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Comment Hes dead, Jim. (Score 2) 411

I loved his acting as much as anyone, but I disagree that it was necessarily a sad day. He was, after all, 83 years old. He beat the average life expectancy in this country by a wide margin. He made an impact on a huge number of people, as well. He was ready to check out and move on. Really, what could you reasonably expect an 83 year old man to do beyond this point anyways? I'm happy for him and all he's done.

....So, to summarize, he lived long and prospered?

Comment Re:Two options (Score 1) 466

I'd be a little wary of USB/Serial adapaters. I've found a lot of them are really only designed to let you console into a Cisco or something. Start blasting them with Zmodem and they have an obnoxious tendency to lock up or even bluescreen your machine (even a Windows 7 machine). A better solution would be to find a medium-old desktop with a real Serial port on it an use a Null Modem cable there.

PCMCIA Ethernet would be by far the best solution (although good luck on the drivers) if you can find someone who has a dusty old card sitting around on a shelf somewhere, preferably with the still hopefully good driver floppy. Look for cards that don't have the bumps on the top of the connector.

Comment Reality of Scotty's Merikles.... (Score 1) 347

Kirk: How much refit time before we can take her out again? Scotty: Eight weeks, sir. But ye don't have eight weeks, so I'll do it for ye in two. Basically, we will be violating every safety standard in star-fleet, and there is a 20% everything will blow up completely leaving us stranded in deep space w/o power.

Comment Re:8bit (Score 1) 516

This is my #1 complaint with modern UIs: Elements that don't convey any hint of their function in their form. Buttons that are just text with no border. Dropdown menus that are just text or a uselessly generic icon (like Firefox's hamburger icon). Radio buttons and checkboxes that are just text. Invisible dividers that don't do a good job dividing different parts of the screen. It's the box of chocolates style of UI. Just tap everywhere and see what happens. I can't wait for this fad to pass. I'd love to just look at an interface and be able to discern how everything operates immediately like the old days.

Comment Re:Get ready for metered service (Score 1) 631

Not quite true. Bandwidth IS a finite resource. The cable to each DSLAM can only carry so much data per second. This is why you (probably) don't have gigabit speed to your house right now. As people consume more bandwidth, the providers need to upgrade the equipment. However, hopefully this will persuade them to actually upgrade, instead of looking at slow speeds as a bonus (Gee Netflix. Sorry things are so low, but for a low fee of a million dollars, we might be able to upgrade).

Comment Re:Comments are predictable... (Score 1) 148

Obviously. The learning is the "something that was previously only our domain," not the playing, which is precisely what people are reacting so defensively to, and what I find funny.

Once AIs using ANN or whatever the ultimate technologies end up being can actually learn at a human level, it'll be "meh, wake me when it can appreciate a sunrise" or "Yeah, but a computer still can't fall in love!" My point is just that we move the bar in order to preserve our collective sense of being special snowflakes.

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