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Comment I wonder (Score 1, Interesting) 352

I wonder how much money Microsoft will continue to throw at phones, and how many times they will keeping releasing new phones that don't sell before they finally accept that no-one actually likes Widows or trusts Microsoft any more, and that the only reason we use Windows at all is because you can't buy a laptop without it and most of us just have to put up with it at work.

Comment Re:will it make an ethical choice? (Score 1) 185

what decision will the car make?
will i be happy to allow it to make that decision?
- will i still be happy for it to make that decision if my 2 kids are in the backseat?

All very good questions that no decision-makers are allowing themselves to be seen asking.

To the government none of this will matter, its already a done deal that In a few years this technology will become 24/7 mandatory. Google are already trying hard to get driving controls out of cars totally.

Regardless of the fact that nearly all of society does it every day, we will be told by the government that driving is an activity that humans are completely incapable of doing safely (somehow these human shortcomings won't be an issue if you work for the government or have a cop badge), and all the treehuggers will totally agree with all the brainwashing because think of the children.

It wont be long before anybody demonstrating independent thought by trying to take control of the vehicle in any way will be considered as unnecessarily endangering lives and therefore a criminal. Mark my words. The loss of your family due to a bad decision by the car in an accident will be considered as "just unlucky" by most people and you won't be able to do a damn thing about it. Welcome to the Google age.

Comment Re:Nature of tort reform (Score 1) 465

>> "But, but if they did not DO the drugs in the first place, it would not be a problem."


>> Carry on with your naivete kind sir. Carry on.

You're just like every other drug user. You all staunchly defend your use of drugs with very colorful and great-sounding arguments that are nonetheless bassd entirely on bollocks.

The bottom line is that drug abuse causes a LOT of problems to individuals and society, far more than any actual benefit. Thats why its illegal.

Why don't we both just carry on the way we are. You keep buying illegal substances from random sources and then putting it straight into your body and I won't. Then lets see which of us lives longer/healthier/better lives.

Comment Re:Nature of tort reform (Score 1) 465

>> And if people drink too much then others can get hurt, and if people smoke too much then people can get hurt, and if people go down to the track and go auto racing then people can get hurt, and if people go skiing then people can get hurt, etc, etc, etc.

With the possible exception of very excessive drinking (which is basically just another form of drug abuse), none of those things cause the sort of damage to a family that having a hard drug user in your family does. Trust me on this, I've experienced it first hand.

The fact that drinking is already legal yet alcoholism is still a large problem in society should already show you that the legalisation of a drug isn't a magic bullet to make all the societal problems associated with it suddenly go away.

Comment Obvious solution (Score 1) 190

>> they mostly seem to concern compatibility with

This a problem of their own making, as a direct result of doing an incomplete rollout.

Why are they even continuing to use or even allow Microsoft-proprietary formats in the first place?

The could easily require that anyone submitting documents to them use ODF (or basically any open standard other than Microsoft).

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