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Comment Re:I saw a documentary about this on TV last night (Score 0) 77

As an aside IMHO that article the other day asking about where is decent SciFi nowadays seemed to miss the point that for a good show character interactions and growth are what makes it good and that technology by itself is merely a prop.

In MY humble opinion, character interactions and growth makes a good space opera (SyFy), not SciFi.

Comment Re:Obligatory (Score 1) 533

Then one day a programmer notices the dependence on the uninitialized value, which would clearly produce a severe failure if fed the correct inputs, and he thinks "surely this hasn't been running for thirty years deployed on hundreds of thousands of nodes, and never triggered a fatal anomaly" and yet there it is.

And then it breaks simultaneously in the whole world.

Comment Re:Other red flags (Score 1) 247

The point is, had he grown up in any other area in the country, this guy would be stocking shelves at Wal-Mart and complaining about "the system."

What can we say about NSA when such a guy can go in, take many secrets and publish them while successfully escaping wrath of The President?

Comment Re:OT: Question about waveforms (Score 4, Informative) 242

Yes. You have this effect in double slit experiment, there are places where waves cancel out and you have dark place. The problem is that it's almost impossible to generate an inverse waveform from source other than the one which generated your photon. Typically it's done by splitting one waveform.

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