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Comment Re:ABOUT FUCKING TIME! (Score 1) 765

The main thing I think you're missing is that systemd makes some people happy and some people sad. And the set of people it has to make happy is very small (as to the set of people who it actually makes happy and the set of people it actually makes sad: I have no idea how large those sets are, and probably no one else does either).

Comment Re:ABOUT FUCKING TIME! (Score 2) 765

The carrot is making things as easy as possible for the people who write init scripts in distros (since they are the ones who are responsible for deciding whether systemd is adopted or not). That is discussed here and here. The stick are the emotional posts that the author spreads throughout the internet (threatening distro irrelevance, etc).

Comment Re:ABOUT FUCKING TIME! (Score 5, Informative) 765

I cannot believe that two known incompetent hacks with bad personalities can screw over a whole large tech-savvy community all by themselves.

I don't think it's that bad, they don't have to convince the entire 'tech-savvy community,' they only need to convince a very small subset of that community, the people who are writing init scripts for distros. And that subset is very small.

Systemd knows that very well. They've worked very hard to make init-script writers happy, and have been very responsive in making changes. If you look through the Debian mailing lists, you can see this......there's no need to blame the NSA or others. They're just following a useful principle: find the ones who have power to do what you want, then make them as happy as possible. The systemd people have done that.

Comment Re:cgroups (Score 1) 10

gnome doesn't depend on cgroups. It doesn't depend on systemd either.

Well, it does, but it's a soft dependency (can be replaced by other things). So whatever word you want to use for that is fine.

-- systemd's whole raison d'etre is to be a service manager that knows exactly what processes belong to what services. (and, other fun stuff like limiting resource usage on a per service basis).

I don't know if 'raison d'etre' is the right word here, since there are many potential reasons it could exist......but the reason it's been adopted is primarily because it makes it easier to write init scripts. That's really all people really seem to want (there are some other interesting ideas in systemd, like a unified API for accessing USB but IMO that is utterly useless without cross-platform compatibility).

Seriously, I just dropped by your journal to see if you had an interesting new post, which you do.

Thank you, sir.

btw I've seen the above porting strategy used many times, even in some bizarrely different platforms, so I feel confident it could work in this case.

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