

An anonymous reader writes: ZDEGREE offers Full Car Cleaning, Professional Auto Detailing, Exterior Car Wash, Car Polishing, and top-class Car Window Tinting services in Dubai, UAE.

At ZDEGREE we take care of all your car wash, exterior & interior cleaning needs for passenger and fleet/commercial vehicles.

Comment All These Hard-headed Capitalists... (Score 1) 155

...who want to work for free. Used to be, this type of event was in the context of cooperation, work on what we would now call FOSS projects. Running them so as to produce profit for one firm or another was not done; that was just work. People are now behaving as though they are still working for cooperatives, even though they're giving away work which someone else will profit from. Pretty sure that isn't a healthy thing.

This old bird has got tired of working for free and of being asked to work for free. Why aren't more of you? And I've also noticed that FOSS projects have all kinds of problems in documentation and support. I think we ought to be asking questions about our economic models.

Submission + - Minoxidil Capilar Preço Yahoo (comoganharmusculos.pro)

GuzmanMahmood42 writes: Logo, quem já tem a quantidade saudável em seu organismo não vai sentir demasiado efeito no uso do produto. Soma PRO visa aumentar a tamanho muscular e a força física, lhe oferecendo a suplementação seu corpo necessita, porém é de extrema relevância que utente do produto tenha uma dieta balanceada e treine conforme as dicas de seu personal trainer.Sem narrar que todos e cada um dos suplementos cá citados são aprovados pela Anvisa, ou melhor, passaram por estudos científicos que comprovam uso seguro e sem transportar riscos à saúde. A Hard Work Nutrition é uma loja conectado exclusiva de suplementos alimentares do Brasil.Resultados: mais testosterona, aumento da densidade muscular, mas força. Chamado Zeus

Comment Re:This is the problem with blockchain (Score 1) 321

It's not a matter of what WE believe, it's a matter of what the governments we live under believe. We can scream 'till we're blue in the face that no combination of ones and zeros should be illegal, but that won't stop you from spending a long time in a very unpleasant jail cell.

The idea that crypto-currencies couldn't be regulated was always a fantasy pipedream not grounded in reality. ANYTHING can be regulated, and EVERYTHING that impacts people with power and money eventually will be. You can argue about the effectiveness of the regulations, but not about the possibility of their existence. As for the effectiveness. I see that as likely being fairly high, Bitcoin is completely useless as a currency for many reasons, which means it only has value if you can get your money in and out of it. If nobody is willing to facilitate that transaction, nobody will want to use Bitcoin. We're already seeing this starting, many banks and financial institutions have blacklisted any company dealing in crypto-currencies, some governments have outright banned it, and while this has been happening the value of bitcoin has been plummeting. We'll see if an equilibrium is reached here where governments regulate, but don't completely ban, crypto currencies. It may happen, but we may also see the "value" of bitcoin plummet to near zero.

Submission + - Proactol Diet Pills - Does Proactol show Good Results? (slimforceforskolins.com)

Raynor75Hunter writes: For a lunch full of lean protein and reduced in fat, try lean turkey and avocado on whole-grain bread (sans the fatty mayo!). Concerning whole-wheat pita bread dipped in hummus? Also, reach for water rather than your regular soda — it'll keep you hydrated regarding extra sugar and excess fat.Burning body fat is a challenge at first, as fat is tough to burn, it will last discipline and dedication towards your workouts start off burning body fat. It's quite easy to melt away a few pounds inside of a couple of weeks if we do bit of exercise every day basis. The aim here would challenge your muscles, but make sure you do not overdo the item. Start off with about half an hour of wild cardio every single day. You can literally do anything from jumping rope, jogging, sprinting, jumping jacks or s

Submission + - Projeto Zeus Edition (comoganharmusculos.pro)

LangeLoft06 writes: Logo, quem já possui a quantidade saudável em seu organismo não vai sentir exagerado efeito no uso do produto. Aumento natural da testosterona e HGH: Seu corpo aumentará naturalmente a produção de testosterona, que é responsável pelo aumento de tamanho muscular. Agora que você já sabe quais são os melhores suplementos para lucrar volume muscular, bora malhar!BENEFÍCIOS: Lucro de massa muscular aumento da isenção, e de todas e cada uma das estruturas celulares do nosso corpo. A orientação da Labrada Nutrition é que consumidor utilize produto diariamente para adquirir melhores resultados.Sobretudo, Zeus Extreme é um produto com uma combinação de variados micronutrientes, que produzem um resul

