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United States

Journal Journal: What the government should be saying: 1

"If you can walk into the unemployment or welfare office, then we got a job for you." Show them how to work a ditch witch or a back hoe, or whatever and give them a map and send them out.

What the government IS saying, in the other room:
"Here ya go, man. Thanks for your support... Use the side door"

And to our little redneck friends out there, if you hate the republicans, it means you love the democrats. Ain't that right?

United States

Journal Journal: RG... 3

You are a burnt out light bulb. I already wrote it up on the squawk sheet, and you will be replaced when we get on the ground. In the meantime, I hope the crew can ignore you long enough to get us down in one piece. You are a buffoon who can do nothing more than exploit and excite animal instincts. Your degree of success is only due to our low state of evolution. That will dwindle over time. Enjoy your fame. May it be brief. And your life long.

While god is your copilot, we'll be much safer taking the train.

United States

Journal Journal: Reagan

He imprisoned the people to free the market.

Conservative == Prisons and Barracks. Very erotic. Turns em on
Liberal == Hospitals and Schools

Conservative == Judges and Generals. They just luuuv mens in uniform
Liberal == Doctors and Teachers

Conservative == Self loathing closeted homos who condemn the regular ones
Liberal == Fuck like dogs in the street. It's freedom, baby, yeah!

Conservative == Worships the father
Liberal == loves the mother.. Say no more. Say no more

Narcissist == pudge
Nihilist == moi?

Republican == Mo money! Mo money! Mo money!
Democrat == Mo money! Mo money! Mo money!

How's that for hot boiling lead?


Journal Journal: Freedom of speech gets smacked down again 2

in the name of god

Western governments and a broad alliance of activist groups have voiced dismay about the religious defamation text, which adds to recent efforts to broaden the concept of human rights to protect communities of believers rather than individuals.

United States

Journal Journal: And who wants to force you to buy insurance? 6

Who else? Hillary's golden goose. And this is another payment to her for dropping the nomination attempt. Makes me think she's actually the acting president. And why do they want it? For the benefit of the market, of course. It's certainly not for any of ours. I suppose the Wall Street guys are drooling over this. More free government money, only this time it comes straight from us. We need to throw the money changers out of the temple. There's only one fair way of doing this, but it hardly seems likely. Without our right to health, where's our right to life? Oh, yeah that's only for those who aren't actually alive yet. Fuck the living, right?

RG, you might be right. If this goes down, it would make this the worse president AND congress EVAR. Plenty of republicans are behind this. Mo money Mo money Mo money. Of course if they were to legalize the evil weed, it would go a long way towards mitigating that. Pretty safe bet that won't happen without a hail of bullets. Prohibition is big business. And the business of America is business. And they're ready to nuke the planet to protect it.

UPDATE: Here's a beaut(Butte?)..."Insurance works because policyholders pay into their plans when healthy, and have their medical bills paid when they are sick," Oh, do tell, Senator Baucus. Hmmm, let's see...Ah yes...Very elightening, but not at all surprising.

United States

Journal Journal: Now this goes too far 5

Fuck you!!!

What, are we going to let the insurance companies make the rules? Fuck them!!! It's single payer, or you can go straight to hell!!!

United States

Journal Journal: Sometimes

The democrats really are the good guys. Baby steps, but it's still progress.

The State Assembly in the past had proposed repealing the drug laws, but the effort was always blocked by Senate Republicans, many of whom represent largely rural, Upstate districts where most of the state's prisons are located.

Says it all...

Gotta work harder on the feds.


Journal Journal: Finally! 3

I can put the keypad where it belongs. Well, there ya go, BD, I guess that would make me a "lefty", wouldn't it? Eh, maybe in a couple of years I'll be hammering on one of these.

I really hate people who put spaces in their URLs.

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