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Class War For Idiots

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  • OMG Reagan sent millions of Americans to teh Gulag!!!

    I think I get it now -- you've been doing an anti-Colbert: Impersonate a solid Left-leaning person, and be comical and over-the-top about it. I.e. you're not a Liberal, you're making fun of Liberals! Well, you're doing great, you find some awesome material, so keep up the good work, I prefer to ridicule them less underhandedly and more directly, but your way is good too. And sorry for being so slow to catch on to this. (But I'll bet you've had many others

    • The numbers speak very loudly for themselves. Hang on to that dream of yours.

      • The numbers speak very loudly for themselves.

        Totally -- I used to think Bush was just like Hitler, but now I can't decide which one is worst... president... EVAR!

        • Boring - At least try to make an effort, would ya?

          • Boring

            I know, but if you're gonna play a Liberal, you've got to be mind-numbingly repetive, to be authentic. Tell us a Bush-is-dumb themed joke! I've got one: Bush is sooo dumb, he can't even talk perfectly!!!! LOL

            • If you're trying to get into my next PnL journal, you can forget about it. "Studying liberals"... now that was funny.

    • OMG Reagan sent millions of Americans to teh Gulag!!!

      Missing the point, as usual. Yeah, Reagan's a scumfuck, but so are the idiots that followed him, is the point of the graph.
      • Oh, I believe he got the point, but didn't like it, so the intent is to obscure it, rather than admit anything. Anyway, I'm pretty sure the lameness filter was inop when he made the post.

      • I know from experience I won't get a straight answer out of iminplaya, but I don't know you as well, so I'll bite: What exactly is the point being made in that linked piece?

        • (BTW, don't mean to insult you in your own journal, so I should add that, to be fair, my conception is that you're just tired of, from your POV, "humoring/indugling fools" (can't remember the right phrase). Which is fine.)

        • Yeah, that was me. Don't remember clicking the AC box.

          So blinded by infatuation you are over this man. Did you note the graph at all? There's a correlation AND a causation that began with his presidency. With me so far? Hope so. The causation was brought about by his mandatory and discriminatory(crack vs. powder) sentencing, "three strikes, you're out", and his pressuring the states into re-criminalizing harmless substances. Okay? He, and the people that worked with him are criminals. Many of them were actu

          • So blinded by infatuation you are over this man.

            Be careful in your assumptions. I was politically unaware in the 80's, so have absolutely no idea whether he was a good or bad president or how. Same goes for Bush Sr., and Clinton -- I know nothing of what the former did, and about the only things I remember hearing about of the latter were his womanizing and his pardons. It's only been with Bush Jr. that I've off-and-on been mostly paying attention.

            As for the graph, now I have an idea of what kinds of things

            • I should add that I'll be watching this current administration more than I did the previous, because this one particularly scares me, not because I only want to scrutinize one party or side (the Clinton administration for example didn't scare me). What I don't know of the crimes of any previous adminstrations is not denial or distraction, but simple ignorance. (But I suppose that in your eyes that's prolly just as bad.)

            • Only trying to get you to go a little bit deeper than what you hear on talk radio.

              Who was it?

              See for yourself [gwu.edu]. I am truly amazed you were unaware of this....

              I have heard that someone lied under oath about something.

              Oh, that's why...Too busy focusing on the "opposition" to see what you're own people are doing. For example: The cockpit crew is distracted by a minor problem [aviation-safety.net] and look what happens. And despite that, it's still relatively common. In fact it's normal, but it can kill ya.

              • See for yourself.

                Thanks for the link -- it looks like we were in denial about Saddam gassing his own people. Very uncool and now I think even less than I did before of Rumsfeld.

                Only trying to get you to go a little bit deeper than what you hear on talk radio.

                But your dishonesty has successfully set me off here (so I hope that was the intent) -- you definitely had me pegged as some Reagan fanboy, so you're a liar. I guess you're just like pudge, or Obama, in that you can't admit when you're (very) wrong. I'v

                • Once -- you railed on Chris Dodd, for basically not being Left enough, on socialized medicine.

                  • There is no "left" on the issue of access to health care. Denial of access is inhumane. And all these fancy transplants and ultrasounds and MRIs and medicines mean squat to anyone who can't afford it. A doctor is every bit as valuable to a society as any fireman, policeman, or soldier. There is no reason not to include them in the fold on your tax bill. Describing it as a "left/right" issue is hogwash. But again, the radio says otherwise. And that seems to be the flag you are carrying.

                    • There is no "left" on the issue of access to health care. Denial of access is inhumane.

                      You're allowing your thinking to get sloppy -- there is no denial of access to health care in this country, just health ins. if you can't pay for it.

                      And all these fancy transplants and ultrasounds and MRIs and medicines mean squat to anyone who can't afford it.

                      Neither will they under socialized medicine when no one will be able to access them. See: Canada. Or the VA. If you're for everyone covered by a govt. plan, fine, t

                    • See: Canada. Or the VA...

                      Maybe you should see: England.. where an acquaintance of mine just received a quadruple bypass, with all the fancy trimmings..you know...like X-rays, MRIs, all that shit, all being used as it was meant to be, for everybody, not just the queen. And a damn good doctor too, from India. Too bad dentistry doesn't seem to be part of the deal. You know, their system was working pretty good until it came under attack in the late 70s/early 80s. From a bunch of money hoarders. Or maybe you sh

                    • And you continue to side-step the facts that are the significant negatives of your chosen position on this issue. I have no trouble admitting the negatives of my stance, that is being mostly for the status quo. But I'm apparently twice the man you are. Persist with your one-sidedness all you want, but you guys condemn yourselves to being able to persuade only the dummies, and having to stick to forcing your will when it comes to thinking people.

                • ...it looks like we were in denial about Saddam gassing his own people.

                  You're(collectively) still in denial. We have been banging you people on the head with this for over five years. Rumsfeld can still get his old job back anytime another republican takes office. If their supporters had any shame at all, they would be begging for for forgiveness for ever foisting this 30 year old catastrophe upon us. We dropped the ball, and it takes Spain of all places to pick it up. Jeeze! I can only imagine what hasn't

                  • You're(collectively) still in denial.

                    Prolly so. I know I get so sick of hearing Sean Hannity constantly carp about how great Reagan was, I can't stand to watch his show. Both sides' wanting to have someone to put on a pedestal (Reagan on the Right, JFK and Obama on the Left) is denial of reality, and that all of our leaders have prolly been highly-flawed men.

                    Rumsfeld can still get his old job back anytime another republican takes office.

                    I think he'll be dead by the time enough time passes for people to forg

                    • You haven't been trying very hard then...

                      You would need a subscription to see them now....I'm not going to constantly repeat them to keep them on the info page...

                      Well I don't know what Spain has done...

                      Damn dude! [cnn.com]

                    • Sure. "Ya dude, I'm against both sides, it's just that I did all my railing against Left-wing stupidity in the past, you see, and that's why I only rail against one side now." Riiight. Me too, iminplaya, I'm really a "centrist", it's just that I've already done tons of anti-Right screeds to balance out the solely anti-Left screeds I'm running now, sorry you missed it. LOL

"Who alone has reason to *lie himself out* of actuality? He who *suffers* from it." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
