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Comment Re:The reason is more simple (Score 1) 688

No, $159 with about 3.5k down. And no, the point of a lease in the case of an electric vehicle is that you'll pay about $8000 total with the ~$120 * 35 + $3.5k deal, less $2500 tax rebate. The end result is $5500 - which will be substantially less than the depreciation even on a petrol vehicle, let alone the depreciation on an electric vehicle (with its battery aging rapidly after 3 years, and much better tech available presumably).

You'd be utterly insane to actually buy the thing with that deal.

Comment Re:The reason is more simple (Score 1) 688

$229 a month is VW's list price. If you actually go to a dealer they'll give you $159 a month straight off the bat with no negotiation (at least in the bay area). If you then actually phone a bunch of them up and argue about the price you'll get down a lot further.

Shame you don't live in a relevant state though :(

Comment Re:Hillary Clinton says: (Score 2) 271

She had a choice between (a) defending the client assigned to her and (b) incurring the wrath of the court for failing to obey its lawful order. (b) could have meant gaol time and/or disbarment.

Apparently you think its Ok for someone to keep their job/career at the cost of someone else getting raped.

You'd imply that Clinton's defence of her client caused the rape to occur? That's pretty silly.

Comment Re: Hillary Clinton says: (Score 5, Informative) 271

I've decided to blow off the downmod I just gave you in order to explain something to you:

1. Clinton was appointed by the court to defend an accused rapist.

2. She asked to be excused from the case, presumably because she knew or at least strongly suspected the defendant had actually committed the offence.

3. The judge would not let her off the case.

ExecSummary: Hillary Clinton was *ordered* by the State to act to the best of her ability in the interest of the defendant. And this is exactly what she appears to have done. You may or may not like her or her politics, but in this case *she did the job which she was legally and ethically bound to perform*. If you cannot understand why she did so, then you've never any business ever voting in a US election or especially ever serving on a jury in a US criminal trial.

Comment Re:DirectX for Macs? Replacing OpenGL? (Score 1) 94

But that's the thing - the game in question uses a custom in-house graphics engine written to support the PC, PS3, and PS4. They're already maintaining three separate rendering back-ends, including one that's intended to target a console that's nearly a decade old.

I find it really, really hard to believe that they can't get a game that's designed to be playable on the PS3 to run on modern Mac hardware.

Comment Re:DirectX 11 for Mac (Score 1) 94

No, he meant Metal when he said "and the replacement of OpenGL with a new graphics API in Appleâ(TM)s next OS." When he refers to "DirectX11 for Mac" the best guess would be he's talking about Transgaming Cider supporting DirectX 11, but that's not what he said, so who knows how that sentence is supposed to be parsed. (Plus, Cider already supports DirectX 11.)

It doesn't help that it's presumably been translated from Japanese.

Comment Re:Blaming their tools (Score 4, Informative) 94

That would be because the PS3 and PS4 use sony's proprietary graphics API that looks nothing like OpenGL.

The OpenGL API contains various features that are simply not conducive to writing either a fast implementation of the standard, or a fast application that uses it. The two main issues are:

1) That OpenGL is a state machine, draw calls are issued at arbitrary moments when in arbitrary states. This means that the implementation can't validate that the draw call was made in a valid state until you actually make the call. That doesn't sound like much, but it actually turns out to be a major headache. It means that compiling shaders can end up delayed until you actually make a call because you don't know what vertex formats it'll read, what blending modes it'll use, etc. It means that uploading data can be delayed until you make a call because you don't know what format it needs to be in. It means that blobs of data can't be placed in the right area of memory because you have no knowledge of whether the memory needs to be for fast reading only, fast read and write (only on the GPU), pulling off the GPU onto the CPU etc.
2) That lots of OpenGL operations are explicitly thread safe, and there's no way to tell OpenGL about the fact that two operations won't interfere with each other. Want to overwrite an area of a texture for the next frame while the previous frame was rendering because you have knowledge that the two won't try to read and write the same area at the same time? Nope, tough shit, can't be done. Uploading the texture will block waiting for the GPU to finish rendering with it.

Apple acknowledges that these are problems, and as a result, they've made their own graphics API (Metal) which is much more similar to how D3D and Sony's proprietary APIs work. Thankfully, the next OpenGL spec (code name Vulcan) will head towards this way of doing things, and maybe we can get back to the standard open way of doing things being reasonable.

Comment Re:I wouldn't blame the coders (Score 2) 94

If that's not management rotten to the core, what is ?

Final Fantasy XIV is kind of the poster child for bad management at Square Enix, to the point where they actually fired the original management team. This new fiasco is from the team hired to replace the original team.

Any company relying on Microsoft technology to achieve cross-platform deserves a spectacular failure anyway.

Which makes no sense, because they've already ported the graphics engine twice! The game also supports the PS3 and the PS4. If they can deal with three different graphics engines, you'd think adding a fourth would be no big deal.

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