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Comment Meh (Score 1) 110

if you're going to go that route you also have to take aim at the underlining cause of drug abuse (poverty). Let's face it, when we talk about the war on drugs hurting people for whom it's a medical condition we mean poor people. If you're even upper middle class and you're busted for drugs you can get into a treatment program in no time. It's the poors that go to jail for using.

But the thing is, what do you do with the massive underclass we have? They're uneducated and likely to stay that way because their schools are underfunded. If you try to raise taxes to pay for better schools even a .5% sales tax raise gets voted into oblivion. Then there's jobs, or the lack thereof. Without education they only thing they're suited for is factory work, but that's all in China. Then there's fast food, but after 30 years of wage stagnation + inflation it doesn't pay enough to keep one adult alive let alone a family.

So what then? We don't want to pay 'em, we won't give 'em birth control until they die out ( a good 30% of our country is opposed on religious grounds ). We cordon them office and they wallow in their own misery. Every now and then a few spill over and the cops come down on them like a ton of bricks and we all dance around like the church woman from SNL acting like this doesn't happen every day...

Comment It depends on how you measure failure (Score 3, Insightful) 110

It's been a massive success at keeping the lower classes in their place. Here in Arizona we've got multi-million dollar homes right next to slums. You can't do that without a good solid pretext to go in and bust heads whenever the poors spill over. Drugs are great for that. If you're poor chances are good you're taking some form of drugs to cope with the effects of poverty. If nothing else it's the closest to medical care you can get. Now, think about what happens when a few of those poors wander into the wealthy neighborhoods. Maybe they're there to use a park, or take a kid to one of the nicer schools. But odds are good one of 'em has a joint or two. And with our drug laws being what they are you're pretty much guilty by association. If you get a chance look up _why_ marijuana is illegal some time (hint: Migrant farm workers smoked it).

Then there's our whole private prison thing. As always, follow the money.

Comment Re: Hope it's better... (Score 1) 119

4k capable small form factor PCs cost more than $100 and 4k hdmi is even more rare. Eventually this will change, but probably not until Christmas 2016 if you want to wait. Meanwhile you can buy a smart tv and use the 4k smart stuff now and buy the SFF box next year and hook it to a 4k input.

How many of those 4k smart tvs actually have 4k output from their internal smartass? And when they do, how often is it actually any better than upscaled 1080p? And how many people who are buying 4k TVs can't afford a SFF PC over $100?

Comment Re:Publicity stunt? (Score 1) 776

This SJW/MRA war is becomign absurd. It has all the hallmarks of the atheist/creationist debate: a heated internet flame war without end or objective, mired in hyperbole and bitter invectives. Why should the rest of us be forced to pick sides between these people?

So take the article as entertainment instead of a call to action. rather than your torch and pitchfork, take up your popcorn and soda.

Problem is, I already know people are fucking crazy, I come from Santa Cruz where there's a wingnut holding down every corner. (They've upped the jackbootery since the mall redesign, though, so there's a bit less of that, now you need a musical instrument in good working order... don't have to know how to play the fucker though)

Comment Re:Just different versions of the future (Score 1) 776

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a feminist monster truck rally - forever" - Me after watching Mad Max

That sounds kind of awesome, tbh.

That depends to me on whether or not they're the prudish kind of feminist. I prefer the sexual freedom type, for obvious reasons, and obviously that's the kind you want to mix with CAR CRUSHIN', MUD SLINGIN' ACTION.

Comment Re:Sorry MRAs (Score 1) 776

You can see they are bragging about the attention they got.

Yes, because it's the only attention they can get. It only makes them seem more sad and pathetic. I say let it ride.

On the other hand, whatever people want to do, don't go there and leave comments. Leave your comments about them elsewhere and use nofollow on your links.

Comment Re:Men's Rights activitst? (Score 1) 776

How about a retraction Slashdot for not doing your fucking research.

You must be new here

Wait, that isn't a parody site?

Clearly not a men's rights page. He even has reasons why not.

Clearly a butthurt whinefest page. Crying about gay marriage and feminists doesn't convince anyone that you're masculine.

Comment Re:"Incredibly feminist action film"- Charlize The (Score 1) 776

How was it a "bait and switch" if the fact that there are important female characters was widely publicized before the film's opening?

I knew there was a Mad Max movie, but I didn't know anything about "important female characters" in it. And I do watch movies, but I watch them on Netflix. I don't go to theaters. I don't live near any which are worth going to. I have a big TV and a DTS surround system at home. Why would I go out to rub elbows with the unwashed masses of asses? By the same token, I ignore mainstream media, which is bullshit, and I block ads, which are bullshit. Consequently, I knew nothing of this.

Don't be proud to have been inundated by commercials. That's just sad.

Comment Re:The Road Warrior (Score 1) 776

Indeed. What they should have done was get the writer/director of the original film, who I gather had been trying to get a sequel made for over a decade, to come and write and direct the new one. Clearly whoever they got to write this didn't really understand Max's character at all.

I have just three words for you, and they are "star wars prequels". I don't know if this movie is good or not, but that argument is awful.

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