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Comment Re:Good luck with that. (Score 1) 558

After having to screw around with all my automatic bill payments due to getting a new debit card number because of Home Depot's terrible security and shitty point-of-sale equipment, I'm okay with a few companies putting some thought towards making digital payment far more secure, which both Apple Pay and Google Wallet accomplish.

They may not be any more or less convenient, but they are a shitload more secure.

Comment Re:What a wonderful article (Score 1) 296

Boot camp previous to Intel Macs? Nope.

Boot camp is the combination of some helper software Apple wrote to streamline the shrinking and repartitioning of a disk, and the UEFI CSM.

Macs previous to Intel were not using UEFI and had no access to the CSM. They used OpenFirmware, like other PowerPC-based devices.

Comment Re:I don't know I've had similar problems (Score 1) 296

The switch to PowerPC happened in 1993. There was still a nice long roadmap in 2002 for that to be a useable architecture right until Motorola spun off their semiconductor business (Freescale), and IBM decided that CPUs that don't require their own coal furnace to operate weren't worth the bother. Thus, Apple was screwed in the notebook space for several years offering slightly better G4 chips, while their desktops could continue with PowerPC "G5" CPUs.

The switch to Intel was purely because Intel saw the way of the future that IBM refused - less TDW means better products that people want to buy. They ditched the shitty Pentium 4 and started working the Pentium-M into the "Core" architecture right around the same time that Apple started porting OS X to x64.

Comment Re:Automation and jobs (Score 0) 720

Unskilled labor doesn't have to remain unskilled - there are many options available for people to learn how to do other essential jobs that cannot easily be replaced.

Unmotivated labor doesn't stand a chance - if they get replaced by automation, they are unlikely to go to a vocational school to learn how to weld or wire a new electrical circuit.

Comment Re:Remember when WSJ had a modicrum of decency? (Score 3, Insightful) 720

I think this is still in the Journal's ballpark. What was not economical for McD's to do before (automate ordering) possibly becomes so when you're getting forced to pay someone $15/hr to stand at a counter and push buttons.

This is what the minimum wage hike advocates never seem to understand - when you raise the labor expense, many more options become economical to the employer.

(This post is not an opinion on whether the minimum wage should be raised or not, so don't flame me. It is simply an opinion on the possible consequences.)

Comment Re:Tesla wasn't the target, it was China (Score 1) 256

You CAN afford to put solar on your roof. There are several companies that do solar installs based on a "Power Purchase Agreement" rather than an outright purchase, or will finance the panels at a price that still has you saving money per month over what you are paying for electricity now.

Comment Re:Please Microsoft... (Score 2) 347

Or, better yet, in Windows 2012 when you right click on the computer and select "Manage", you get the completely useless Server Manager application that takes forever to populate with data and become usable rather than the computer management MMC snap-in that we're actually looking for since Windows 2000.

Now I have to either run MMC manually and add the snap-in, or use the shitty start "menu" to click on administrative tools, and click computer management.

Thanks for that.

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