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Comment Re:50MB = 750$ (Score 5, Insightful) 321

Reminds me of running instances on AWS. AT&T has no financial incentive to reduce these surprise charges. Seriously there should be a hard cap that we can set. Sure we are responsible for these charge, but most of the times naive consumers are not aware. Amazon clearly posts the prices of their instances, but it's not uncommon to get a $30,000 bill accidentally due to some developer testing out their application by spinning off instances. You get charged for the whole hour when an instance starts on AWS and things can show up on their accounting system weeks later.

A real time system for monitoring usage should be mandated by law and sufficient warning should be available. A data roaming plan should automatically be applied if it will save you money. Most importantly we should have the ability to set a cap.

Comment Open your mind (Score 1) 306

There are other programming languages besides those listed in the article. It's interesting there is a whole resurgence of new programming languages.
Some people need a little encouragement. Write formally verified code and learn Coq. Learn a functional programming language like haskell or take a blast from the past and learn smalltalk.

You might never use these for anything practical, but what you learn from them is invaluable. You need to constantly be learning new things.

Comment Re:Grooming propaganda for Google's Robot Tank (Score 2) 79

The owners of Slashdot have been previously grooming you by constantly promoting the nonsense of 'self-driving' cars - the first stage of Google propaganda to prepare the way for their robotic killing machines. The self-driving algorithms, while utterly useless for a vehicle that could tolerate not even one mistake, are perfect for robot tanks that can crush and slaughter a bus full of the 'other' without a murmur of complaint from the sheeple of the USA. By self-driving, the LAST thing Google means is 'safe' for civilians.

Tin foil hats are pretty fashionable, eh?

Car companies are investing millions in this stuff.
Without the DARPA we wouldn't have ARPANET, the precursor to the internet.
Of course this technology is going to emerge out of defense research, but it doesn't mean it won't be used for automobiles.

Comment Re:i interpret it to mean (Score 0) 497

Laws have been settled and theories haven't. Thats not to say laws shouldn't be challenged, but they can be considered more or less doctrine. Think about how much science would unravel without the 2nd law of thermal dynamics and there could easily be something akin to a religious war if it was ever disproven.

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