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Comment Re:The Roman Empire? (Score 1) 348

Snowden would be a hero in my mind if he'd stopped at just revealing the illegal spying the NSA was doing on US citizens, but he went farther than that. He revealed a lot of the things the NSA does to spy on foreign powers. That is their job and I expect them to do it, and I do not expect a citizen of the US to reveal our sources and methods of intelligence gathering. I don't think he's an evil person but I do think he went too far.

4 Items in play.
The leak
The value (to protecting the US and the state of our constitutional/democratic republic) of the leak.
The cost (to protecting the US and the state of our constitutional/democratic republic) of the leak.
The effort and time to redact or to personally edit the material to improve the value or at least reduce the cost.

The value seems to be so much greater than the cost, I'm not sure if the effort that you suggest is warranted.

Comment Almost... (Score 1, Flamebait) 348

From TFA:"Nowadays, 'Our military listeners have invaded the centre of an evolving net, where conscriptable digital superbrains gather intelligence on the human race for purposes of bagatelle and capitalism."

It's not capitalism if the government has its hooks in every aspect of trade and communications.

Comment The Surveillance Singularity (Score 1) 284

I predict the "Surveillance Singularity" is near.

That will happen when the party in office reaches the capability to completely manipulate opponents, the media and citizens through intel gained via NSA surveillance tools like PRISM. At that point, the last party shift will occur at the presidency, then congress and the supreme court will align to whichever party holds that office.

Sad times are ahead if we cannot change this road before us.

Comment Re:Parabellum (Score 1) 212

Hmmm. What message are they giving here? Parabellum, n Definition: a type of semiautomatic pistol or machine-gun; also called Luger, also written parabellum Etymology: Latin 'for war'

Wow... where to start...
Semi-auto machine gun. Semi-auto is one shot per trigger pull. Machine guns are capable of full-auto fire. Semi-autos are not.

No, Parabellum isn't a pistol of any sort. There's a pistol cartridge (9x19, 9mm Luger) that's also known as 9mm Parabellum. It's extremely common around the world.
Yes, parabellum is Latin. But the word pre-dated its use in ammunition. Obviously.
"bellum" is latin for war.
Antebellum (as in after the war) and Parabellum (as in "with" or "in a war").

The connections that you so poorly tried to establish are as bad as the guys that are trying to say that because the Nazi's used 9mm Parabellum in WWII, that this is a link between the GOP and Nazis. Either way, it's just bad politics when people try to make up any type of a connection imaginable to discredit the other team.
Before you try and guess, no, I'm not a fan of the GOP. I'm also not a fan of people adding mud to the murky waters of political debate.
Now, can't we drop the silly little kids games and the forget the my-team vs your-team while real issues get discussed?

Comment Re: Get Ready (Score 1) 383

To be fair, I think the guy should be removed from office. The problem as I see it is that Congress demands that every appointee be removed if they make any mistake, no matter how minor or (as in this case) serious. Meanwhile, some appointees can never get approved under any circumstances.

Given that environment, I can see why Obama won't fire the guy. There's a chance Obama would not get a replacement confirmed by the end of his term.

The whole process, and most everyone involved in it, sucks all around.

God forbid that the parties compromise to find a non-partisan appointee.

Comment Re:Get Ready (Score -1, Flamebait) 383

Dunno about CP but Paul Broun is my congress critter and he's currently giving away an AK-15 to promote gun rights. I entered the drawing. Not that I particularly want it, but I'd rather I have it where I know I can stick it in a gun safe than have someone else in my neighborhood have it.

Typical Authoritarian who self-labels as "Liberal".

"I can have it, but you can't be trusted with it" mentality is evident in your post.
Reference to an "AK-15": shows a lack of understanding the facts by inadvertently combining the AR-15 and AK-47 names into one.
Sounds like the California politician who says things like "30 Clip Magazines"

Comment Re:"News for nerds??" (Score 1) 934

Not to mention even the term "gun control" is biased and is based on the false premise that prohibiting possession prevents crime.

No one promotes "pen control" measures to prevent accounting fraud.
No one promotes "spoon control" measures to combat obesity.
No one promotes "penis control" measures to prevent rape.

It's the same with the term "gun violence"

We don't have "pen fraud", "spoon calories", or "penis rape".

I agree, it's a technology issue and has strong parallels to other issues like rights to privacy, encryption, 3D printers, intellectual property and science. For those who don't see these parallels, then maybe you're not fully digesting the content that you're taking in from Slashdot.

Comment Re:hold it (Score 1) 934

Hold the phone here: The constitution says that we have the right to own and possess guns, yet makes no mention of the right to sell them. I'm actually 100% positive what Chicago did here was not illegal

That's akin to saying that the constitution allows for free speech, but not for the pre-requisite air.

Comment Almost fooled me... (Score 3, Insightful) 380

The voracious supporters of democracy and freedom in the West are more radical and virulent than 20th century International Communists when it comes to spreading their ideology. China has every right to to be concerned, especially when bringing "democracy" and "freedom" to the rest of the world means bombing campaigns, land invasions, and subservience to Western central banks.

Wow, for a brief moment there, I thought that you weren't condoning censorship. Good use of the halo-effect/devil-effect in making the East's censorship look justified by calling out the West's evils. Uncensored corruption is of course bad, but censorship doesn't suddenly make the censors' intentions or methods a good thing. Let me simplify: Censorship = still bad.

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