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Comment Re:Too much good content is deleted at Wikipedia. (Score 4, Insightful) 239

I quickly found out that the notability idiots over at Wikipedia have repeatedly chosen to target it for elimination.

They've been doing this for years, and long ago burned out my interest in contributing. I've seen 3 pages I helped create/curate get deleted. Happily 2 of the three eventually were re-created by others a year or two later, but a lot of work was destroyed. Let them have their "The free encyclopedia that anyone can edit" slogan - I'll continue to be a parasite reading without contributing unless they clean up their practices to prevent the destruction of good articles.

Comment Additionally, random account creation (Score 1) 7

Another flaw - using the email address as the username and then not verifying the email address prior to actual account creation has lead to me getting a number of accounts on a number of systems I have no interest in. This is probably mostly due the fact that my main email address is very simple and a bunch of people either mistakenly or idiotically keep using it instead of their own... As a matter of fact that's how I ended up with a FB account in the first place.

Comment Re:On fundamentalists (Score 1) 13

I hope i am not making judgement calls in the JE. I just wanted to convey my state of mind.

No, didn't sound judgmental to me, just wanted to offer my view of how diverse the mores of American Evangelical Fundamentalists can be (my view from having been in a fundamentalist community for a long time).

I would have expected a high correlation between the the Conservative Dress bucket and Non-Believers bucket.

I think there is a correlation so your expectation is justified, but there are all sorts of surprises from individual sects.

I also wonder about that cursing thing. She was scared of me thinking i might curse her. Where did that even come from?

That is very strange, who knows whether it was just childish imagination, doctrine or culture from the home or the church, or what?

Comment On fundamentalists (Score 1) 13

There are all different flavors of fundamentalists, and while many hold to "conservative dress" as a doctrine, it's definitely not universal. The same goes for the idea of not associating with "non-believers" (bucket group, everyone that does not adhere to the set of beliefs the particular brand of fundamentalism says are required for salvation), some preach that, while others will explicitly preach evangelical immersion (go meet "non-believers" and make them want to convert by being the best friend ever!).

Always nice to hear that social mores around what "racial" couplings are allowed are loosening.

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