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Comment Re:News for nerds ... (Score 1) 205

You are being silly, just talking of preference of one of infinite number of methods of averaging. That's fine but don't claim that one particular one has to be intrinsic to "climatology" (perhaps one major university in the world has field of study recently created named that, normally degree that would be in a couple other realms for a serious scientist, instead "climatologist" mostly a tag for agenda driven pseudo scientists at the IPCC).

You sure are a source of amusement for those of us who have studied geophysics (not "climatology")

Comment Re:News for nerds ... (Score 1, Troll) 205

Sorry, you're using multi-year averaged graphs (and probably the IPCC which go higher than NASA's).

Yes, Arctic ice making year on year recovery for now, but sure that can change. I just like reality rather than hoopla.

Ice minimum not decreasing, is increasing, your last sentence contains fallacy.

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 1) 157

"Legitimate?" Those "separatists" are in violation of the law of their land, they are armed terrorists. Do you think you would be legitimate if you illegally possessed heavy weapons and declared war on Washington DC, and were shooting down civilian aircraft, blowing up vehicles and killing people? Of course not.

Comment Re:News for nerds ... (Score -1, Flamebait) 205

There are many theories and models of climate change, not one. Reputable mainstream scientists question parts of them and refine and change the models (e.g. warming in antarctic via volcanoes or AGW). You probably have a very superficial knowledge of science yourself, not even up to the level of entry level college courses.

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