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Comment Re:FDA due for reform (Score 1) 80

I think it should serve two purposes. One like you mention is purely. Make sure what the manufacturer says is in there is correct.

The second is continue doing trials but only as an advisory function. If companies want to pay for the FDA seal of approval so be it. If not you can sell your drug with a warning it hasn't been tested.

I try to to take drugs that have been out for 20-30 years. If I was really sick I might get more desperate.

Comment Re:Have I lost my mind? (Score 2) 378

That's not quite accurate. Those bacteria are all around us and especially on the food you eat. It may take a while for those bacteria to increase enough in population so to speed things up you inoculate your system.

The same thing can happen with bread,beer or wine. You can go ahead and wait for the natural yeast to take over or you can take a vial of ready to go yeast and pitch it in to get things started right away.

I know this personally because when I met my wife her family ate beans quite often. I was very gassy for a couple of months until the bacteria that digested the beans got to the point they could digest it all.

Comment Re:Re usability (Score 3, Interesting) 151

Their engines are already reused "sort of". They test fire their engines before launch. One time they evens scrubbed a launch after the engines were lit. They fixed the problem in a few hours and launched after that.

One of the reasons payloads cost multi-billion dollars is because the launchers cause near that amount. Cheaper launchers will lead to cheaper payloads..

Comment Re:Integrated this, integrated that (Score 1) 840

There is no way to adjust timing anymore. I had a 1998 Civic that was just when electronic timing started but they still had a distributer. I went to adjust the timing after replacing plugs and when I turned the distributer the car started to stall then to my suprise fixed itself. I stood there for a few minutes in wonder as I could move the distributer from one side to the other and the computer would figure out how to fix my mistake. I guess they left the ability to adjust the timing in case the computer failed.

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