Submission + - The Different Uses of Cypress Mulch in Gardening (landscape-supply.com.au)

LabradorLS writes: Conservation of moisture in the soil, suppression of weeds, maintained ideal soil temperature and the improvement of garden bed appearance are just some of the advantages of soil mulching. But did you know that there is a much effective and less expensive mulch that can help provide a better-growing garden? That is the cypress mulch.

Submission + - Cara Menghilangkan Bintik Di Bawah Mata Dan Kelopak Mata Sampai Tuntas (kedaijellygamatqncoriginal7.com)

jreek7 writes: Cara Menghilangkan bintik di bawah mata dan kelopak mata sampai tuntas HANYA dgn QNC JELLY GAMAT Obat bintik di bawah mata dan kelopak mata tradisional paling manjur dan 100% Aman utk Semua usia, Formulasi penyembuhan 3X LEBIH CEPAT, Membasmi/Mematikan bakteri, jamur, parasit & virus penyebab bintik — bintik di bawah mata dan kelopak mata, mengatasi peradangan/infeksi pada kulit, Meningkatkan kesehatan kulit & melengkapi kebutuhan nutrisi pada kulit.

Submission + - SPAM: Xu hng s dng t bp g nha hin nay

Trang Trang writes: T bp g nha có rt nhiu u im áng ngi tiêu dùng u t và c có nó. T bp g nha khc phc c tt c các nhc im mà các dòng t g t nhiên, g công nghip MDF, MFC thm chí c HDF ang gp phi. T bp c dùng cht liu là g nha hay composite không b cong vênh mi mt nh g t nhiên, chu nc 100% hn hn g MDF, MFC.
Link to Original Source

Comment Re:"The computer power of the x86 chip from 1990" (Score 1) 164

They had machines running in terms of Megahertz instead of Giga hertz like today. I used to sell them. I used to run real Unix, Free BSD Unix on them and they had little memory, usually 4 Megabytes. I used to set up answering services, etc complete with a lan, database and such and it was all reasonable speed. With any luck they're talking about something like a 486-33. I used to sell those boards like hot cakes. Case at a time. Memory used to be a bitch because they were millipede like and I remember my fingers used to just about bleed inserting them into their sockets. 4 Megabytes and if I remember right, it was 36 chips to get it. Better than what we used to have to do when we had 4K chips. We'd have a whole tray and it would be like 64K.

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Windows Server 19 embraces hybrid cloud, hyperconverged data centers, Linux - Network World (google.com)

Windows Central

Windows Server 19 embraces hybrid cloud, hyperconverged data centers, Linux
Network World
Microsoft is set to make Windows Server 2019 generally available in the second half of the year, opening up access to its preview build through its Insiders program now and targeting data centers with new features to handle hybrid cloud setups and ...
Aimed at the data center, Windows Server 2019 is almost all about the hybrid cloudGeekWire
Microsoft announces Windows Server 2019, and the first preview is availableNeowin
Windows Server 2019 announced, coming in second half of 2018Windows Central
Petri.com-OnMSFT (blog)-Cloud Perspectives Blog - Microsoft
all 15 news articles

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Google's Change To Android Auto Makes Traffic Accidents More Likely - Forbes (google.com)


Google's Change To Android Auto Makes Traffic Accidents More Likely
Android Auto is a great driving app. Thanks to Google's unparalleled ability to track and predict traffic patterns, it offers sensible routes, highly accurate times-to-destination, and alternate routes with updated arrival times along the way. The ...
Try Games Without Downloading With New Google Play FeatureGameSpot
The Play Store gets a “try now” button for games, no install requiredArs Technica
Google ARCore 1.0: here are the first batch apps for your phoneSlashGear
Digital Trends-9to5Google-Tech Times-The Verge
all 171 news articles

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