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Comment Re:ROTFL! (Score 5, Insightful) 148

At least now perhaps we can put to rest some of these awful trends in web design:

- Oversized graphics that require excessive scrolling.

- Parallax silliness (Because we can)

- Round bio photos (Because Apple, that's why)

- Giant "flat design" icons that add zero value

- The full-screen expanded "hero" div which is basically this decade's "title screen". (Seriously, title screens suck. Why is one that requires slowly 'scrolling' past -

- better than one that one clicks past?)

- The giant quote. Does this need to fill up 1/3 of my screen? Why?

Comment Just keep them out of the schools. (Score 1) 616

Have you been to a school lately? Since growing up, that is?

Have you noticed how children interact with each other?

they're germ incubators. Everything gets shared. And shared. And shared.

If you don't want to vaccinate your kids, fine, but at least have the decency not to bring them to the public schools. That's all this bill is asking.

Comment The point is that life is bad, dummy (Score 5, Funny) 64

Obviously: Since without Life our oceans would be larger, it doesn't take a genius to see that life is negatively impacting the size of our oceans.

As a conservationist I am deeply concerned about this.

Also, by the same token -- it disturbs me that all this out-of-control biology has clearly had an effect on the chemical composition of our atmosphere. Why is no one more freaked out by this? Historic records clearly show that our atmosphere has become tainted with oxygen as a result of all this "life".

Are you okay with chemical changes to the atmosphere, and smaller oceans? Well? Are you?!

Comment Re:Appropriate vocational training (Score 1) 599

Ok, so let me get this straight. Society at large *still* judges men based upon how much bacon we bring home. Society still expects us to be the primary bread winners in the household. Except for anecdotes, there is huge pressure for men to fulfill this role... and now not only do male tech workers, who if they are in their 30's or older were likely ostracized, ridiculed, or harassed on their way through k-12 to earn this spot, now not only have to compete against H1B's, but also against the very same women who will still very likely judge men, even on a subconcious level, by how much bacon we bring home? This is a bandage on a wound that requires stitches. The whole foundation needs to be ripped up and our society first has to deal with these other issues before we start pushing more women to this job because there's not enough vaginas there, and we need to push more men into these fields because there's not enough penises there, and for some reason penises and vaginas as somehow vital to occupations that aren't strip clubs or sex work...

Comment Re:Double the Outrage (Score 2) 92

Sure you do if their policies are what led to this being unnecessarily possible. Why do the call centers need access to the full social security number? Why not the first two and last two digits or something like that? Surely these weren't the sales call centers - Americans in general tend to not like speaking to sales people with accents.

Comment Re:Canadian Tire (Score 1) 262

The Retail Equation is what a number of big retailers in the USA use (i.e. Victoria's Secret). Even if you show up with the original receipt in hand and are just asking to do a like-item exchange for a different size, they demand to scan your gov't issued photo id. They will refuse your exchange unless you capitulate or try to dispute the purchase with your credit card company.

If there was ever a legitimate use for a fake id, this is it.

Comment Re:What a stupid piece. (Score 3, Insightful) 317

Well to be fair, there is a certain irony about calling the energy "renewable" when it couldn't be sustained.

Still, it's an impressive accomplishment that they pulled it off as long as they did. It should be noted though that:

1) It's not replicable everywhere at any time.
2) Costa Rica doesn't have particularly demanding energy needs (as the "stupid" guy above pointed out).

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