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Comment suck it up and lets move on people. (Score 1) 47

>> his plan ... for trips to the edge of space is in jeopardy after the craft crashed during a test flight, killing a pilot.

This is ridiculous. One death and a whole project is in jepaoardy? If previoyus generation had been so risk-averse, the whole of mankind would have never have gotten anywhere. No cars, planes, or even basic surgery.
Suck it up, learn from it and and lets move on, people.

Comment This (Score 1) 515

>>> What can people do to curb this problem?

Its very telling that the police force themselves aren't taking any disciplinary or other corrective action on the officers that keep doing this even though they have been told not to.

Conseuqently as the local police chief apparently can't/won't control their own officers to follow the law, the only practical option is to keep legally filming them and then suieing them for everything you can throw at them if they stop you and especially if they illegally mess with and damage your property (i.e. delete files from your phone). That way the economic impact alone will eventually force them to have to change.

I believe but am not 100% sure that you also have every legal right to demand to see a search warrant before you hand your phone over, but of course if you go against a cop in the street, they will probably make your day at least very inconvenient, even if you are actually right.

Comment Re:Compared to Catalyst 13.12? (Score 0) 73

>> Of course, anyone but the absolute most stalwart AMD fan already knew their drivers were rubbish,

I completely agree, however it seems that AMD's customer base is mostly just a cult of drooling fanbois that won't ever agree with anything that is less than stellar praise of AMD and their products, or ever believe that any other manufacturer could ever make anything better.

Its probably a self-fulfilling prohecy that most current AMD customers are like that, because anyone with some actual knowledge of differnet GPUs built up from first-hand experience will have already decided to never buy another AMD product, especially if they are a Linux user.

Comment What did you expect? (Score 1) 250

I have literally NO sympathy for complainers that purchase products even knowing ahead of time that they lock you into monoculture that is arbitrarily and completely controlled by a company with a long history of abusing their own customers (e.g. Apple, Microsoft, Sony).

Are they simply meeting the definition of insanity (same action different result) or do they just have such a ridiculously overinflated ego that they seriously expect to be treated better than all the other previously abused customers?

Comment Projectors = not practical too. (Score 1) 720

The problem with a projector for 'everyday' TV is that you need a new bulb (maybe $400) every 3000 hours or so, which is noticeably expensive and inconvenient.
Also, daylight and projectors don't mix well at all, so you often need to substantially darken your viewing room, darkening windows and possibly repainting light walls/ceiling darker, which all has a very low WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor), especially if its the lounge.

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