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Comment One Very Important Thing (Score 4, Insightful) 583

I wish I had known how mundane and utterly banal most software development is.

I spend 99% of my time on bug fixes, documentation, configuration management, and writing new code that quite frankly, aside from exact implementation, isn't that much different than code I wrote 10 years ago.

"I need to shuffle data from point A to point B."
"I need to hit an API and stuff the result somewhere."
"I need to make sure the user doesn't enter something retarded into this form."

Maybe 1% of the work I do is even remotely interesting. Why? Because of the flood of software frameworks and libraries that take care of all that interesting stuff for you. A vast majority of us don't have to care about the best algorithm for X, for example - that work has already been done. Software is more like legos these days. You take the pieces you want and put them together.

That is good in that making software is easier and faster than ever before, but it is murder for people who did this stuff because it was interesting. There's very little mystique these days.

Comment Re:So, the other side? (Score 0) 422

It seemed that the company did, in fact, have growth on track: The article mentioned that in 2014 sales were up 40%. That's huge, and it shows that whatever they were doing was working. The company was actually doing well and had broke even for the first time.

Investors were likely unwilling to dump more money into the company because they saw these lawsuits and said, "Damn man, there's no way I'm going to make my money back in a reasonable amount of time. Sorry dude."

So... Thanks, France.

Isn't socialism wonderful? Workers of the world unite and all that? I mean, obviously, the business is rich with unlimited funds because it's a business, right?


Black Hole Plays Pool With Plasma 43

the monolith writes: The Hubble Space Telescope is revealing that there is a pool game in progress, with a long shot being played out on a cosmic scale. It appears that the first recorded shot was observed in 1992, while subsequent canon shots were recorded between 1994 an 2014. In actuality, the shots are plasma, the current player is a black hole, and the playing surface is galactic space itself. The BBC has a story on the observations and interpretations, while the journal Nature has the paywalled in-depth article. The current score is unknown, and one can only hope that there were no life forms involved in the collision.

Submission + - A new bionic lens implant could give you permanent 20/20 vision (inhabitat.com)

Kristine Lofgren writes: Contacts and eyeglasses are so 2014. Researchers have revealed the Ocumetics Bionic Lens, a painless implant that can correct your vision for the rest of your life. In recent trials, patients walked away with perfect vision after a quick 8 minute procedure. The process is safer than LASIK and even protects against cataracts in the future.

Submission + - How Tesla Batteries Will Force Home Wiring To Go Low Voltage (cepro.com)

CIStud writes: The advent of solar power and home batteries from companies like Tesla will force the reinvention of home wiring from primarily AC high voltage to DC home-run low voltage to reduce power conversion loss. To avoid the 20% to 40% power loss when converting from DC to AC, home wiring will have to convert to home-run low-voltage, and eventually eliminate the need for high-voltage 110V electrical wiring.

Submission + - SF Says AdWare Bundled with Gimp Is Intentional (google.com) 5

tresf writes: In response to a Google+ post from the Gimp project claiming that "[Sourceforge] is now distributing an ads-enabled installer of GIMP", Sourceforge had this response:

In cases where a project is no longer actively being maintained, SourceForge has in some cases established a mirror of releases that are hosted elsewhere. This was done for GIMP-Win.

Editor's note: Gimp is actively being maintained and the definition of "mirror" is quite misleading here as a modified binary is no longer a verbatim copy. Download statistics for Gimp on Windows show SourceForge as offering over 1,000 downloads per day of the Gimp software. In an official response to this incident, the official Gimp project team reminds users to use official download methods. Slashdotters may remember the last time news like this surfaced (2013) when the Gimp team decided to move downloads from SourceForge to their own FTP service.

Therefore, we remind you again that GIMP only provides builds for Windows via its official Downloads page.

Note: SourceForge and Slashdot share a corporate parent.

Submission + - Billboard advertising banned products in Russia hides if it recognizes cops

m.alessandrini writes: In response to a ban of food imported from the European Union, an Italian grocery in Russia hired an ad agency to create a billboard with a camera and facial recognition software, that's able to change to a different ad when it recognizes the uniform of Russian cops. Link: http://gizmodo.com/this-ad-for...

Comment Re:No Wonder (Score 1) 155

And the numbers don't seem particularly significant either. 1,100 people out of 1.2 billion, when 2/3 of those people don't have access to electricity and therefore air conditioning?

If anything, the news story should be, "Holy crap, there's a serious heat wave and only this many people died. That's amazing, how does this population manage to deal with this kind of weather so well?"

Me, anything over 70F is too hot. 117F? That's insanity. I'm glad I'm here and not there.

Comment Re:Former Charter employee here (Score 1) 206

I have Time Warner here in Ohio and I don't have any complaints. Service interruptions are very rare, speed is great for a semi-rural area (I have neighbors with goats, alpaca, chickens, geese, and horses - I'm not in a metro area at all), and on the occasion that I've had problems I've had a truck out, with a technician that knew what he was doing, the same day.

It's a little pricey, but then again, I'm in a semi-rural area. I'd be surprised if TWC breaks even doing business here.

Comment What Behavior Am I Expected to Change? (Score 1) 113

What exactly is it that I'm supposed to do?

Sure, I use SSL when it is available, I use AdBlock et al., I stay off of the social networking sites, but c'mon: What exactly is it that I'm supposed to do? If the government wants to snoop on me then it will. There's really nothing I can do about it.

"Encrypt all your email!" Mmhmm. Yeah, okay, sure. That will work out great when I want to send a message to my technologically normal friends and family. Web-based encrypted mail is a farce anyway - you're still relying on a Java applet, or some JavaScript, and you're trusting that it isn't leaking your keystrokes.

"Use SSL!" Great idea. Let's all use SSL. Except the NSA has the resources, reportedly, to break TLS / SSL. So... Back to zero once more.

"Use Tor!" Sure. Okay. Aside from the fact that it is slow, there have been plenty of articles here about how it's possible to track individual users on Tor - using the resources of a university computer lab. What do you think the government can do?

Basically, we're boned. These technologies are great against your neighbor next door or the 1337x0r h4x0r in the next country, but when it comes to the resources at the government's disposal, there's really very little you can do on the Internet, if anything at all, that can be kept private.

Comment Re:They're bums, why keep them around (Score 3, Interesting) 743

I'm not rooting for the whip master. I'm rooting for being responsible and reaping the consequences of failing to be responsible.

I'm also rooting for this example of extreme, heavy handed socialism to fail in a spectacular fashion so that it can be used as a warning to my country, which is also surviving on massive deficit spending. It's bad. It shouldn't be done. Do you want to collapse like Greece? No? Okay, then stop, set up a real budget (not the "we balanced the budget because we borrowed money" bullshit), and be responsible.

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