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Comment Re:Fad Ahead? (Score 1) 131

I live in a country where beekeeping is juuuust starting to take off. The prevalence of diseases - at present - is probably little to none. And we're highly geographically isolated. So if disease and pest control is normally the biggest challenge, then we've got that taken care of (our main challenges here are cold, windy weather and a long winter; supplimental winter feeding is a must)

Comment Re:Two things (Score 1) 131

Absolutely correct that this is a hobby item. And I think it's a great hobby item. They even added emphasis to help maintain the connection with the bees, such as a large clear plastic viewing window on the tap side.

And it's not like you never have to open up the box. Just not to rob the honey.

Comment Re:Terrorists (Score 4, Interesting) 270

Well, at least...

It's funny to watch the whole spiel from across the pond. I know, maybe it's the distance and the loss of resolution distance entails, but I can't really see that much of a difference between those two parties that you have. It's pretty much the same party to me, maybe with a strawberry flavor here and a blueberry flavor there, but slushy is slushy. The basic ingredients are the same crap, the rest is flavoring. Artificial flavoring.

But yet you see people bicker with an insane drive to ensure that THEIR side of The Party isn't to blame, it's ALL the other side's fault. I look at the whole mess and can only think that you're sitting in a swimming pool with a line splitting it off in the middle, with either side blaming the other one for pissing in the pool but neither even thinking about getting out and draining the water.

Comment Re:good bye to US datacenters (Score 1) 406

The problem is far easier to analyze. Let's take a look at the premises:

1. The enemy is able and willing to use torture and is able and willing to employ it to reach its goal.
2. You are a human being, able to feel pain, with a finite amount of willpower to resist torture, and unable to escape in a way that is favorable for you.

That's it. And no matter what else happens, it ends in a "don't care" position.

Whether you have that key does not matter. Because handing that key over does not end the torture, because if, in what way and for how long torture is applied is not within your control in any way. Yes, of course your torturer will promise you that it ends if you hand over what he wants, but do I really want to trust the word (because that is ALL I have, it's not like there's an enforceable contract between him and me) of someone willing to inflict pain upon me?

The torture ends only if your tormentor decides he wants to. This has little, if anything, to do with you handing over anything he wants.

Comment Re:good bye to US datacenters (Score 1) 406

It won't. But how should having the keys keep them from torturing me if they are willing to do so?

I don't win with that strategy. All I can ensure with it is that the enemy doesn't either. But then again, I cannot win with either strategy, so this is the best exit I have. If you can't save your queen, ensure you can take the enemy's one as well.

Comment Re:What would a Nurse Do (Score 5, Funny) 162

The summary did call the person in question the robot's owner.

I think the robot should obey the owner's wishes and get them the drink. But it should sigh audibly when asked to and mumble under its breath while giving it to them. Maybe occasionally snipe at them in a passive-aggressive manner. "Should I cancel all productive activities that you had scheduled on your calendar for today?" "Would you like vodka in a glass or should I set it up as an IV drip into your arm?" "Would you like me to make a bunch of regrettable drunken Facebook posts for you, or would you rather do it yourself?"

Comment Re:git blame (Score 4, Insightful) 309

Blame the users mostly for not giving a fuck about encryption.

That is stupid. It's like saying blame the drivers for not giving a fuck about fuel injection. Users should not have to care about encryption. They should care about having secure and private communication, and how to make that happen is our job, it's why we are being paid more than burger flippers.

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