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Comment Re:Just an opinion... (Score 1) 123

At least in CS, they are not. They often do not even recognize fraud and fabrications their name is on. These people hold scientific progress back by maintaining the status-quo and squashing anybody that has good ideas, lest they be recognized for the frauds they are. Yes, I have run into this repeatedly and I know what I am talking about. In one case, it was to blatant, that the remaining 3 "dominant" authors (first was the PhD student) even issues a paper basically admitting fraud, but only after their student had graduated. Gross scientific misconduct at the very least, yet nothing happened to any of them.

Comment "Elite"? Not from the quality of what they produce (Score -1) 123

They are basically a classical "elite" in the sense of an aristocracy, i.e. they can publish and publish no matter what utter crap they produce. The scandals of the last few years are just the tip of the iceberg. I guess that Einstein and Shannon would be very hard pressed to get their stuff published today.


Nano-Pixels Hold Potential For Screens Far Denser Than Today's Best 129

Zothecula (1870348) writes "The Retina displays featured on Apple's iPhone 4 and 5 models pack a pixel density of 326 ppi, with individual pixels measuring 78 micrometers. That might seem plenty good enough given the average human eye is unable to differentiate between the individual pixels, but scientists in the UK have now developed technology that could lead to extremely high-resolution displays that put such pixel densities to shame."

Comment Re:Why 80% (Score 2) 278

Indeed. And that is the extreme risk that the NSA's activities create. And after a while of using real charges (and most people have something...), just make anybody opposing the new regime a drug dealer, a child-pornography user or simply a terrorist. The FBI and many police forces already have started to practice lying to courts under oath with "parallel constructions" when they use data from the NSA. The step to complete fabrication is a small one and, I guess, has already been taken more than once. Prosecutors are also well prepared with making "deals", as in offering 30 years imprisonment if people keep quiet and a sentence exceeding the remaining lifetime of the accused if they decide to fight. This effectively cuts the courts out of the process.

This has all happened before and, for the 3rd Reich or Stalinism can be found in the history books. Unless something dramatic happens very soon to reign the NSA in, that step to pure fascism is pretty much ensured.

Comment Re:Cheap bastards (Score 1) 77

$10'000 gets you something like 4-5 consulting days from good security experts and that is with the $10'000 paid in every case. In that time you can only hack really bad security. Don't expect anybody good to even try this unless they are bored and not interested in the money.

This is a cheap stunt.

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The last thing one knows in constructing a work is what to put first. -- Blaise Pascal
