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Comment Re:What's the best value for inflation? (Score 1) 335

Inflation is an increase in money supply. In a free market money would be provided by the market. Precious metals, IOU's, American Express travelers cheques, bitcoins, etc. Human choices would determine what the supply of money would be. For instance if the price for precious metals rose in relation to other goods you would have price deflation. You could buy more goods with less gold. If it became profitable to mine for gold than people would do so which would increase the supply reducing the price and reducing inflation.

So there is no optimal value of inflation. Central banks inflate because it benefits them, the politicians, and those that get to spend the money first.

Comment Re:Economics is a science! (Score 1) 335

Economics is a science with predictive capabilities. The problem is knowing when this science leaves the world of economics and into the unpredictable world of human choice.

Economics similar to physics can tell you what will happen if some action is chosen.

If you let go of this bowling ball it will fall due to gravity. It doesn't say whether you will let go.

Similarly Economics will tell you that creating money out of nothing and giving it to people will cause distortions in the economy . What is can't tell you is if that money will be created, who it will be given to, and what they will spend it on.

It can tell you if you raise the minimum wage above the market clearing wage that marginal jobs will be lost. But it can't tell you what the market clearing wage is, if the minimum is above it, or which jobs will be lost.

Comment Private University should do what they want (Score 1) 529

A part of a college education can be meeting and interacting with people of different cultures and backgrounds. If a private school wants to have this type of culture they should be free to create it by whatever means they determine is best for their school. You have no right to attend the school.

Now if this was a public school they might have an argument.

Comment Re: Gamechanger (Score 2) 514

I never understood this hatred of AC but not to heat. I live in Florida and I consume much less power than I did in the North East. My average power bill is $250/mo. That's with all electric appliances. When I lived in the NE my gas bill alone would top $400/mo.

Comment Should be simple (Score 1) 374

Each person gets 1/2 the embryos to do with as they want and they give the other 1/2 up for "adoption" to the other person. If in the future either decides to implant them the other party has no say or financial obligations to the other.

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